Curtains mesh in the interior

Net curtains are so unusual that they can decorate any room. Such an interesting name they received due to their similarity with the fishing net for fishing. In modern stores there is a huge assortment of net curtains, which differ from each other in size, weaving method, manufacturing material and design.
Advantages and disadvantages
The grid is a practical and functional product, distinguished by its simplicity and airiness. As a rule, net curtains are needed to add curtains to make an unusual window decor. The background role of the grid is important in the bedroom or living room, since there it is just necessary to darken the room from time to time. But in some cases, the material is used as an independent curtain, which does not interfere with the entry of light into the room and makes it more spacious.
The main advantage of the material lies in its ability to retain the original shape and not to succumb to mechanical damage. Even with raw edges, the mesh will not crumble.
It is easy to work with a mesh curtain - it can be cut, glued and stitched. And with all these manipulations, the fabric will not lose its aesthetic appearance. Curtains mesh have a very small weight, so they can be hung on any curtain rod. But it was not without drawbacks - the grid with small loops can collect dust too quickly, which negatively affects people's health. Therefore, it will have to be washed frequently.
Varieties of models
Mesh curtains are presented in several forms, and each of them has its own characteristics:
- French network It is a tying of columns by means of a hook, which allows to obtain air cells. The grid can be both large and small, and can also have a smooth or convex surface.
- Beautiful is considered model with embroidery, when a filigree ornament is applied to the surface of the material.
- Visibly stands out from the rest. model with rectangular loops. Its weaving is carried out with laces or thick threads, which helps to get a three-dimensional and relief structure. Small and thin loops form a so-called microgrid.
- Turkish curtain looks like a microgrid, on the surface of which a drawing is applied. Among buyers, it is known as the “cobweb”, thanks to its small and thin threads.
The type of thread also affects varieties of patterns. They can be shiny, fluffy, bucolirovannymi, hard and soft in its structure.
Color palette
Curtains mesh can be painted in absolutely any color, be it red, blue, black, purple, green and other colors and their shades. Textile factories are interested in selling their products, so the grid may have a different design:
- The most relevant today is the white curtain, which is able to decorate any interior. This color is good because it is able to visually enlarge the space and brighten the room. And in combination with various decorations it can make even the most peaceful and peaceful place rainbow.
- Brown mesh usually used in a classic or rustic style to create a calm and cozy atmosphere. And in combination with other colors, it can create a unique design.
Beige hues are very popular, since it is universal and has a good effect on the psychological state of a person.
Selection rules
Curtains mesh are increasingly used as an independent design of the window opening. They can be monophonic, and can have an unusual embroidery that looks good in a single representation. For example, in a room with a small or narrow window, a French grid would look very useful.
Mesh curtains perfectly complement the decor, helping the sunlight to get into the room. When choosing them, one should take into account the color of the main curtains and the overall style of the room. It is important that the color of the curtain is one or two tones darker so that the grid looks good against its background.
The fashion trend of recent years offers to hang mesh curtains to the fore, and already in the background to have heavy curtains. It is only necessary to choose the right shades of both materials so that they look harmoniously together.
Turkish and French mesh does not need to be combined with other fabrics, because it itself looks luxurious.
If you want to hang the curtain in such a way that beautiful and even folds are formed on it, you need to choose curtains with fine viscous and without a pattern.The folds will hide the image or embroidery, which can spoil the overall look of the product.
A large net will fit well into the living room, fixed on an iron cornice with a pattern. But for the kitchen it is best to pick up a short curtain to the window sill, which will show the thematic picture.
In order not so often to carry out wet cleaning and washing curtains, it is better to purchase a grid with large cells. It collects less dust, which means that it does not adversely affect the health of residents.
How to hang?
To look beautiful in any interior, mesh curtains should be properly hanging. Therefore, for each room should be selected different grid:
- Looks spectacular large fluffy network against the background of dense curtains, which are designed at certain moments to darken the room. The net itself may consist of two canvases, fastened on the sides with laces or ribbons.
- In the warm season it is more correct to arrange the window a curtain of thin threads, which will function as an additional light source. But in the winter it can be combined with a thicker fabric curtains.
- Add originality to the room will help colorful mesh curtains, hung in several layers. For this purpose, you can use a variety of jewelry, podhvaty and accessories.
It will be inappropriate to hang a long curtain in the kitchen, as it will get dirty so much.
Curtains mesh do not need special care, which makes them especially popular for window decoration. A mesh with large cells is less susceptible to contamination than a microgrid, so it can be washed every few months.
The microgrid needs to be cleaned more often, so that the collected dust does not interfere with the occupants to breathe normally. In an apartment with small children or playful pets, it is better not to hang up the net, since careless manipulations can tear it.
Application in interior design
This is what designers offer:
- Curtains mesh most often used in the interior of the kitchen, because it should always be well lit. But in other rooms the grid can find its place. For example, in the nursery, it will help achieve a feeling of lightness and lightness. And in a small apartment, it will create the impression of additional square meters.
- To create a calm and comfortable interior need to use a one-color mesh curtain in combination with a curtain of dense velvet or silk. The curtains themselves can be decorated with patterns, or they can be monochromatic canvases.
- To make an unusual quiet room, need to hang the grid stripes. They can be in the straightened form, and can be fixed with decorative pickups.
- Mesh curtains do not have to hang on the windows, they look good on doorways too. Many people prefer this design option, replacing them with standard interior doors.
- In the bedroom Mesh curtains must necessarily be in the background, closed at night with thick curtains. The bedroom is considered an intimate place in which the creation of twilight is just necessary.
- In a modern interior the curtains can be decorated with beads or sequins, or they can have rainbow colors. In Modern style, curtains can be decorated in the most unusual way that the owner could think of. But the Classic does not tolerate experiments, so it is better to use pure white curtains.
For more interesting interior ideas using mesh curtains, see the following video.