Combined wallpaper in the bedroom

Combined wallpaper in the bedroom - a very stylish, unusual solution. They not only can divide the space into zones, but also favorably emphasize the dignity of the interior.
How can I glue it?
The alternation of textures involves the use of different bands and wallpaper inserts.
Walls can be pasted over with patchwork, horizontal, vertical ways.
The options are as follows:
- Vertical combination. Alternating stripes are combined here. They must be equal to each other in width, otherwise with careless work such products can ruin the whole interior.
The texture of the wallpaper for different parts should be equally dense, so you should not combine different materials.The uniformity of the color palette and smooth transitions are not needed here. In the vertical combination dominated by contrast and sharpness.
Such a sticker visually increases the ceiling and makes the bedroom more spacious. Bright focus on certain areas is appropriate if the room has very little furniture.
- Horizontal combination. The combinations of different textures in the horizontal plane are also diverse. Designers recommend making the repair in the lower part of the wall in uniform colors, and the top - to dilute the drawings or ornaments.
Here you can experiment with different textures - as opposed to vertical combination. With this method, the boundaries are delineated using decorative stucco. A monochromatic strip is suitable for patterned and striped wallpaper, and ornamental stucco will decorate the walls in monotone.
Combine better non-woven wallpaper. This material is unpretentious at work. There are options for matte and glossy coatings that are interestingly combined with each other.
- Patchwork combination. This method in the sleeping interior is rare. In it intertwined catchy details and heterogeneous textures.The wall, pasted over with wallpaper patches, looks like a bedspread or carpet. If you are going to begin such a design of the bedroom, you should consult with the designers and pre-make a layout.
Combination ideas
A selection of combined wallpapers suggests a “game” with colors and textures. These canvases are of two types: one-color and multi-colored. It is worth considering them in more detail:
- One color in different shades. This layout creates a harmonious design in low-key tones. The main thing - do not overdo it with the brightness of colors. The rich palette of one part of the wallpaper must be diluted with a calmer gamut. The difference can vary by two shades, no more.
The ideal option in the bedroom will be a combination of pastel colors. For example, you can combine dark beige and milky coatings.
With single-color combination, it is recommended to use one material in order not to focus on sharp contrast.
- Different wallpapers. Add diversity can be using the composition of different wallpapers. This is the case when one wall is made with different materials. Such repairs make the room unique, unusual.If the apartment is decorated in the same style, then you just need to give individuality to different rooms. Properly arranged furniture will emphasize it even more.
If there is a niche in the wall, then a combined finish here will be very appropriate. The square inserts and baguettes that adorn the space in the wall will beautifully accentuate the style of the room and visually make it wider. The combination of monophonic vinyl and patterned textile materials will create a concise (but at the same time remarkable) image.
Color matching rules
The choice of colors of the combined wallpaper is one of the main points of creating a harmonious decor in the bedroom. Here it is necessary to pay attention to several important points:
- The intensity of the spectrum. Variants of a combination of different shades of a uniform coloring are very difficult. This is not only dark and light color palettes. The color transition from one wall to another should not be contrasted. For example, one wall is pasted over with coral cloths, the others with peach. Primary color is always lighter.
The combination of the two colors is not welcome, but some designers select wallpapers of the same color of different intensity for opposite walls.For example, two walls are made in dark blue colors, while others - in blue.
Many resort to spectral combination. The wallpaper is placed on the rise - from the darkest to the light color. It is important to observe the smoothness of this transition. This decoration looks great in combination with white furniture.
- Balance. When the balance in harmony complex and simple colors. For example, the flower canvas in the upper part of the wall in the middle is interrupted by plain wallpaper.
Smooth transitions in the balance is not required. There are opposite shades. Active color appears in the center of the room. This may be a green or chocolate coating, which is adjacent to the white wallpaper.
In the bedroom, bright colors are not very popular, they can negatively affect the psyche.
Red, yellow, pink and lilac cause strong emotional reactions. Black, purple and turquoise depress and add chill to the atmosphere.
If the pastel colors (gray, white, milk) are too banal for the design of a bedroom, then you should take a closer look at the blue, green and brown shades. They calm the mind, create a feeling of comfort, security and warmth.
How to choose the right features of the room?
Sleeping rooms are different: small or large, sunny or shaded, with high ceilings or low. To adjust the room, it is sometimes enough just to find suitable samples. Options may be as follows:
- Hide defects. Combined wallpapers are ideal for rooms with uneven walls. A composition of several colors solves this problem. Pastel colors are not so much striking and visually smooth the surface. For defective walls dark deep colors are not suitable.
An abundance of small patterns also helps to cope with irregularities on the walls. Here are suitable relief coatings that fit very harmoniously into the sleeping interior. Just do not glue the wallpaper with even oblong stripes or large squares, they highlight all the flaws.
If defects are visible at the junction, they can be easily corrected with the help of borders or moldings. They contribute to a smooth transition from one part of the wallpaper to another.
- Zoned space. If you need to beautifully and competently arrange a children's bedroom for a boy and a girl, then you cannot do without combined wallpapers. They perfectly divide the space into zones.For example, in the place where the girl’s bed is located, pale pink wallpapers can be arranged. In front of the boy’s bed, you can place a light gray linen. These colors are perfectly combined - so there will not be a feeling of discomfort in the room.
This interior solution is also an excellent option for small rooms with an area of 14 m².
The combined wallpaper in the loft-style living room will also suit the combined wallpaper, they will intelligently divide the space.
- Adjust the size of the room. The visual perception of the room can be easily adjusted. If the square small room needs to be expanded, then only one wall should be highlighted with a bright ornament. Oblong space is increased with the help of wallpaper in nude tones that stick on the sides. Dark coverings are placed on the end wall.
To reduce the bedroom and make it more comfortable, you should look at the wallpaper with a small pattern or to monochromatic dark blue, brown or black coatings. Such colors hide space.
Extend the room can be a horizontal combination. It will divide the room into two halves: lower - dark, upper - lighter.It is the light part that will become the main source of light.
- Place accents. The highlight of the bedroom interior can be a bright element on the wallpaper. He will draw attention to objects that are next to the wall. Dark colors of the paintings defocus the eyes and do not destroy comfort.
Wallpaper must be in harmony with the environment. This concerns not only colors, but also style. Designers recommend decorating the room so that both the walls and the furniture contain general patterns or colors.
Combination Tips
Fashion trends suggest a variety of options for combined wallpaper. So that the selected canvases look in the general interior not only beautifully and stylishly, but also harmoniously, It is necessary to use several combination rules:
- Wallpapers must be of the same type and not vary in thickness. Otherwise, they will be difficult to dock.
- If newbies will be engaged in gluing wallpaper, you should not experiment. The composition of three or four shades without a competent approach may look too pretentious.
- Before a full repair, it is worth buying trial rolls in the store in order not to be mistaken with color and size.At home it will be immediately apparent whether such a model is suitable for this particular room. Here special attention is paid to the peculiarity of lighting and interior.
- Bright colors should not be chosen for spectral combination. For such a technique, monochrome variants (white-gray-black combinations) are more suitable.
- The main advice is to make the walls as smooth as possible.
In the combination of wallpaper, you can experiment not only with colors, but also with different materials. There are matte, glossy, velvety wallpaper.
If you use a coating of different materials, but in the same color scheme, you can create a wonderful interior decoration.
Among the most popular materials are:
- Paper. The budget option is smooth single-layer wallpaper, but it’s very difficult to work with them. When water gets on the paper, they can easily tear. This is not very convenient when combining different parts. Due to the thin material all defects will be visible on the wall.
The most suitable option is multilayer duplex or triplex wallpaper. Their cost is slightly higher than single-layer prices, but they also remain available to the average buyer.Such coatings hide minor imperfections on the walls. Their only drawback is that they quickly fade in the sun and are easily torn.
- Vinyl. These wallpapers are made of paper or non-woven base. Thanks to the various techniques of applying vinyl, many interesting models result. Silk-screen wallpapers or heavy vinyl coverings are ideal for a sleeping room.
If the bedroom walls are smooth, then you can glue the silk-screen materials. They look very solemn. A slight glow will be noticeable even in the dark, it resembles the sheen of natural silk fabrics.
A significant drawback of such wallpaper is heavy air in the room. Because of the vinyl waterproof film, the walls barely breathe. However, the problem is completely solvable if you regularly ventilate the room or install ventilation in it.
- Flizelinovye. This wallpaper is made from non-woven material made from cellulose and chemical fibers. Vinyl or other decorative coating is applied to the non-woven base.
Flizelinovy cloths are very strong, elastic and convenient when pasting walls. The technology is as simple as possible.A special glue is applied to dry wallpapers that does not corrode the surface. After this, the canvases are easily fixed on a vertical plane.
Due to the high density of the material, they look great even on uneven walls.
Such models are wide meter rolls. For large rooms it is very convenient, less joints are formed. With small rooms will be more difficult. In order to avoid problems with matching the pattern, it is better to call a specialist who minimizes the likelihood of defects when working.
Another drawback of non-woven wallpapers is the high price. However, it fully justifies itself due to the complex production technology and expensive fibers in the composition. Having paid once, the landlord will not be able to worry about the condition of the walls for many years.
- Textile. Wallpapers related to this type are not available for everyone. Often they are classified as luxury. They are made of non-woven base and natural fabrics: jute, flax, cotton, velor or silk.
Hard fibers from flax, jute are embodied in canvases that resemble a mat. Fleece wallpaper made of velor or felt.Woven cloth produced in the form of very wide rolls, using which, for one approach, you can paste over the entire one wall. This is very convenient, because you do not have to join different edges.
When combining choose textile wallpaper from the same material, but in different colors. For example, the silky base is presented in a wide spectral range. However, the combination of different parts will be carried out not on one wall, but immediately on the whole space of the room.
Textile fabrics have two significant disadvantages - high cost and problematic care. For example, velor surfaces accumulate a lot of dust that is difficult to remove from the walls. It should be noted that wet cleaning is not suitable for textile wallpaper. All these drawbacks for many are compensated by the aesthetic appeal of these coatings.
- Wall mural. Such cloths are very often used with the combined technique of pasting walls. The photo can be applied on paper, vinyl or non-woven base. The quality of the final product will depend on the base. There are special workshops that manufacture custom-made photo wallpaper.
The wall with photo wallpapers is always the main accent in the room. The remaining walls - a neutral background.
It is performed in neutral (often in pastel) colors. The ideal composition is an option when the background wallpaper is matched to the color of one of the details in the photo.
If the photo canvas is placed above the bed, then the furniture should be chosen to match the tone of these wallpapers. Then the interior will look very harmonious and complete.
Combined wallpaper is important to select in accordance with the overall style of the apartment. Make it quite difficult, because manufacturers are somewhat behind the fashion trends. But there is a solution: if you know the features of design trends, in which the main thing is getting into the right color scheme.
- Classical. Classic is always a combination of simple and complex elements. In the case of wallpaper, it can be plain canvas of nude tones (beige, milk, light brown), appliqué on the central wall in the form of vertical stripes or large stucco. But the accent surface should be three to four tones darker than the background walls.
A great option would be a horizontal combination - in combination with moldingsor finishing frames around the perimeter. Geometric prints in a rich gamut can alternate with light inserts.
- High tech. This style to some extent incorporated the features of minimalism. There is no bright palette and elaborate patterns, warm colors are also not welcome. If we are talking about decorating the bedroom, then some designers make blotches of delicate elements, combining them with cool shades.
Usually high-tech is based on white, gray, dark blue and black colors. The background color for the bedroom will be white, and the dominant color will be black. Occasionally, the wallpaper can be complemented by non-striking patterns. For this option, better fit monochrome canvas.
- Provence and Country. This style is dominated by delicate pink, blue or brown tones. A distinctive feature is a small floral pattern or strip.
The focus is on the bedside area, this is where the patterned canvas is placed. There is an option with different types of bands - wide combined with narrow. But the color of the wallpaper should be the same.
It is in the Provence and Country styles that the patchwork combination is used.
Often there are also interiors stylized as stone or wood.In this case, buy non-woven wallpaper or textile coatings.
- Oriental. Combined wallpaper in oriental style is rarely used, but such a design idea looks just gorgeous. It combines the most expensive materials from natural fibers (in a bright palette). Red, yellow, orange and burgundy shades prevail.
This style is different from the others in that there are practically no pastel tones in the composition. The main and background wallpapers are made in dark colors. The central canvas can be the same color as the rest, but with ornate patterns.
Wall mural is practically not used in oriental style. Usually textile fabrics are welcome here.
Spectacular examples in the interior
Bedroom more than other rooms requires coziness and comfort in conjunction with aesthetics. Wallpaper should create an atmosphere of calm and relaxation. Different combinations of pastel colors contribute to this state.
For example, light gray wallpaper, protruding background, and the accent wall with a large floral pattern look very elegant and stylish.
In a small room in the headboard area, you can make a small niche,which will stand out patterned canvas and baseboard trim on the edges.
Accent walls in bright colors add dynamics to the interior. Three or four colors can be combined here - for example, dark lilac, pale pink and gray.
Wallpapers stand out not only the wall, but also the ceiling. For this purpose, a single niche is formed, which smoothly passes from the ceiling space into two-color walls.
See the next video for additional options for the combined wallpaper in the bedroom.