We select the design style for curtains

Curtains are the final chord in the design of the entire room, so it is important not to make a mistake when choosing the right design. Curtains that blend in style with the rest of the room furnishings give it a finished, thoughtful look. However, “getting lost” in all the variety of styles is very easy.
Variety of directions
To date, you can pick up curtains in completely different styles - in Russian or Slavic, Fusion or Avant-garde, Ethno or Vintage, in American or antique simply, even despite the fact that they are not particularly popular.
Most often, these characteristic styles are mixed with more traditional today. Thus, the style of Rustic in its pure form is almost never found. Often it is mixed with Scandinavian. The same can be said about techno or retro styles. Combining such curtains with the surroundings is quite difficult, so By adding a discreet European or Mediterranean style, you can get a harmonious interior design as a whole.
Curtains decorated in folk style are often used in rooms in Provence or Country. Art Deco styling related to classic is not used in its purest form. Often, elements of this direction are complemented by classic interiors, Rococo or Baroque.
Most popular options
After talking about which styles are not usual for today's rooms, you can start a conversation and about what styles are the most popular. Here there are not only modern styles, but also traditional ones that appeared many hundreds of years ago.
Selection of curtain design for each of these options requires a special understanding of the very philosophy of the style, its distinctive features. For example, despite the fact that Baroque is considered the most fanciful of styles, it is impossible to use silver shades in it, but at the same time, the abundance of gold is welcome.
New trends that have arisen on the soil of old, also dictate their own conditions, which can not be ignored. In addition, the fashion for curtains affected not only their stylistic component.
Popular curtain models are no longer very long. The optimal length for this time is the length to the floor. Curtains longer look already as a relic of the past.
Various lambrequins, including interesting openwork gangs, have come into fashion. They can be chosen for the design of any interior, ranging from minimalism to Baroque.
High tech
The modern direction of Hi-tech confidently kept in the list of the most popular styles. The beauty of glossy surfaces, clear lines, pure colors fascinates.
Curtains also meet all these requirements. For high-tech is not typical to use curtains for window decoration. Most often, designers advise to do the simplest curtains, which in the closed position should be well naborёny. This makes them denser, allowing you to protect the room from prying eyes.
The use of blinds is also encouraged, with both horizontal roller shutters and vertical ones being appropriate. You should not choose wooden models, it is better to give preference to modern materials: plastic, aluminum or fabric.
The most important thing is to stick to muffled inconspicuous colors and shades.As a rule, fabrics with a pattern for window decoration in high-tech style are not used.
Minimalism is in many ways similar to Hi-tech, however, the functional significance of the room is exaggerated and the presence of decorative elements is reduced to no.
Very often, when designing windows in a minimalist interior, blackout curtains are chosen. Such panels with a horizontal lifting mechanism can darken a room by 80-90%.
Also often use horizontal light rolling shutters. Vertical blinds are almost never used. Frequent option - classic simple sliding curtains in combination with a Roman curtain. Elements in this case are performed in the same color.
At registration of window spaces in this case curtains are practically not used. Tulle can only be hung in the bedroom, because the intimacy of this room is much more important than the rules prescribed by the style.
The industrial urban beauty of Loft style requires a special approach when choosing a window frame. Most often, this style prescribes to leave the window without any design elements, however there are some exceptions.
Heavy curtains of dark color from the ceiling to the floor should not be supplemented with either lambrequins or grabs. The preference is given to natural expensive materials which look soundly and at the same time not defiant. It is very rarely allowed to use both tulle and blackout curtains at the same time. Usually one is chosen.
Horizontal blinds are also permissible in such interiors, but when choosing them you need to be extremely careful.
Light models of untreated matter look great. None of the clearly artificial materials can not be used here.
The same rule applies to horizontal blinds. Vertical options do not apply. Horizontal roller blinds should be dark colors (usually choose black). They are also matched to the color of the window frame.
If the window is an unusual interesting design, it is generally better to refuse to buy curtains.
Modern style, on the contrary, welcomes the simultaneous use of thick curtains and flying veils. Usually they are selected in related shades, even if the curtains are of a rich dark color.
Curtains with a large pattern look good and fit perfectly in the general mood.interior, but small patterns, on the contrary, it is better to completely eliminate. However, when making the top they are quite applicable. For example, having made a beautiful hard lambrequin with a figured bottom, it is possible to choose for it material with a small ornament.
The grommets on the tubular ledge look pretty good if the emphasis in the whole design of the room is on the textile decision. In particular, you can also use photo printing. This element looks stylish and appropriate in this style.
Two-color curtains will also serve as a good solution, especially if you choose cloths of the same color and are supplemented with details with a pattern. For example, the outer part of the curtains can be monotonous, and closer to the middle is decorated with an ornament. Also interesting are the curtains with horizontal division: the upper part with a pattern, and the lower one.
In eco-style, preference is given to the use of natural materials. Linen and cotton fabrics will look just as advantageous as wooden slats.
However, still eco-style prescribes the use of fabrics. In particular, rolled or roman blinds made of bleached flax are very popular.Often the material is decorated in such a way as to resemble a mat.
Panel curtains - another possible option. They absorb light and save space, which is very important for eco-style. Blackout curtains can be used in the design of the bedroom window.
When combining curtains and curtains, it is important to remember a couple of characteristic moments. First, curtains with a pattern are usually selected, and curtains are of a similar shade, but monochromatic. Secondly, the rule of naturalness has not been canceled. It is good to give preference to thin linen curtains, which let in well the light.
If monochromatic thick curtains are chosen, they should not be supplemented with a veil. From a stylistic point of view this will be a mistake. It is much better to “hide” under the eaves of fastening for horizontal curtain panels or roll.
Chebbi chic
Ruffles, pelmets, hooks, puffs - it's all about this style. Often this interior is made in bright colors, so that the curtains should be chosen in light shades.
However, the muted color here is not required. Pink, blue and, of course, white curtains look great.
Deliberate naive interior requires a suitable choice of fabric.Printed chintz is a great choice when planning a patterned curtain. Floral motifs usually prevail in the interiors of Chebbi-chic. Having stopped the choice on fabric in a small floret, you, most likely, will get to a point.
Patchwork curtains are also often chosen for this rustic interior.
Stitched from a variety of shreds, they perfectly echo the basic character of the situation. It is good if some other textile details, such as a pillow or a bedspread, will also be made from the same patchwork.
Embroidery is often used in the design of grabs or lambrequins. Flowers made in the technique of ribbon embroidery will look appropriate, allowing you to draw attention to these spectacular details.
For the east is characterized by an abundance of soft luxury materials such as satin, velvet, brocade. Bright unusual colors are welcomed by this style. The room should be as if buried in the fabric, therefore, the curtains are usually chosen volume, with a lot of svagov and draperies.
Two-color curtains are not uncommon here. Beautiful bright colors, such as chocolate and turquoise, are perfectly combined in the oriental interior, giving the room an atmosphere of relaxation and chic at the same time.
Designers often resort to choosing Japanese curtain panels, designing window decoration. They both save space and give an incomparable flavor to the room.
Use of rigid lambrequins with a figured bottom edge is welcomed. This element of decoration helps simultaneously to hide the eaves, and add character to the room. Soft lambrequins are used mainly for framing the space above the bed. Also, curtains complement tassels, gilded pickups, fringe.
The style of the palace chambers of kings and queens is distinguished by pretentiousness and ostentatious luxury, but at the same time it is famous for its refinement and refinement. The expensive brocade curtains, embroidered with a gilded pattern, often complement the interiors made in the style of the Baroque. The abundance of jewelry is also a hallmark.
It is necessary to choose volumetric models of curtains, complemented by flying curtains and all sorts of soft lambrequins. When choosing a pelmet, pay attention to the presence of such decorative elements as metal molds and swag. It is also good if the edge of the lambrequin is decorated with golden fringe.
It is preferable to choose light colors, but you can often find both deep royal scarlet and rich emerald green. The curtains are matched to match the rest of the trim. The room should be a whole corner of the same color.
The presence of tulle is required. Having added soft curtains to the curtains, you can easily add chic to the room, at the same time dimming the bright light from the street.
The Rococo style is very similar to Baroque, and often at first glance they can be confused. However, there are some nuances.
Soft luxurious dense curtains are surely complemented by soft lambrequins and hard figured gangs. Sometimes pelmets draped not only in the form of svagov, but also French curtains. They must start at the very ceiling and cover about 1/5 of the window.
The choice of fabric with a pattern in this case allows you to add even more luxury to the decoration. When finishing curtains, it is preferable to use a fringe of a different color, but not necessarily gold. Beige, silver, bronze and other colors perfectly complement the curtains of various shades.
Curtains are also selected from fabric with a pattern and rather dense texture.
In the interiors of Rococo do not use translucent tulle, preferring thicker fabrics. Ideally, if a hard lambrequin and a veil are made of the same material.
How to choose?
The choice of a suitable model for windows is determined not only by the style of the room, but also by what function it performs. For example, curtains for the living room and for the bedroom impose rules on the choice of curtains, different from the kitchen.
There are other selection criteria:
- Models for windows design "London" often chosen for the hall in the Victorian style. The classic interior allows you to install such complex structures, but the London curtains will not “get along” with any stylistics.
- When choosing curtains in Moroccan, Indian, Arabic and Egyptian styles Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the material. It is important that it does not fade after several washes, since the colors for such interiors act as the main element of the whole composition. Turkish design is close to Arabic, so that the curtains for both styles can be mutually replaced.
- Empire style largely echoes Baroque and Rococo, so you can choose curtains like those that are usually installed in the palace hall. The same can be said for the design, made in the Gothic style, but the difference is that here you should look at the dark colors and not overload the curtains with the decor.
- Rooms made in Chinese and Japanese styles often similar to eco-interiors. The choice of hard curtain panels in this case is quite justified. For Chinese interior, it is better to choose bamboo as a material, for Japanese - cloth.
- The style of the Chalet is similar to Rustik, and Boho - to Chebbi-chic. Follow the same rules for choosing curtains as for these peculiar styles.
Options in the interior
Here are a few options for how to choose curtains for different styles. Please note that sometimes the wallpapers are selected in the same color with them, making the room complete.
Even more modern curtain designs can be viewed in the video below.