What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom?

In each house the bedroom represents a small world, reflecting the essence of the owner, his aspirations, hobbies and ways of thinking. Each person has his own criteria for creating coziness in a room, and therefore it is necessary to carefully select the interior of this room. The overall atmosphere of comfort creates the appearance of the walls, so it is very important to determine their appearance and characteristics.
Currently, manufacturers are offered on the market several types of wallpaper:
- Vinyl;
- Flizelinovye;
- Paper;
- Textile;
- Fiberglass;
- Liquid;
- Acrylic.
Each of the listed materials has its advantages and disadvantages, which must be read before making a choice.
The material for this wallpaper is a paper base coated with a polymer.Thanks to this polymer, the wallpaper is durable, resistant to water and detergents. Vinyl must be glued, carefully preparing the wall (it is necessary to eliminate all irregularities). After sticking the wallpaper can emit a sharp smell, but it erodes after a while.
It is believed that vinyl is a toxic substance and is made from low-quality materials, but modern technology and strict quality control of manufacturers allows not to be afraid of harm to the body. At the moment, fake products are rare. When choosing glue for vinyl wallpaper you need to pay attention to the composition. It should include the following components: a bactericidal agent, methyl cellulose, glue (PVA). Properly selected glue will save time and money during repairs.
This wall covering also has two layers: interlining and vinyl applied on top of it. The main advantage of non-woven wallpaper is ease when working with them: glue should be applied only on the walls. In addition, if desired, the sheets can be repainted several times. Before starting work, you can not process, the wallpaper itself hide irregularities.However, after work, you can feel an unpleasant smell that disappears after a while.
When choosing glue should pay attention to its composition. For non-woven wallpaper is quite suitable glue used for gluing vinyl wallpaper. It is believed that the most appropriate is Exclusive Non Woven.
This is the safest wall covering that does not cause allergic reactions and has the ability to let air through. The composition of this type of wallpaper includes paper and cellulose, which makes them quite affordable. When finishing the room with paper wallpaper, it is necessary to level the surface of the walls, because otherwise all the irregularities and shortcomings will be noticeable after gluing. In the room where the work will be carried out, all windows and doors must be closed; do not allow drafts, otherwise the work will go down the drain and the wallpaper may simply fall off.
The best glue for paper wallpaper among domestic manufacturers is CMC.
A significant disadvantage of this material can be attributed to low resistance. Paper wallpaper very quickly lose their original appearance, they can not be washed, subjected to physical impact and repaint.
The textile wallpaper contains a paper base and an outer layer of fabric elements.Most often flax, cotton, polyester are used as fabrics. The cost varies depending on the material of the fabric present, but it still remains quite high. Textile or fabric wallpaper, as a rule, are also quite environmentally friendly and do not cause harm to people living in the house. A significant advantage can be considered that the wallpaper for a long time does not fade from the sun's rays. In addition, textile wallpaper have a high level of heat and sound insulation of the room.
Working with this material is a very difficult task, so it is best to entrust the matter to a specialist. On the walls there may be some irregularities that do not require alignment, as the coating is able to hide them. However, the fabric covering of the walls has its drawbacks: it is the ability to absorb moisture and with it dirt, leaving stains. Also, this type of wallpaper keeps the smell of the room.
Best of all textile wallpaper is suitable for the bedroom.
To create a wall covering of this type, specific fibers are made from special glass. Then from these fibers create a yarn, which serves as a material for weaving machines.Fiberglass wallpaper is a durable material, have protection from the appearance of cracks, able to resist fire and moisture. There are two types of such wallpapers: smooth (used to eliminate defects of the wall) and embossed (used for decorative wall decoration).
As a rule, such wallpapers are used to repaint walls in a more preferred color.
When sticking it is necessary to take into account that the wallpaper does not have the property to change its size. Typical adhesives are not suitable for working with glass fiber material. The easiest option is to use PVA glue.Among the minuses, you can highlight the high price and fragility of the canvas, which is why you need to work with fiberglass wallpaper very carefully so as not to break the coating. In addition to the bedroom, wallpaper can be stuck in the nursery, living room or bathroom.
Part liquid wallpaper includes cellulose flakes, glue, color pigment. Additionally, they can include various decorative elements (dust, glitter, mother-of-pearl). A distinctive feature of this coating is in the method of application. Initially, the "wallpaper" is a dry powder that must be diluted with water and stirred by hand, because any other mechanical devices can damage the structure of the material.The resulting mass is applied to the walls in a thick layer, which is very convenient if the walls have pronounced irregularities and defects.
The main advantages of this coating include its environmental friendliness, high vapor permeability, lack of seams, additional sound insulation.
In case of damage to a section of the wall, you can easily eliminate the incident: just carefully remove a part of the applied coating and again carry out the “gluing” procedure. No traces of work after drying. The only disadvantages are the rapid fading from sunlight and absorption of odors.. Most often, liquid wallpaper is used precisely in bedrooms and children's rooms.
Acrylic Wallpaper composition is a prototype of vinyl. The only difference is that in the top layer of these wallpapers there is half the size of acrylic. Thanks to the method of spot coating, they have the property of air permeability. Before starting work with acrylic wallpaper, it is necessary to prepare the walls, clean the old coating and apply a primer on them. Then you can start working with the subtlety of the material used. Do not allow drafts during and for some time after pasting.
Acrylic canvases are more fragile than vinyl. Therefore, this wallpaper has the worst characteristics. They can be repainted, but significantly less than vinyl. In addition, you should carefully carry out wet cleaning, so as not to damage the fragile surface.
Color and pattern
Any room can be visually corrected using a properly similar wall covering: playing with the color, tone and pattern of the selected canvas. For small bedrooms you need to use lighter colors, and for large ones, on the contrary, dark ones. To choose the color of the wall covering for the bedroom in accordance with its influence on the visual shape and volume of the room is possible only after a detailed review of each color separately. It is also necessary to choose a beautiful combination of these colors and their drawings.
Grey colour is the most neutral when it comes to the saturation of white and black colors. The bedroom will give this color a feeling of relaxation and tranquility, what is necessary for people to rest after the working day. But this color is contraindicated for melancholic persons, as it can evoke boredom and sadness.On the contrary, hyperactive individuals can safely use this color scheme in the design of the walls.
Gray color matches perfectly with any other colors, which makes it universal.
White - This is the most suitable, albeit a bold choice for a dark long bedroom. This room needs a visualization of space, with which this color copes well: it expands and gives more light to a dark room. When choosing this background, you need to remember about furniture. It is the furniture on a white background that will play the main role, because it must be bright and expressive.
It is better not to use white color in its pure form. Like gray, white color harmoniously looks with any color palette.
The black
Black color It is traditionally considered mourning and sad, because it is not recommended to be used in its pure form, especially for sleeping rooms. In modern times, black is often combined with brighter colors, but it should be borne in mind that these colors should be combined with each other.
Black color is most of all combined with gray, white, bright blue, bright green, orange and peach.
This color is characterized as soothing and cold. It can be used in sunny rooms to give a cool feeling. In addition, various shades of green can visually enlarge and narrow the space of the room. Green color is suitable for bedrooms of impulsive personalities, giving them peace.
This color is most successfully combined with white, gray, black, brown.
Blue tones are considered a symbol of friendliness and kindness. This color can help a person to relax after work, as well as provide an opportunity to rest his eyes. It is also believed that blue helps in the work of the human cardiovascular system. Characteristics of green are characteristic of such color in the room.
Blue is most successfully combined with yellow, gray, silver and beige.
Blue color symbolizes reliability and stability. However, this is a very dangerous choice: if there is a lot of this color in the room, then it can create certain problems with concentration. It is highly recommended to use blue in sunny rooms, where it will absorb an excess of brightness.
The combination of white, gray, black, yellow successfully fits to blue.
If the room in which the repair is done has a large area, then purple is the most suitable color, which will narrow the excess space. This choice often means oppression and cold, but in fashion circles is considered elegant. It should be noted that sometimes this color is bad for sleep.
It is considered that the best companion purple color in the interior is gray tone.
Brown tone reflects reliability and stability in the hosts. Suitable for bright rooms of medium size. The color of the tree is acceptable for any room in the house, but is most suitable for bedrooms and offices. It is necessary to take into account the shade when choosing: dark tones can inspire depression, while neutral ones are used in any quantity.
Often, the brown color is combined with green, gray, less often - black.
Usually this color is used in girls' bedrooms and gives the owner optimism and reverie. Since an overabundance of pink can lead to a feeling of sweetness and simply get bored, it should be combined with other colors.You can glue part of the wall in a pink solution, and some - beige, white or gray. Thus, the bedroom can be made more sophisticated.
This is an atmospheric color that dominates everything else in the interior. Best of all this color will look in the bedrooms of strong people, giving them a sense of passion. However, a glut of red may not give households a feeling of proper rest, therefore in the bedroom it is better to use it in combination with furniture of light and calm colors and the following colors: white, gray, beige.
This color gives the room coziness and is usually used with a lack of light. Clean, bright yellow is not suitable for the bedroom, but its pastel shades on the contrary, will look appropriate in the bedroom. Yellow is considered to be universal and suitable to the entire palette. But it should be noted that, in conjunction with a black tone, it can give a feeling of anxiety, since these two colors are considered the brightest existing contrast.
When choosing a picture on the wallpaper, you should take into account that you can admire a large ornament much longer than small ones: frequent ripples soon become boring and not noticed in the future.
The direction of the pattern affects the perception of the shape of the room. The pattern, directed horizontally, is suitable for rooms with high ceilings, but small in volume. Vertical ornament, on the contrary, should be glued in bedrooms with low ceilings, but large in volume. It is better to glue the checkered pattern not with one canvas, but with the alternation of a monochromatic coating. This pattern is often used to divide the space in the room. Similar methods of separation are used, using a large ornament of flowers, geometric shapes, and less often - vertical lines.
It should be borne in mind that the pattern on the wallpaper tends to be embossed, which also has implications for the room. In the bedroom, it is recommended to select not too pronounced texture. It is best to choose a fine-grained relief, otherwise you can overload the room. Relief wallpaper can be made of various materials: paper, vinyl, non-woven and glass wall. If desired, you can create a relief using liquid wallpaper. But it is worth remembering that any terrain visually reduces the space, so these wallpapers are not suitable for small bedrooms.
The variety of design styles at the moment allows you to arrange a bedroom completely unpredictable. Wallpapers, which are the face of any room, should most accurately convey a given style, so before buying them, you need to decide on the style of the room as a whole.
Classics are identified with delicacy, aristocratic, so the wallpaper must conform to this stereotype. Classic wallpapers have a dull large or medium pattern. Various flowers are considered to be such a pattern, but not all of them are classics. Flowers represented in surrealism and abstraction can not be called a classic style.
Also in the classical style, you can use materials that create the effect of plaster or wood. It should be noted that in this case it is customary to use borders in combination with stucco.
This style involves plain wallpaper. It accepts graphic elements, but only as an accent. Often, such a stylistic decision includes a combination of several or two drawings that complement each other. For a bedroom, a monochrome wall covering made in mint, yellow, pink, and blue colors is considered ideal. The main focus of this style is on furniture.
Provence style immediately evokes associations with France and small floral patterns on the walls. All colors should be discreet and soft, the most appropriate shade - pastel. Since similar wallpapers can ruffle in the eyes, they should be combined with other design options. The horizontal combination will be most suitable: a part of the wall is monotonous from the floor, and a floral print comes above.
This style is based on the desire for comfort, so the wallpaper becomes pastel colors with silver and bluish shades. Textured wallpapers are considered the most acceptable choice. It should be noted that this style, although it assumes cold colors, needs warm colors that can be used in the color palette of furniture.
The palette of colors and shades in the Japanese style is not limited. The main thing here is the drawings of bamboo, hieroglyphs, a branch of Sakura and the image of a fan. In 2017, in all areas of life, popularity is gaining minimalist style, the desire for nature, and hence the demand for photo wallpaper. Speaking of minimalism in the wallpaper, it should be noted their monotony and tranquility.Light geometric patterns and lines are permissible, the complete absence of floral prints is important.
Wall murals require maximum accuracy to avoid overloading the room with patterns. They should be glued on the same wall in the room. In the part of the room where the wallpaper is hung, there should be a minimum of furniture. It is better if they are on the wall next to the bed. The remaining walls should be left as monotonous as possible, they should not have a picture, and their color should be as much as possible combined with the pattern on the photo wallpaper.
On how to glue the wallpaper, see the next video.