Modern bedroom curtains

Curtains are able to set the tone for the whole room, so it is important to approach responsibly to their purchase. The choice of curtains for the bedroom requires a very careful approach.
Today it is difficult to imagine a house or apartment in which there would be no curtains. This element of the interior accompanies mankind for many millions of years and has become a part of everyday life. Even cavemen used curtains, in the daytime protecting their “houses” from the sun, and at night hiding a fire that could attract predatory animals.
It is important to note that the curtains perform several functions:
- Firstly, they give the room a comfortable and cozy look, allowing you to improve the well-being of the person who is in the room. This technique is widely used not only in residential premises, but also in offices.For example, very often in the waiting rooms these curtains are hung, rather than the blinds, so that customers feel more relaxed. What to say about the house, where the bedroom or living room must give a feeling of security, security, comfort.
- Secondly, curtains - an important element of the decor, which often play the role of a bright accent. The window often acts as the semantic center of the entire space, so it is necessary to emphasize it correctly, without overloading the general interior of the room. Curtains must necessarily be harmoniously fit into the overall design, while complementing and improving it.
But the most important function inherent in curtains is to protect the room from the sun or the light of electric lanterns, as well as from prying eyes at night. No one likes to be seen by strangers through the window.
Thick curtains can repeatedly improve the quality of sleep. It is also very important that they please their owner, giving him the opportunity to wake up in a good mood and fully rested, so the curtains should be selected, focusing not only on the overall interior, but also on their own taste preferences.
Curtains play a huge role in modern interior design. It often happens that properly chosen curtains completely transform the bedroom, making such a room the embodiment of peace and comfort. However, it is important to remember that incorrectly chosen curtains for the bedroom can spoil the quality of sleep.
For example, if the material from which the curtains are made is not dense enough and lets in a lot of light, sleep is unlikely to be good. At the same time, many people avoid buying too thick curtains, because they love to wake up with the morning sun rays falling on their eyes.
In modern design uses a variety of options for window decoration, depending on their location. So, for a frame of windows in a bedroom curtains and curtains are most often used.
The difference between curtains and curtains (curtains) is small, but still significant. It is worth noting that often curtains are made from more dense materials and serve as protection from the sun's rays, while curtains are made of light translucent fabrics or lace and have a decorative function.. They also help to “hide” the room from the glances of curious passersby, but are unable to darken the curtains room.
Curtains are often made pleated, and they are also laid with beautiful deep folds, adding additional decor. It is often not possible to do such a trick with curtains, they are made evenly over the entire length, they have the simplest design, as they themselves are an ornament.
Thick curtains are also able to partially absorb the sounds of the street, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and peace in the room.
There are many options to help decorate the bedroom window. But first you should refer to the classification of curtains.
By and large, all curtains are divided into sliding and lifting. Sliding doors are used more often and are a traditional option for the bedroom., in the same time lifting curtains are very functional and comfortable and for some interiors it is this type of curtain that fits best.
Curtains for the bedroom, equipped with a lifting mechanism, are divided into French, Roman, Austrian and London. Roman curtains are collected in horizontal folds from bottom to top, while French curtains are soft, semi-circular. Australian curtains are a "hybrid" of Roman and French, gathering semicircular folds at the same time along the entire length.London curtains, as a rule, have only one fold-arch; They are mainly used only in classic frilly interiors.
Sliding curtains are divided into classical and Japanese:
- Classic curtains can be selected for almost any interior. As a rule, they are made of light translucent fabric in the center and heavy - on the sides. Classic curtains are usually complemented by a variety of decorative elements: pelmets, pickups, ruffles and so on. Fabric for sewing can be used almost any; Such diversity is one of the reasons for the popularity of this option.
- Japanese curtains can be called curtains coupe. They are not going to soft folds on the sides of the window, and move around the window like a panel or screen. This decision will help to focus on the fabric for curtains, without the need to use additional decorative elements.
Selection tips: what to look for?
Choosing curtains is not an easy task. In all the diversity offered to us in modern life, it is easy to get lost. Approaching the choice with methodical thoroughness, you will be able to do everything right and not regret the decision:
- First, pay attention to the shape and size of the window. Often in homes there are non-standard windows that require special design. For example, recently the panoramic windows installed in the bedroom have become particularly popular. To find a decent design in this case is very difficult, but the choice of classic straight curtains without lambrequins is a great option.
- Also, special attention should be paid to a window in an ordinary high-rise building., complex is not so much its shape, as the environment. A battery, pipes on the sides of the window and often not a picturesque view from the outside are what makes such a window a puzzle for the designer.
The use of heavy curtains in this case is not the best solution. It is much more practical to use the option with interesting Japanese panel curtains.
- Next, you need to set the appointment of curtains. Do you need curtains purely for decorative purposes or still for the effect of sound absorption, as well as protection from drafts, how attractive is the view outside the window, whether you need to hide it or, on the contrary, emphasize - these are the questions that every person who needs to choose curtains for bedrooms.
- It is also important to take into account the proportions of the bedroom and the stylistic unity of the interior.. Decide whether the curtains should be a bright semantic accent or they are designed only to emphasize the already existing interior. Curtains for the bedroom can serve as a contrasting detail, not only due to the acid color. You can use an interesting pattern that will attract attention, but at the same time not annoy you.
After you answer all these questions, the time will come to think about the details, such as the length of the curtains, the type of the eaves, the design of the upper edge of the curtains, the presence of decorative elements (lambrequins, stubs, pickups, etc.), or on hooks), the presence of lining, as well as the density of the curtains and the presence of curtains or curtains in the vicinity of the curtains.
Do not forget that for the summer and winter period are different curtains. When calculating the budget be sure to consider this factor.
What material to prefer?
Material - a fundamental component when choosing curtains in the bedroom. When selecting fabrics, it is necessary to take into account not only the interior style and personal preferences, but also the properties of the materials, its pros and cons.
Fabric for curtains should be durable, as the constant exposure to sunlight, heat, dust, and mechanical effects can quickly spoil the look of the material.
You also need to think about practicality, texture and weight: for example, light curtains of a material that easily absorbs dust will require frequent cleaning, so the bedroom windows will have to be left “bare” for some time.
Material obedience is another important aspect. If you plan to create curtains with folds, be sure to pay attention to the density of the fabric.
Consider the features of some popular materials for creating curtains and curtains in the bedroom. which well give in to a drapery:
- Brocade. Heavy fabric that helps protect the room from light, drafts and unnecessary sounds.
- Broderie. Very light fabric, suitable for curtains. It is easy to care and passes light well.
- Calico. The density of the fabric varies, so you can pick up any one. Calico is easy to care for and well draped.
- Chintz Curtains are made of medium density textiles, which are very elastic: it is easy to create assemblies and folds.
- Velveteen. Very dense fabric with excellent protective functions.
- Cotton. It is easy to care for a light cotton, it is suitable for creating folds and draperies, but the fabric is loose, due to which it easily passes light.
- Cretonne. One of the few medium density fabrics that is easy to care for.It has excellent light-retaining properties, elastic.
- Fine wool. Despite the fact that thin wool gives comfort to the interior, it has one major drawback: even heavy and dense matter transmits light. However, it copes well with drafts.
- Damask. This medium density fabric is great for creating draperies.
- Dupont. It belongs to the tissues of medium density and delays the light.
- Linen yarn of dyed yarn. Thin fabric, easy to clean, great for creating curtains, as well as transmits light.
- Sackcloth. A fairly dense material that transmits light, but to care for this matter is quite simple.
- Canvas. Medium density fabric.
- Lace. Very light fabric, well passes light. Lace care is easy.
- Batiste. According to the characteristics similar to lace.
- Linen. A rather heavy fabric that drapes beautifully and is very easy to clean.
- Moire. There is a moire of different density. However, this fabric perfectly retains light and lends itself well to drapery.
- Muslin. Easy elastic fabric, well passes light.
- Tulle. The density of the tulle varies, it is well retained light and refers to the fabrics of high elasticity.
- Satin. There is a fabric of different density. Satin protects the room from extraneous sounds and light.
- Atlas. The dense atlas drapes perfectly, protects the room from sounds and light.
- Indian flax. The density of the fabric varies. It is great for decorating windows, but it is important to remember that Indian flax has a high light transmission.
- Chesucha Lightweight fabric that transmits light and drapes well.
- Tapestry, like velvet, refers to heavy fabrics. They perfectly retain light, absorb extraneous noise and protect against drafts.
- Tweed. Tweed also refers to dense tissue. It protects from light and drafts.
- Veil. Lightweight fabric that perfectly transmits the light.
Trendy colors
Designers advise to select colors for curtains, based on the overall color scheme of their interior. The most fashionable colors for the bedroom curtains include the following:
- White;
- Beige;
- Green;
- Burgundy;
- Yellow;
- Orange;
- Blue;
- Violet;
- Blue;
- The black;
- Brown.
As you can see, the range of shades is very wide and opens a huge scope for imagination. Be sure to remember that the curtains should be well fit into the overall interior.
Plain curtains are a timeless classic, but now designers suggest using two colors when designing the window. Two-color curtains allow you to visually expand the space and visually make the room more. The bedroom looks great curtains of two harmoniously selected shades that are close to each other. Contrasting combinations will irritate the eyes and are unlikely to help you sleep well.
Color combinations are largely determined by the style and design of the room, but you should note the following "duets":
- Beige and dark brown;
- Beige and olive;
- White and light lilac;
- Beige and blue-green;
- Light yellow and dark blue;
- White and gray-blue;
- Orange and dark brown;
- White and ash pink;
- Light blue and aqua;
- Canary yellow and mauve.
When working with rich dark colors, it is better not to use two colors when decorating curtains. It is much more correct to choose bright light curtains for the bedroom, which will serve as a fresh note against the background of dark curtains and attract attention, while adding harmony to the room.
The choice of color is largely due to the style of the bedroom. So, if the bedroom is sustained in a restrained color scheme, the use of flashy colors is not allowed. However, if you want to add colors, it is recommended to choose bright curtains, but additionally buy a textile decor of a similar color (for example, decorative pillows or a bedspread).
When arranging a bedroom, it is important to focus not so much on fashion as on your own feelings. If the current purple color makes you feel depressed, you should not make out a window in a similar color scheme. The color is what creates the mood, especially for curtains and curtains.
When setting up a bedroom window, be guided primarily by internal sensations, and only then by fashion trends.
Popular styles in design
Currently, the most popular are minimalistic modern styles, but you should not write off the classical ones:
- For high-tech style It is characteristic to use blinds on the windows, but often people add straight curtains to the floor without any decorative elements. The color scheme is preferable to be very restrained: gray, white or brown colors act as the main ones.
- In minimalist interiors preference is given to light curtains of neutral colors, the most functional and restrained. It is unacceptable to use decorative elements and flashy shades, every detail should have meaning and functionality.
- For window decoration in Provence style It is best to choose a natural flying fabric with a pastel shade. The presence of curtains is welcome, as this will add romance to the interior. Curtains should be draped well and look very easy and natural.
- Art Deco is a style of flashy luxury, quite popular these days. To arrange the window in this style, purchase curtains of heavy expensive light-colored fabric with multiple gilded trim. Often for sewing curtains used satin, brocade, velvet. Be sure to use curtains.
- Beige, cream or brown monophonic curtains, selected in strict accordance with the surrounding furnishings, perfectly fit into a classic bedroom. Curtains should be luxurious, but strict; The use of decorative elements is minimal.
- Country style involves the use of natural fabrics of natural shades. (green, beige, sand). Characteristic to use a variety of finishes: ruffle, ruffles, ribbons and even buttons.
When making window space in the ethnic bedroom It is important to rely on knowledge of the people in the style of which the bedroom is framed. For example, when choosing curtains for african bedroom stop your choice on straight drapes to the floor of sand or beige color with an ethnic pattern. The bedroom, made in the Indian style, requires the use of chic heavy curtains or Japanese panels of rich color, complemented by a beautiful frilly pattern. Scandinavian style more like a minimalist style and does not accept pretentiousness; here the ideal choice would be discreet white or light gray straight curtains made of natural heavy materials.
It is important that often when designing the bedroom window in the ethnic style curtains are not used.
Modern ideas and innovations
The curtain design industry is not in place and offers more and more new design solutions:
- In particular, one of the most popular new wallpapers are photo printing.It looks best on Japanese panels, but can also be applied to ordinary thick curtains. The photo printing opens a huge scope for experiments with an interior, allowing to pick up curtains under any furniture and style. For example, choosing a solution for wenge furniture, you can add several inclusions of the same color to the curtains, thereby not overloading the interior with a dark color, and making it more harmonious.
- Blackout is a relatively new technical solution. It is a flat curtain screen that completely covers the window. Blackout absorbs 80-90% of the light, creating a favorable environment for a restful sleep.
Find out more about modern bedroom curtains and their variations in our next video.