Tulle to the balcony

In the hot season, the windows in all rooms in the house, as well as on the loggia or balcony, are almost always open. To protect the room from excessive sunlight and dust from the street windows are closed with curtains and curtains. Textile materials do not just decorate the room, but also perform a number of other functions.
Massive curtains are not always suitable for decoration, especially if the apartment is small and space needs to be saved. In this case, as a design window openings, you can use tulle. Further in the article we will consider the use of tulle on the balcony and tell you more about this material.
Characteristics of the material
Before you talk about the design of windows, it is necessary to note the question of what is tulle. This is a very light and airy material. It is smooth, sliding and pleasant to the touch. Structure - mesh.This fabric was named in honor of the French city Tulle (Tulle).
Tulle is created from two thread systems on special machines. It is actively used for sewing and finishing women's dresses. The fabric of the patterned or curtain type is created on lace machines. This material is used in the production of bedspreads, curtains and other similar products.
In the market this material is presented in a large color variety. Finding the perfect shade for a specific design is not difficult.
Also, the choice of buyers many varieties of tulle. Its price is available to everyone.
Benefits of choice
Glazed balcony - a cozy place to relax in the warm season. It is worth noting that the windows without curtains in the living room look empty and sometimes rude. In this case, you must arrange openings. Gentle and weightless tulle are perfect for decorating windows, especially if the tenants do not want to occupy the already compact space of the balcony with textile materials.
This material is easily breathable, it looks neat and stylish, and almost does not take place. Many people like the way curtains of tulle gently sway in the wind, giving the atmosphere of the room a note of elegance.
An additional advantage is the ability to monitor what is happening outside the window. This is achieved by the transparent texture of the material. This design option is chosen by fans of tenderness and lightness.
Experts say that if the balcony is located on the north-west or north side, but this type of curtain is the ideal solution for window decoration and entrance to the balcony. Transparent fabric is a stylish and practical option if the windows are located on the shady side.
Almost everything has a downside. Advantages of using tulle for the balcony are also available. Users note that the main drawback is transparency. One of the advantages of this material acts as a minus. Behind these curtains will not be able to hide from prying eyes. This is especially important if the balcony is located on the first floors and the household likes to spend time in this part of the house.
Such material is not suitable for complete isolation from the sun. Due to its special structure, the light is gently diffused through the tulle and enters the room. In this case, the fabric can be combined with more dense materials.
How to choose?
If you need to arrange a window with a wide window sill that protrudes far from the wall, designers are advised to give up long curtains. It is best to choose a fabric that will close the window to the sill line.
For a small balcony or loggia, you can pick up a short tulle, covering the window is not a cavity. This decor looks neat and unobtrusive.
For continuous glazing you need to pick up long curtains. They can close the window from the ceiling and the valley and gently crawl on the floor. If you overdo it with a length, do not worry, the main thing is that it does not cause discomfort. Also, long curtains - the best solution for windows with a balcony door.
A practical and convenient option - models with a lifting mechanism. It can be well-known rolled curtains or Roman. And using them is easy to adjust the length. When designing a compact room, it is better to decorate each window frame separately.
Choosing such curtains, you should not think about the side of opening the windows in the event that the tulle is mounted on the window frame, and not on the wall.
When choosing a tulle must pay attention to the color of this material. The choice presented by the modern market is huge - from bright colors to dark ones:
- Lightweight on sale pastel shades.
- Buyers most often choose light shades. This is not surprising, given the small size of the balcony, and light colors fill the room with light, creating a light atmosphere.
- If the balcony adjoins the bedroom of a girl or woman, you can pick up curtains with pink tulle.
- Colors such as lilac, blue, green, peach. When the sun's rays pass through the fabric, the room is filled with amazing color.
- Also on sale are options decorated various patterns. The most common - floral ornament. Demand is tulle with the image of geometric shapes and various abstractions.
- Fans of strict style love to combine black and white tulle. The contrast of two opposite classic colors always looks impressive. This effect looks better on long curtains.
We hang without eaves
The most common option for fasteners curtains, curtains and curtains of various materials are considered to be cornices. But they are not the best solution for small balconies. In this regard, many are looking for alternative methods of placement:
- Tulle can be hung on the balcony with the help of the well-known string pendant. It was often used in the Soviet era. The set of special string pendants consists of steel wire, a pair of landing corners with mounting holes, two spring-type plates and decorative boxes.
- The second method involves the use of hooks. This is a simple, affordable and convenient way. Hooks are pre-fastened above the window opening. Small loops are sewn to the upper edge of the tulle, with which the curtain is attached.
Carefully calculate the distance between the hooks and their number.
- If you use roll-type curtains, you can stick them directly onto the frame. You will need construction glue. Also used special screws.
Peculiarities of care
Like all other textile materials, tulle collects household dust entering the room. Over the long life, this fabric can change shape if the curtain is placed on the sunny side. Also, over time, there is a yellowish sheen that spoils the look of the product.No matter how hard the owners try, it will not be possible to completely avoid unpleasant consequences, but if you follow certain rules, you can significantly extend the life of tulle.
Before soaking the curtains, carefully shake it out, eliminating dust. This is best done on the street to avoid contamination in the rooms of the house. While soaking before washing, you can add some baking soda to the basin. As experience shows, this component is more effective than modern powders.
About how to choose curtains on the balcony, see the following video.