Eyelet Curtains

Beautifully falling curtains can add room attractiveness, warmth and comfort, it is an ideal option to decorate the window and make it unique. An obligatory accessory for curtains is the eaves fixing panels. Eaves can be as purely functional, in this case they are almost imperceptible, and decorative, reinforcing the impression of the fabric. The latter deservedly include forged, wooden, or plastic cornices with tips, the curtains for which are made to be hung with eyelets.
What it is?
Grommets are called rings with flange, usually made of brass, which serve as anchoring the edges of a round hole in the fabric. This term comes from the French word oillet that existed in the XIV century, which means “small eye”.
This convenient accessory has appeared due to the keenness of the navigators, who have thus adapted themselves to quickly raise and lower the sails, because the cable slides through the metal rings much faster than through the usual holes in the fabric. Over time, the convenience of using eyelets was appreciated by women of fashion who tightened their corsets and lacing on shoes with their help.
Also, at all times, theater curtains were fastened by means of rings, and then heavy velvet curtains in noble houses. Now grommets are used in all these areas, but they have become especially popular as an accessory for fastening curtains.
Such grommets come in different colors and finishes, so you can always choose rings that match or complement the finish of the cornice. There are rings that look like antique bronze, gold or tin. You can also choose the grommets in black, white, brown and other colors.
It is very easy and simple to update the interior by hanging new beautiful curtains, especially if they are located on an elegant eaves and draped in elegant noble folds. The rings, thanks to which the curtains can be quickly and easily closed and opened and which ensure the creation of uniform draperies, have always been used in the manufacture of curtains and curtains,however, they have recently become especially popular.
Veil or heavy curtains look on the grommets much more noble and keep the folds smooth and neat. Thanks to the sealing tape, which is necessarily used when installed on the grommet curtain, and the rings themselves, any material is draped in a naturally attractive and symmetrical way. It is also important that the cornice in this variant of window design remains almost completely visible, being an additional element of the decor.
In the salons of the curtains you can always find beautiful forged cornices or products made of chromed aluminum, having the sheen and attractive look of natural stainless steel, but much lighter in weight. In conjunction with the curtains and grommets of the corresponding tone, you can arrange the windows in any of the styles, ranging from Etno and Provence to Loft, Hi-tech or Techno. The size and shape of the curtains on the rings also does not have any artistic limitations and depends only on the taste and budget of the owner of the room.
Hanging the curtains on the grommets is much easier than using hooks.primarily due to wide and free openings,which easily and quickly pass along the rod of the eaves, secondly, since the number of these holes is much smaller compared to the hooks. Even a small child will be able to push such curtains apart; they slide evenly and have almost no resistance due to the smoothness of the eaves and rings. An additional advantage is the almost silent separation.
Unlike the loops, for which the hooks cling, the grommets do not stretch, so the edges of the curtains will not hang down afterwards.
Curtain eyelets can be of different outer diameter, from small - 30 mm, to larger - 55 mm. For fabrics with a thickness of 5 mm, it is recommended to use eyelets having an inner diameter of 35 mm and an outer diameter of 55 mm.
Modern industry produces eyelets of various materials:
- Metal, made of brass or stainless steel (gold color, nickel, antique, oxide);
- Plastic;
- Wood.
The shape of the rings can be either classic, in the form of a circle, or oval or fantasy. There are grommets in the form of stars, squares, drops, hearts or flowers. The surface can be smooth, but there are also twisted metal grommets decorated with rhinestones or having a convex ornament.
Plastic grommets are considered the most practical due to their low cost and greater ease of maintenance, since there is no danger of rust during washing of plastic-curtain curtains. Rings made of white plastic are more advantageous for long-term use and frequent washings, since the coating on the colored rings may peel off or shed.
When installing on heavy curtain fabrics, it is important to choose high-quality rings made of hard materials, such as various types of metal or thick plastic. It does not have to be expensive rings, but strong enough to support the weight of the curtains. It is better to install plastic eyelets on thin fabrics such as tulle or organza.
The choice of quality rings is a search for a balance between price and functionality.
When choosing a cornice for curtains with grommets, you should pay attention to the following points:
- The style in which the room is decorated. In a modern interior, the eaves should be simple and concise, not burdened with unnecessary details in the form of twisted forged tips or gilding, which would be appropriate in Baroque or Modern design solutions.
- Curtains to be placed. Be sure to consider the weight of the curtains. For lightweight curtains fit the eaves of plastic, while the heavy and bulky need durable metal eaves.
- The number of levels that will be on the eaves. If, in addition to curtains, there should be a lambrequin on the window, you will need a double curtain; for compositions consisting of lambrequin, curtains and tulle, the eaves must be triple.
- The length and width of the cornice relative to the window. It must be remembered that a small room can visually reduce the volume of dark eaves, and low ceilings will look higher if the eaves for curtains are fixed at the very ceiling. Also, a longer cornice can give the windows open space, and a short one will make them visually narrower.
- Material and color of the eaves. The presence of wooden furniture or decoration in the room will be in harmony with the same curtain and color curtains for the texture and color. If the interior is brass, gold tinted cornices will look very harmonious in it. Silvery can add a stylish modern touch to the interior and will be combined with the same furniture details or chandelier.
As for the size of the rod itself, it is worth remembering that metal rods, as a rule, are thinner. The diameter of the eaves varies from 10 to 35 mm depending on the material from which they are made. In addition to plastic, wooden and metal, you can buy metal eaves in decorative film “under the tree”, decorative eaves with tips from cut glass, as well as forged eaves, which can be twisted or smooth. An interesting option for light curtains with grommets will be the use of a cornice-string.
The choice of fabric
The most important factor when choosing a fabric for curtains are its properties, density and texture. Therefore, before you buy material for sewing curtains is to determine their purpose.
Some curtains are needed to create an aesthetic accent.. They decorate the room, soften the lines of the window or visually increase its size, for example, when hanging below the window sill. However, more often curtains are necessary for privacy or to protect from light and noise.
Choosing the right curtain fabric can help you achieve your goals. If the curtains are intended only for aesthetic purposes, then their only important characteristic is whether they will fade under sunlight. When natural fabrics such as cotton or linen are used for the manufacture of such curtains, you need to make sure that the fibers have a high-quality and durable color.
Best of all, synthetic fabrics will resist fading.
If the curtains are needed to protect from noise and light or to warm the room, you should make sure that the fabric is heavy enough and suited to its purpose. From thin cotton fabric it is impossible to make good thick curtains. A good choice in this case will be bulk heavy fabrics, such as satin, velvet, linen fabric, as well as all the options of dense polyester. When using light fabrics for this purpose, it is better to add a more dense lining, combining the fabrics so that they visually complement each other.
Fabrics for curtains include almost any type - from natural fibers to artificial mixtures. Transparent fabrics of light weaving, such as silk, organza, veil or just cotton, let light through well.Thick fabrics block the sun's rays, creating comfortable conditions for better sleep and protecting them from indiscreet gaze from the street.
Here are some of the types of materials most in demand when sewing curtains on grommets:
- Tapestry, which refers to natural fabrics. The canvas is a heavy woven fabric, which was previously made from hemp, but now is usually made of cotton or flax. The threads are woven very tightly, thanks to which the fabric has a good ability to block light.
- Poplin. This is a medium weave fabric, which can be made of cotton, flax, silk, artificial fibers or a mixture of any of them. The hem is formed by a cylindrical cross-shaped rib, giving the material a ribbed appearance.
- Velvet is a heavy fabric with a voluminous texture, due to which the material does not let the sun's rays and cold. It can be made of cotton, natural silk "tongue" or synthetic fibers, such as rayon, acetate or rayon.
- Satin (atlas) It has a characteristic smooth texture and a brilliant appearance.In former times, this material was made from silk, but now it is made from artificial fibers, sometimes in a mixture with natural materials. Satin has an average density and blocks light well.
- Brocade - it is a fabric made by interlacing threads with a spectacular, bright and rich texture, usually with a design woven into the fabric. It is a heavy material that provides good opacity and retains heat in cold rooms. Nowadays, brocade is often produced from synthetic materials.
- Cotton - This is a lightweight fabric for curtains that allow you to retire, but do not block the access of light. The material has an airy texture.
- Viscose - It is a fiber made from cellulose. The fabric has a crunchy texture and a brilliant appearance, it drapes beautifully and is well-maintained for many years.
- Organza It is made of various materials - from pure silk to a mixture of rayon and polyester. She is often hung under heavy drapes to provide some degree of privacy when the curtains are open.
- Lace or Lace Tulle are one of the most traditional curtain fabrics and give the windows a classic, elegant look. They can be made from different types of fibers, most valued cotton lace from natural fibers, such as silk or linen. Lace fabric is a weave of air threads that does not interfere with the penetration of light into the room, but at the same time creates a cool inside.
- Tulle, which also includes a veil and a cobweb - this is the most delicate and thinnest fabric, serves exclusively for decoration.
- Denim - This is a heavy cotton fabric with a lot of artificial prismesy. It provides good insulation for rooms and has a moderate ability to block light.
- Jacquard can be made from both natural and synthetic fibers. The peculiarity of its weaving are multicolor complex patterns, resembling brocade. Very durable material that has an average transparency. In the manufacture of curtains usually used Jacquard-atlas.
- Chenille - this is jacquard, in the weaving of which there is a thread with villi.
- PVC darkening fabric which is called dimout dims the light, and blackout completely blocks it.
How to install the rings on the fabric?
The first thing to do before inserting the grommets is to calculate their required amount. To do this, measure the width of the curtain and divide the size by 8. The resulting number will mean the minimum number of rings that need to be used to hang the curtain. If you divide the width of the curtain by 4, you get the maximum number of grommets, which will create the most spectacular folds. The general rule is that one ring is placed every 15 - 22 cm.
Therefore, if the curtain is 210 cm wide and you want to place your rings at a distance of 15 cm, you need to divide 210 by 15 and you get the number of rings (14) needed for each panel. It is also necessary to determine the weight of the curtains. The heavier the fabric, the more rings will have to be used. If the fabric is light, you can get by with fewer rings. When making the calculation, consider that the rings are sold in packages containing from 7 to 14 pieces. Grommets are installed on hemmed curtains with a finished edge.
Natural fabrics need to be moistened beforehand, let them dry naturally and then iron.This process is called decorating and allows you to avoid shrinking the finished product after washing.
Directly installation of the rings is as follows:
- A cringing tape is put on the edge of the curtain: it is glued with the help of an iron with careful, slow motions so as not to pull off the fabric;
- The top edge of the ribbon bends and curls around;
- The fabric unfolds, the locations of the rings are marked on it, starting from the outermost one, which is placed at a distance of 3-4 cm from the edge of the curtain;
- The grommet is superimposed on the place reserved for it, its inner circle is encircled with chalk;
- The inner hole is cut, departing from the marked circle 5 mm wide;
- Next, you need to insert eyelets, for which to put the halves on both sides of the hole, align them and press until it clicks. In the case when non-snap grommets are used, special tools are required: piercer and rammer;
- If for some reason the grommet is crooked, it can always be removed and reinstalled, as if it had come off during the wash.
Use in the interior
In the case when the curtains are chosen correctly, they create the final touch in the design of any room.They combine the elements of the decor into a single unit, help determine the overall theme and focus on the most important part of the room - its window. Modern curtains with eyelets will help in creating any style, from classic and elegant to casual and cozy, from modern and minimalist to retro.
However, having such potential, curtains can easily overload the room, so they need to be chosen with care. This applies not only to color or pattern. The texture of the fabric, its length and width, style, the presence of lambrequin-perekida, the material from which the eaves and eyelets are made - all this is important if you want to give your windows style and charm.
For the hall or in the living room fit thick curtains, which give a lot of decoration options and leave considerable space for future modifications and accessories. If you want to focus on the windows, you should choose bright curtains with neutral rings, which will be coordinated with the allied shades in the room. If the decor is plain or the style is simple and elegant, bright bold curtains may look out of place and attract too much attention.
In order to combine the window with any elements of decor, it is necessary to choose curtains that will be somewhat darker in color than the walls or turn out to be of a color that is not dominant in the room. Then the curtains will have a soft harmonious look, able to fit into any color scheme. Cringles in this case should be in tone of fabric or cornice.
If there is a desire to decorate the curtains with perekida, or, as they are also called, lambrequins, then you should take care of a double cornice.
Patterned curtains are able to decorate the windows in the bedroom, but such colors should be avoided if there are patterned wallpaper or patterned bedding in the room. If the room is dominated by solid colors, you can see the most bold patterns on the curtains. Even graphic prints on them can look truly amazing when their color corresponds with the existing decor, and the rings are not particularly noticeable among the design.
In bright spacious children's neutral pictures will be appropriate., such as peas or flowers. Medallions, ornaments from gratings or arabesques will decorate a more traditional elegant interior, and modern models such as logos, chevrons, and geometric shapes will give a modern look to the room.Vertical shelves are ideal for small rooms, as they visually make ceilings higher. In all these cases, the material from which the rings are made on the curtains should be combined with the eaves.
For kitchen or bathroom ideal light curtains, sufficient for the penetration of light, but at the same time allowing you to maintain confidentiality.
It is worth mentioning such novelties in the curtain market as light-tight curtains made of Dimout fabric that dims the light, or Blackout, completely blocking it. In the case when such curtains are made of good quality fabric, they look like ordinary decorative ones and can be made in various colors, including white.
More varieties of curtains on the grommet you can see below.