Is it possible to keep indoor plants in the bedroom?

There are certain rules for choosing colors for a home and the basics of their placement. In this regard, the question often arises: is it possible to keep indoor flowers in the bedroom?
What are suitable?
If you decide to put indoor flowers in your bedroom, then it is better to choose the most favorable ones for health. Do not put plants in this room with a very strong odor, and also classified as poisonous. In the first case, you can earn a strong migraine or even provoke an allergic reaction.
The presence of poisonous plants in the bedroom increases the likelihood of poisoning or getting burned from their juice while caring for them.
Picking flowers is also necessary on the degree of illumination of the room and the intensity of the presence of sunlight in it.If the room is darkened, then shade-loving plants will suit you just right. Do not forget about the overall interior design. Small, compact plants are ideal for minimalist bedrooms, and for bedrooms in the high-tech style, you can buy flowers of unusual shape and size. After all, the benefits of such plants is not only in their impact on the human body, but also in aesthetic perception.
Do not forget that all flowers must be compatible with each other. Therefore, you should know in advance about which plants are best to keep close.
It is better to give preference to really useful colors, which will not only clear the air, but, if necessary, can be used to treat some diseases. Such flowers are also called talismans or filters. They improve the general condition of a person, contribute to a surge of energy, and also protect the room itself from negative energy.
The best home flowers for the bedroom, as acknowledged by nerds and doctors, are:
- Peralgonium;
- Spathiphyllum;
- Uzambarsky violet;
- Geranium;
- Aloe;
- Camellia;
- Sansevieria;
- Dracaena;
- Ficus;
- Cyclomen;
- Fatty;
- Golden mustache;
- Laurel;
- Chlorophytum;
- Begonia.
It is these plants that have the most beneficial effect on a person and help him improve his sleep.
Some people like to keep orchids in the bedroom. However, this idea should be abandoned, as well as the placement of some other plants in this room.
Which can not be set and why?
There is a whole list of plants that are not recommended for installation in the room where you sleep. Depending on the type of such a flower can negatively affect the person. It is necessary to refuse such colors as:
- Orchid. This very beautiful flower is actually very bad for its owner, especially at night. Room orchids contribute to the depletion of human physical forces, as well as the emergence of excessive anxiety in people. In the course of the research it was found that people who slept in rooms with orchids got much better sleep, they did not feel rested after sleeping, and at night they were often tormented by disturbing dreams.
- Ivy also do not recommend to keep in the bedroom, like any other climbing plants. There is a popular belief that the presence of such colors in the bedroom leads to a rift between spouses.
- Potted lilies at night, the sink absorbs oxygen, as does man, and instead emit carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is better to remove them to another room.
- Azalea contributes to the appearance of arrhythmias, so it is absolutely impossible to install it in a bedroom in people with a weak heart.
- Monstera - This is a plant whose own energy is very weak, so it tends to suck it from other organisms, in particular, from people. Today, many scientists attribute this indoor flower to energy vampires.
Such indoor flowers as Japanese Rodea, Dieffenbachia, Oleander and Croton also do not recommend to install in the bedroom. These flowers belong to the group of poisonous, their juice, leaves, stems, and in some cases, the smell and negatively affect human health.
Artificial flowers of all varieties are also under strict taboos. They can not be placed not only in the bedroom, but also in other rooms. They are not alive, they do not bring any benefit to man, and sometimes they take most of the energy from people.
Health effects
Each indoor flower not only decorates the room, but also in a certain way affects the human body, its sleep and general condition. Therefore, choosing a plant is necessary not only because of its beautiful name, but also because of the effect it has.
- Ficus This flower in recent years is popular with those who want to get pregnant faster. And indeed, the ficus has a very positive effect on the female reproductive system, increases the likelihood of conception, and also enhances sexuality. This is the only plant that is recommended to install in the immediate vicinity of the bed. And Ficus Benjamin helps to relieve stress and clean the air of the room from almost any chemical pollution.
- Geranium is a plant with a very strong odor. It helps to calm down, get rid of migraines and severe headaches. Because of the pronounced aroma, geranium must be installed as far as possible from the bed, and one plant is enough for a room of 15 meters. In addition, this flower not only eliminates insomnia, but also helps to improve the hormonal balance in the female body. And this plant is a great helper in the fight against moths, flies and mosquitoes.
- Violet is a very tender and beautiful plant. It has a strong, pronounced anti-stress effect, uplifting and instantly soothes. And violets contribute to the improvement of family relationships, strengthen the nervous system and promote mental calm.
- The controversial flower is a cactus. On the one hand, it has a beneficial effect on sleep, normalizes it and helps eliminate nightmares. But on the other hand, cactus affects the relationship between people, complicates them and often leads to quarrels. Therefore, such a flower can not be put in the bedrooms of married couples, as well as small children.
- Dracaena. This indoor flower is truly unique. Being present in the bedroom, he will not only kill germs in this room, but also destroy chemical harmful compounds in the air and filter oxygen. Only by its presence in the apartment, this plant at times increases the healing rate of any wounds in both adults and children. And this flower in a surprising way helps to strengthen muscles, teeth and bones.
- Aloe is a flower that is familiar to everyone. Literally 50 years ago, this plant was necessarily in each apartment, and today it has again become fashionable to keep in the bedroom.The chemical composition of the leaves of this plant is truly unique, which is why this flower is used for various inflammatory diseases, for diseases of the stomach, eyes, purulent inflammations, and most importantly, this flower cleans the air at night better than other impurities and produces oxygen in large quantities.
And he actively reduces the electrification in the room.
- Money tree or sweetie. This plant has both spiritual and physical benefits. Infusions and decoctions of its leaves, as well as juice, are used to treat many diseases, such as arthritis, hemorrhoids, ulcers, and others. The fat woman herself attracts wealth and good fortune to the house, perfectly filters the air, and is also an indicator of health. If the plants start to dry and wither, it means that the person has some health problems and the money tree partially takes them for himself.
- Kalanchoe has the same beneficial properties as aloe. The range of application of this indoor flower is unusually wide. Its juice and the leaves themselves are used. It helps to get rid of a cold, heal wounds faster.In addition, Kalanchoe calms the nervous system, helps normalize sleep.
- Palm. This plant has an amazing property, namely, it gives a charge of vitality and positive skeptics and melancholic. People who are skeptical of life, love black irony, with the advent of palm trees in the bedroom become much kinder and more sensitive. In addition, if you believe feng shui, the palm tree, or rather, its shape, symbolizes success and prosperity, that is, the rise in all spheres of life. Therefore, such a flower in the bedroom is simply necessary for people seeking success.
- We can not say about such a plant as Chlorophytum. This is a real air purifier. During the day, four of these indoor flowers can almost completely clean any room from chemical pollution of air, nitrous oxide and traces of burning. This plant has a pronounced effect that is detrimental to microbes, and it also perfectly moisturizes the air.
- Spathiphyllum is an obligatory resident of a bedroom in each apartment in the conditions of a modern megacity. This flower produces oxygen around the clock in huge doses. In addition, it also eliminates harmful bacteria, moisturizes the air and contributes to the harmonization of relations.
All kinds of citrus fruits, lavender, peace, laurel, begonia, lavender are also very useful for humans, ideal for placement in a bedroom. They strengthen the nervous system, improve air quality, increase immunity and improve sleep.
All these plants are best suited for the bedroom. But choosing them is worth remembering about reasonableness, because an excess of these colors can provoke allergies or other health problems. Usually 3-7 flowers for the bedroom is enough. Make sure that one flower produces oxygen around the clock, and the second helps improve sleep. All other plants can be selected to your liking.
And remember that these indoor flowers will have a beneficial effect on the human body and mind if they are properly and regularly taken care of.
About what indoor plants suitable for the bedroom, you will learn from the following video.