Curtains in the style of "country"

Apartment design is a long and laborious process, which takes a lot of time and effort. Very much in interior design depends on the style direction, which sets the general tone for the room. Quite popular in the modern world is the style of Country, which is more and more often used by residents of megalopolises. Having chosen this direction in the interior, the owner of the apartment should take into account all the nuances of the style, including what should be the textile design of the rooms. And first of all it concerns curtains.
Style features
Country style is in demand among people who value naturalness and environmental friendliness. Its main task is to create an interior housing in a rustic spirit. Its features depend on the color of the selected country, which sets the basic tone. The whole apartment or a separate room can personify the Mexican motifs, Ukrainian house, Swiss chalets and other options in different countries.
Basically, the country is chosen by residents of country or private houses to arrange the entire space of housing in one direction.
However, many owners of city apartments prefer Country as a general theme of the premises. Very often it can be a bedroom, living room or kitchen.
The main feature of the style is the naturalness of the finish, which is trimmed apartment. Therefore, artificial materials such as plastic, silicone, linoleum, synthetics and stretch ceilings are inappropriate here.
Modern Country does not require an absolute repetition of all components of rustic furniture, just a little stylization is enough. It is important to make the room as simple as possible and close to nature. Therefore, textiles should be the focus.
Country values naturalness, so all textiles must be of natural origin. For window decoration you need to use calico, linen, cambric, cotton or silk curtains. These are basic materials intended for a rural image. They are interesting because in addition to the aesthetic appearance, they have the ability to create coziness and comfort in the room.
About what can be curtains in the style of "Country", you can see in the video below.
Flax is good in that it is able to warm the room in winter and cool in summer. In addition, it is less susceptible to pollution and wear, and its structure allows sunlight to enter the room in large quantities.
Suitable for styling burlap, which is distinguished by its durability. Jute, hemp or flax yarn is used for its manufacture, which gives the fabric coarseness and density.
But natural fabrics are short-lived - they quickly fade and sit down. Therefore, it is permissible to replace them with artificial counterparts, which should exactly repeat the texture and haze of natural fabrics, but also have a high wear resistance.
Country style distinguishes not only the naturalness of textiles, but also the ornament of fabrics. So, the curtains should have a simple pattern to emphasize the lightness and simplicity of the village house:
- Best for the fabric design of curtains fit a large or small cell. They can be decorated with lace, which adds to the space of lightness.
- It looks interesting polka dot curtains or in a circle. Country allows you to use fabrics with images of fruits, berries, vegetables, household items and pets. All that people associate with the village can be used to design window openings for housing.
- But with all this drawing should not have large sizes. Large images spoil the overall picture and very quickly bored owners. Small and medium-sized ornaments are the main difference of Country style from other directions.
Another important point is that Country does not tolerate excessive combination of drawings. The combination of cells, peas and flowers in the same room is the height of bad taste.
The style is characterized by a variety of colors that are distinguished by calm and warmth. They should not be variegated and screaming, their main difference is thickness and juiciness. The ideal solution would be to use natural colors, such as green, yellow, brown, beige, blue, and their light shades:
- English Country suggests a rich color palette that uses dark tones. It is dominated by green, red and brown shades.
- American style prefers quieter and lighter tones of natural colors. It can be light green, beige, brown and light yellow. However, for the design of windows, you can use the gray color of curtains.
- But the French Provence appreciates tenderness and lightness, and therefore it is characterized by the use of pastel tones with shades of gray, mint and sand shades. In this case, the curtains may have a small pattern, for example, in a flower or cage.
- In Russian version white curtains are traditionally used on which fruits or vegetables can be depicted. Many apartments in the kitchen have small windows, so white tulle will give the room natural light.
All areas of style are united by one common goal - creating an atmosphere of home comfort. Therefore, the color scheme in the textile design should not attract undue attention to itself, but complement the overall design.
For different rooms
To determine the choice of curtains, you need to be guided primarily by the location of the window:
- For the bedroom it is appropriate to use long lace curtains on the floor. They can have a delicate coloring with a small ornament, and you can decorate them with grabs of the same color as the curtains themselves.Instead of pickups, you can use a satin ribbon or lace braid.
- Curtains in the living room can have a striped print. He will create an indoor atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, and in combination with a classic pelmet can set the rustic tone.
- To decorate the kitchen, you need to choose short and practical curtains, the length of which should not be below the window sill. Curtains can consist of one cloth, and can of two cloths. They may have a bright ornament that will emphasize the purpose of the kitchen.
How to choose?
When choosing curtains in the style of Country, you need to take into account not only the overall style of the room, but also the size of the windows. For example, if the windows are narrow, then the curtains need to be selected in light shades in order not to lose an already small amount of light. But large windows, which are typical for a wooden house can be decorated with thick curtains of pastel colors.
Also, when choosing curtains, you need to study their variations in order to find the ideal option for a particular room:
- Roman curtains have a built-in mechanism by which they can be raised or lowered, while adjusting the lighting inside the room.When folded, they resemble an accordion, and in the unfolded - a smooth canvas. The curtains can be fixed in different ways, either to completely close the window space, or to leave open the area under the window sill. Roman curtains are often used for the kitchen, especially if it does not have a large area.
- Roller blinds It is a twisted canvas, fixed on the casement window or on the wall above the opening. They are easy to straighten to darken the room, and just as easy to hide in the box. The main advantages of rolled curtains are in ease of maintenance and affordable price. They can be hung in the bathroom or in the kitchen to limit the ingress of light inside.
- Curtains Cafe They look good in the kitchen, because they shade little space, which is necessary in the bedroom and in the living room. They are not long enough to close the window completely, but they do not reduce the visual space.
- Japanese curtains They consist of sliding fabric panels that move left and right. They are ideal for the living room or dining room, which has large windows or adjacent loggia.The length of the curtains allows you to visually increase the ceiling and not overload the interior of the room. The good thing is that they are unpretentious in the care - they are enough from time to time to wipe with a damp cloth.
- Curtains consist of fabric or beaded threads. They are designed to create a light and airy atmosphere, which is inherent in the modern style of Country. But the Kise curtains do not have high wear resistance and durability, and therefore they cannot be installed in an apartment with small children.
- Jalousie popular for its ability to completely darken the room using a special mechanism. They can be made of thick fabric or wood, which fully corresponds to the style direction. You can hang them in any room, since they will harmoniously look with all the village elements.
- Tulle known to all people, and therefore needs no introduction. Usually it has a curtain tape with a cord, the loops of which must be fastened to the curtain or curtain rod. This type of curtains is suitable for any room, the main thing is to choose the right design.
After examining all kinds of curtains that are suitable for country style, you also need to decide on their color and design. Best of all, if they will repeat the main shade of the room. If you want to make the space a little brighter, it is acceptable to use burgundy or blue. It can be podhvaty or cornice.
Options in the interior
Leading designers of the world are constantly improving modern housing, introducing some innovations in every style direction. In the modern world there are enough artificial materials that can imitate natural materials. Therefore, it is possible to use synthetic fabrics, only they should look as natural and natural as possible.
Designers offer the following solutions:
- It will look good drapes with hooks, having the same design as the lace. You can hang them on a wooden or metal cornice with simple tips.
- Lambrequins with a simple form and frequent assemblies are now considered fashionable.
- To simplify the process of cleaning are increasingly using lifting curtains. They look spectacular and modern, and in combination with braid or lace they acquire a unique look.
- Country style allows the combination of different fabrics to create a unique curtain.It is important that they have the same color or texture. It is possible, for example, to combine beige linen, one of which may have a pattern in a cage, and the other in a strip.
- Various ornaments are beautifully looked: braid, tassels, laces and laces. But they must repeat the general style of the room and not look pretentious.
- In the bedroom or children's room, you can use ruffles and frills. It is possible to decorate the curtains by yourself by purchasing embroidered appliqués in the sewing workshop.
Rural, uncomplicated and calm style of contribution helps to create a comfortable and cozy home. A properly selected textile will complement the interior and immerse residents in an atmosphere of safety and peace.