Fashionable curtains in the living room

In any dwelling, whether it be a country house, a summer residence or an apartment, the living room occupies the place of honor. The whole family gathers in it on solemn dates, it receives guests. It is not by chance that the hostess pays special attention to the design of this room.
Making the living room - the task is quite complicated, which requires an integrated approach. One of the necessary components of this multifaceted work is the selection of curtains, which could be a real decoration of the room. To successfully cope with this task, you need to know both the basic rules for draping windows, and modern popular design solutions within various stylistic directions.
Design features
Experts advise those who have begun to design the living room, first of all, to determine what specific tasks are planned to be solved with the help of curtains.
The fact is that the fabric decoration of the window, in addition to the purely aesthetic function, is performed by a number of others. TO it is customary to refer to them as follows:
- providing a diffusing light effect;
- protection from sunlight;
- draft protection;
- sound insulation;
- protection of privacy from the eyes.
For dispersion of sunlight penetrating into a room, if it is, for example, a hall, a single-layer curtain may also be sufficient. If there is a need to take care of the upholstery of upholstered furniture (for example, if the windows face the south side), it is better to opt for heavy curtains having a lining.
If drafts hinder your comfort in the room, you will need thick curtains: velvet and tweed are well suited for this purpose, as well as lightweight fabrics with thermal padding.
In an apartment building curtains help to solve the problem of sound insulation. To do this, select a dense fabric that can absorb sounds and soften the penetrating background noise.
As for protecting your privacy from outside views, here everyone has a wide selection of fabrics. The undoubted helper will be heavy night curtains, which not only provide the necessary window decoration, but also create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness in the room. Meanwhile, even an air curtain or a weightless curtain, included as an integral element in a small room, can reliably isolate it from the outside world.
As is known, nowadays many homeowners combine living room with kitchen, thus combining several zones with diverse functions in one room. Developing a design for such a heterogeneous functional room is quite a difficult task, because for its competent solution it is necessary to ensure the correct distribution of all available functional segments, select the most ergonomic furniture option in accordance with the layout of the room, and find a common organic stylistic solution.
So, designers recommend to give preference to light colors, which will not lose its relevance for many years and provide an opportunity to experiment without any damage with color solutions.
At the same time, the only indispensable condition is the introduction of a certain number of accented elements into the living-dining room. In this capacity, there should be pieces of furniture, lamps, paintings and photographs, living plants, vases and, no doubt, window drapery.
There are no special restrictions for the window drapery of the living-dining room. The choice of material is determined by the size of the room, the number of windows and their configuration. It is quite possible to restrict translucent curtains or combine them with curtains. If you are not satisfied with the configuration of the windows, you can drape the entire wall with a cloth. You will get the most effective solution when using a monochromatic translucent veil for this purpose.
What is in fashion now?
Each year, stylists celebrate the introduction of new motifs in the design of curtains designed to decorate a modern hall. In view of the rapidly changing fashion, the task of buying curtains dictates the need for prior acquaintance with current trends in design.
Fashion trends this year due to the desire of man to ensure a cleaner environment.In accordance with this, it is increasingly strongly recommended to choose natural materials, that is, natural fabrics, such as cotton, linen, jute, and silk, to decorate a home.
However, stylish curtains for the living room can be made of faux fabric. The original style solution can provide heavy curtains from materials such as taffeta and velvet, containing synthetic fibers.
If you prefer light curtains, accentuating the effect of air weightlessness, you should choose from transparent fabrics - a veil, chiffon, tulle. Such curtains of thin fabrics are widely used in the Loft style, which is currently gaining in popularity. It is not by chance that this year the most fashionable in terms of the combination of weightlessness of the material itself and its color solution are beautiful white curtains.
Despite this, experts do not seek to limit the color palette of curtains. It traditionally includes along with bright and bright natural colors and muted pastel shades.
Among the newfangled trends characteristic of print, it should be noted a large catchy pattern for curtains. Naturally, such a print is suitable for spacious rooms, in a small room it will create only annoying diversity. As for the most popular drawings on the print, they now include abstract, geometric and floral compositions.
One of the modern bold solutions for the design of the living room is the use of black or dark gray curtains.. Since dark shades in any case make the interior of the room heavier, such curtains will look spectacular only in a spacious and very bright living room, in the color palette of which the perfect whiteness prevails.
New items
New in the field of living room design projects are now mainly based on a variety of combinatorics of popular style decisions. So, stylists propose to combine classic models of curtains with such models that the consumer does not perceive as usual. The latter include Roman and roller blinds or blinds.
Currently, bamboo bamboo blinds are at the peak of popularity, as a supplement to which classic straight canvases are. This kind of tandem of national traditions and original borrowing from Eastern culture has attractive features: the naturalness of the materials used, the versatility and practicality of the kit, as well as its design brevity.
A new trend in the design of curtains for the living room is the use of eyelets, metal or plastic rings, with which curtains can be fixed to the cornice. This design allows curtains to fall under its own weight, forming a dramatic deep folds and visually increasing the height of the living room.
The cringles are also good in that they are able to perform the function of a decorative element: to create a contrast for the monochromatic canvases necessary for the overall color palette of the room or to add another shade of the prevailing tonality to it.
The use of various ensembles of curtains is becoming more and more common for decorating windows in the living room, which ensures the harmony of design both in terms of color and the texture of its elements. For this purpose, today offers a multi-faceted solution by introducing into such ensembles a variety of accessories for curtains:brushes, pickups, pelmets, etc.
Lambrequin is of particular importance for the decoration of living room windows. On the one hand, completing the window composition, it performs a purely decorative function, giving the appearance of the living room solemnity. On the other hand, the pelmet reliably hides the imperfections of both the wall finish and the errors made during the installation of window blocks.
More and more attention in the market of curtains today is paid to the Japanese fabric panels. Being sliding fabric canvases stretched over a rectangular shape, they are usually perceived as a fabric screen that organically fits into any version of minimalist design. Among the many models of Japanese curtains, you can choose along with common monophonic variations and models with a muted print, which traditionally depicts plant or abstract compositions.
Proper design of the living room with the help of curtains will undoubtedly require from you a good orientation in the world of those styles that this year are considered to be trendy. These now include the following:
- Classicism;
- Neoclassicism;
- Pop Art;
- Art Deco;
- Eco-style;
- Minimalism;
- Eclecticism.
The classic style lives its life beyond time: it is always in demand, and over the years the army of its fans does not decrease. The classical approach to the design of curtains involves the choice of straight cloths of fabric that descend to the floor, which are usually combined with airy tulle. Such drapery of windows and window openings is not only beautiful, but also multifunctional.
At the same time, the neoclassical direction is gaining more and more attention. Neoclassicism is distinguished by the fact that it organically blends classic designs with fresh solutions into modern living space. The non-standard style of this style can be emphasized with the help of volume, weighted draperies of curtains or by means of Roman curtains in combination with simple unpretentious curtains.
Pop Art
The design of the living room in the style of Pop Art involves the use of neutral light colors as the main background. White is most often chosen for this purpose. Since the function of accents within Pop Art is carried out by various decor elements, the curtains also take on the solution of this task due to the brightness and contrast of the colors of the prints.
If you are attracted by the glamor of the elite Art Deco style, which is based on the unexpected combination of simplicity and smoothness of forms with striking chic, you will have to finish the living room in a bright color scheme.
At the same time, the necessary interior contrast is usually ensured by the dark tonality of the furniture set, the curtains having to underline the solid thoroughness. It is interesting to note that according to the color code adopted in Art Deco, both plain curtains and curtains with original geometric patterns are welcome.
Eco style
Since the return to nature has now become the slogan of modern man, Eco-style is very popular, in accordance with which the dominant role both in the decoration and decoration of the dwelling is given to natural materials.
The requirements of Eco-style fully comply with the curtains made of cotton, flax, silk and other natural materials. In this case, preference should be given to the natural colors, in which colors such as white, gray, yellow, beige, blue, and green prevail.It is not forbidden to use patterns and prints that cause associations with typical natural paintings. It is in this vein that the photo-curtains that are fashionable in the current season are made, which depict exotic flowers, plants, birds and animals.
Adherence to minimalism requires the refusal in the interior of excessive ornamentation and the use of concise solutions in the color palette - the imposition of bright accents on a light background. Attached to the curtains minimalist requirement means the choice for the hall unpretentious light curtains in bright colors. In this case, many experts consider white curtains to be the ideal solution as a symbol of the standard of minimalist direction.
A variety of minimalist solutions in the arrangement of the living room can give the use of Roman curtains. Recently, more and more stylists for decorating a living room decorated in this style recommend curtains that are not quite familiar to the Russian audience - Japanese.
According to experts, eclecticism is now at its peak of popularity, based on a combination of incompatible components. It should be remembered that professional eclecticism does not at all imply an arbitrary combination of elements belonging to different styles. The secret of an eclectic solution that is literate in style is that the combination of heterogeneous style elements is perceived as absolutely natural and optimal for achieving the planned effect.
Color solutions
The task of harmoniously introducing curtains into the overall color scheme of the living room is not among the simple ones. To find a competent solution for it, first of all you need to clearly define what task you are laying on the curtains: they will perform the role of a central or background element in the design. It is the functional load of the curtains that ultimately determines the choice for them of a particular color and, accordingly, accessories.
Stylists point out that often for the living room curtains a neutral color scheme is a universal solution. It helps to neutralize the undesirable effect of a limited area of the room, the lack of light in it, contributes to the creation of its light airy image.
Color combinationsorganically blending into almost any style of the living room are such color solutions for curtains as white in all its shades, light colors of sand, beige and coffee.
Universal is also considered gray with its many shades. The wide range of compatibility characteristic of it removes any restrictions on the choice of colors when replacing furniture upholstery, carpet or wallpaper. The undoubted practicality of gray explains his many years of leadership among the fashionable colors of the living room interior.
Today, the fashion for natural fabric determines the fashion trends in the color palette recommended for curtains. The modern line of super-fashionable natural tonalities consists of sandy, mustard, pistachio, olive, various shades of blue (blue-green, blue with purple tint, blue-silver, blue-violet).
Chocolate with its various tint variations still remains a win-win color base for the selection of spectacular material for curtains.
Currently, the textile market presents a huge variety of fabrics for curtains.Depending on the functional purpose, features of the room for which they are intended, on the specifics of the design project, this or that material is selected.
Of course, it is impossible to arbitrarily change light curtains for heavy drapery material without damaging the design of your living room. The texture of the material and its color range are also of paramount importance.
When choosing fabric for curtains, you need to rely on the overall design project of the living room and in no case should you buy just the fabric you like.
Spectacular examples in the interior
For modern living room design today offers a lot of original ideas. One of them is the manufacture of curtains in the colorblock style solution. The secret of this stylistic approach to the design of window drapes is that the curtain fabric consists of a combination of horizontal pieces of fabric of different colors. This technique makes it possible not only to emphasize the original contrasting components of the interior, but also to emphasize the harmony of its color spectrum.
Another spectacular example of the use of combinatorics in the manufacture of curtains is the vertical connection of various types of material. Hanging such curtains most effectively in the living room, which has a bay window, since with such a configuration of the room you will need to arrange several canvases of curtains that create a certain composition.
The essence of vertical combinatorics in the design of window drapery is as follows. The main canvas of a classic neutral-tone curtain is framed by a narrow border, made of bright or printed material. This solution, which is based on the method of highlighting a color spot, moves the canvas into a color focus, visually increasing, moreover, the height of the living room. As a result, you get a balanced and stylish design solution for the living room.
It should be emphasized that the value of textiles for the design of a living room should not be underestimated even if you are completely confident in your ability to change its interior without much damage to yourself or are committed to hard minimalism. Experts say that draping windows, regardless of the capricious fashion trends, will remain in demand for rooms of different functional areas and, above all, for living rooms.This is due to the fact that any owner cannot but take care of its functionality, comfort and ability to satisfy its aesthetic needs.
Recommendations for choosing curtains, you can find out from the video below.