What color wallpaper to choose for the bedroom?

Perhaps the most important corner in each apartment is the bedroom. This is where you relax after hard work during the day. The bedroom should be as comfortable as possible to relax. The color scheme of the interior determines how peaceful you will feel when you are in a room. This means that the choice of the color of the wallpaper should be approached with all the responsibility. In this article, you will learn what color wallpaper to choose for the bedroom.
When planning a renovation in the bedroom, it is important to clearly represent the result you want. It should consider all the details of the interior. The selected wallpaper should look harmonious, fit under the decoration, furniture and room accessories.
Not everyone has a large number of square meters, so you have to combine a bedroom with other functional areas - for example, with a working one.In spacious and well-lit rooms, a wardrobe or a special partition can be used to divide the zones.
In the case of a small room, you will have to look for other ways. As an option - wallpaper can be glued using the combined method. This will help to visually make a narrow room a little more, expand the space, make the ceiling lower or higher, divide the room into zones (for example, a working and a rest area).
To choose the wallpaper in the bedroom, be sure to pay attention to their quality, the material from which they are created, your favorite texture, as well as the color.
Worth considering existing types, their advantages and disadvantages, to understand which options are best suited for each case.
- Paper wallpaper relatively simple to glue, they are environmentally friendly, breathable, are found in many different colors, patterns, textures. They can be purchased at an affordable price. However, they will not last long, as they burn out in the sun, are damaged by moisture and mechanical stress.
- Vinyl wallpapers also easily glued, they are presented in a large assortment of colors, patterns and textures.Such wallpaper will last longer than paper, because they are resistant to mechanical stress and moisture, they can be washed.
However, vinyl wallpapers do not allow air, they accumulate moisture under themselves, which can provoke the appearance of mold and mildew. With them it is necessary to use a special impregnation.
- Non-woven wallpaper have a high degree of breathability, they are very resistant to damage. They are pretty easy to stick, you can even paint a few times. However, for such benefits have to pay, and the range of colors and textures is very limited.
- Textile wallpaper absolutely eco-friendly, they look very beautiful and luxurious. They are resistant to damage, good breathability, provide sound insulation. But it will be quite difficult to glue them yourself, it is better to entrust this to professionals. In addition, these wallpapers accumulate dust on their surface, and they will be quite expensive.
- Liquid wallpaper - This is a brand new fashion look. Among their advantages - environmental friendliness, ease of use, the ability to fix damage, sound insulation. They do not fade.On top of them you need to apply a special composition to the wallpaper served as long as possible and not washed off from the water. The price for them is quite high.
- Fiberglass wallpaper they are environmentally friendly, they are durable, hide the irregularities of the walls, suitable for repeated painting. The range is not very wide, in addition, you have to pay a lot.
- Natural wallpapers created from eco-friendly materials (bamboo, cork, linkrust). They are very limited in the market. These wallpapers will organically fit far into every bedroom.
Variety of textures
When buying wallpaper for the bedroom, keep in mind that each of the above types has a variety of textures: drawings, patterns, imitation of materials. Most often, wallpaper creates an imitation of fabric, leather, marble surfaces, brick, stone, plaster and others.
If you decide to combine the wallpaper in the bedroom, you can choose several types of textural surfaces with different patterns. It is not necessary to be attached to color at all - you can always get the desired shade.
The advantage of textured wallpapers for painting is that they are very easy to care for - just wipe the surface with a damp cloth from time to time.
Which shade to choose?
Perhaps the most difficult, but interesting task is to determine the color. Designers offer bright colors. However, a bedroom is a room in which the atmosphere should relax and pacify, and not annoy. Psychologists advise muted pastel gamut. Feng shui fans are advised to focus on certain recommendations. It is necessary to deal with everything in order.
Color and truth influences the psycho-emotional and physical state of a person.
Choosing a shade of wallpaper is a crucial step, which will later determine the mood during your stay in the room.
Many different colors of wallpaper allows you to create a unique interior room. Be guided by your own instincts and individual preferences, but consider the following important nuances:
- Wallpaper must be in harmony with the furniture.
- If the bedroom windows are facing the north side, wallpaper of warm tones will be more suitable; if the south one is cold.
- If you decide to use saturated colors, then they should be “balanced” with soothing shades.
- The color of the wallpaper should promote relaxation and sleep.
- Uneven walls can be visually corrected with a diagonal pattern.
- Wallpaper with the effect of gloss give the bedroom a kind of cold atmosphere.
- Visually increase the space of the small bedroom will help wallpaper in light color.
- Combining wallpaper is a great way to zone a room, hide certain defects, make the interior extraordinary.
A very good option for the bedroom would be a combination of two shades of wallpaper. Be sure to consider the following the nuances of the combination of colors:
- Not all colors can go well together. Red and green will not look very well together. It looks great combination of two shades of the same color - for example, blue and blue.
- Saturated color is recommended to dilute dim, as an option - any dark can be shaded beige.
- It looks good cold tone (blue with white).
- You can combine warm tones with cold ones (for example, green with yellow).
- White perfectly complements any other color. The combination of white and black is a very good option.
- To light furniture pick up wallpaper light colors - so you visually increase the space in the room.For a large room, contrasting wallpapers would be a good option, but then you need to be careful with your choice so that the interior does not “press”.
- Under dark furniture warm tones are suitable - both light and dark.
When deciding on a color solution for a bedroom, use the following guidelines. features:
- Blue-blue gamma visually expands the space of the room.
- Green and yellow enliven the interior, restore emotional state and health.
- Red creates an atmosphere of passion, so it is ideal for the bedroom of the newlyweds.
- White wallpapers suitable for everyone, however, the abundance of this color can turn a room for rest into a hospital.
Popular options
The following is a list of the most popular tones of wallpaper, as well as their combinations.
- Green has many shades, it will fit well into any style of the room. This color helps to relax, get rid of irritation. Recommended for people engaged in intellectual work. Most successfully green looks paired with yellow, inconspicuous orange or red, white and all pastel colors.
- Blue wallpapers are soothing, reminiscent of the sea and rest. Dark tones will “steal” the space of the room, so they are not recommended for small dark bedrooms. Blue is in harmony with almost any other color - with the exception of black and purple.
- Blue gives an atmosphere of lightness and romance, visually increases the area. It looks great in any room, with very different furniture. Blue can be added with different shades: gray, beige, white, turquoise and others.
- White is ideal for small rooms. It can be used as the main tone and in conjunction with absolutely any other shade.
- Beige wallpapers are also versatile. They are suitable for any bedroom. Can be used alone or in a pair with saturated color wallpaper.
- Purple wallpapers are rarely used for bedroom interior. It would be better to take a lilac or light purple shade. Violet is recommended to use to place accents. You can combine it with white and pastel colors.
- Red wallpaper - really a bold decision for the bedroom. It is quite bright and heavy color. Not everyone will make a choice in his favor.If you still want to use red, look at its quieter shades. Complete the red wallpaper with other muted tones.
- Black color of wallpaper is a rather non-standard version. Use only it is not recommended, but to make accents using this color is quite possible. Be sure to combine black with other colors. For example, black and white gamma will look very stylish.
- Yellow will create a warm and cozy atmosphere. especially in a small dark bedroom. Prefer discreet light tones of this color.
- Orange can not be called successful for the bedroom, as it is too catchy. Such an interior would be more invigorating than reassuring and promoting rest. Unless you can create bright accents with it. Or pick a muted shade of orange.
- Brown wallpapers are great for the bedroom, they look stylish and “expensive”. The range of shades is very diverse, you can combine light colors with dark ones. This gamma creates comfort, helps to relax.
- Gray wallpaper is a completely neutral option that will not crush. Metallic colors look very fashionable.Calmer tones perfectly complement any interior. You can also play on contrasts.
Feng Shui Recommendations
This Chinese doctrine received a very wide popularity. Today, many prefer to use these tips on home improvement.
The color of the bedroom wallpaper should match the elements of the place where the room is located:
- north - shades of blue;
- south - pinkish tones and ocher;
- west - brown surfaces;
- east side - brown and green.
Recommended wall options (according to Chinese philosophy):
- Blue - The color of success, it helps to achieve the desired.
- Green - gives harmony in the family, helps to find inner balance.
- White - clears thoughts, improves mood, brings good luck.
- Yellow - helps to gain self-confidence, improves mood and productivity.
- Orange - eliminates negative and depressive state, gives positive and freedom.
- Red - gives joyful emotions, passion, improves relationships.
There are colors that Feng Shui categorically does not accept in the interior of the bedroom:
- The black - too gloomy and negative.
- Dark brown - crushes and depresses.
- Gray - symbolizes indifference.
The main recommendation is that it is better to abandon too bright colors, it should be chosen from the muted range.
Now you are armed with all the tips you need to choose the perfect wallpaper in the bedroom. Feel free to go shopping.
For more color solutions for bedroom design, see the following video.