Repair in a small bedroom

Small flats are quite common. It is very rare to find the happy owners of an apartment that is large in size. Often people have to settle for a small area.
Zatevaya repair in a small bedroom, we have to face a number of problems and solve problems on the optimization of space. But even completely in a tiny room, you can implement bold design ideas, if you have at least a drop of imagination and fantasy. Useful recommendations will help to realize your ideas and make the bedroom a place for rest and relaxation.
Design features
Often the smallest room is allocated for the bedroom., and it is not surprising, because a relatively large room often serves as a living room, where it is customary to receive guests and spend free time from work.
The bedroom also implies a secluded and even intimate atmosphere, where a person can relax and unwind after a hard day’s work.
In typical panel houses, rooms are quite modest. - they range from 6 to 10 meters. This room often has other disadvantages:
- rather wide door;
- the window is located in an awkward place;
- low ceilings.
Yes, and the room itself may not be entirely proportional, especially true for the Khrushchev.
When planning the interior of the bedroom, you need to do the following:
- visually enlarge the room;
- improve geometry;
- choose the right color scheme for walls, ceiling and floor;
- arrange all the necessary furniture without cluttering up the space.
Color solutions
When deciding on the color scheme, it is important to know that monochrome colors can visually change the proportions of a room.
When making repairs, select light shades (for example, white, beige, milky colors), pastel colors (blue, pink, gray, yellow, green). All these colors should be muted, create a cozy atmosphere.
The use of a suitable color scheme has a good effect on relaxation, causes a positive emotional attitude:
- In the bedroom, decorated in snow-white tones, you fall asleep faster. If you want to get a romantic mood, then use color lighting.
- Heavenly tones will help relieve nervous tension. Active and energetic personalities such color of the walls will help dissipate energy a little and plunge into the world of dreams.
- Different shades of green (for example, light green, emerald green, celadon and grass) will give a feeling of freshness, will allow you to relax not only your eyes, but also the nervous system. A green shade will harmonize perfectly with gray, brown and yellow tones.
- The soft shade of purple will allow you to relax and calm down. It goes well with white, beige and cream tones, and can also be an excellent addition to the elements, made in green, yellow, pink colors.
- The color of the sun will be the perfect solution for a small roomin which there is not enough light and heat. Various shades of sand, lemon and gold will make the room brighter. They are in perfect harmony with the white, green, blue and brown colors, improving mood and causing joy.
- Calm and discreet gray tint It will be an excellent basis for bright accents.It can act as a beautiful background for various stylistic decisions.
These colors will make an ordinary room a great place to relax.
Materials for decoration
When carrying out repairs in a small bedroom with your own hands, it is very important to choose the right materials for the interior:
If you are equipping a room in a country house, then it is better to use a wall panel or decorative plaster. For ordinary apartments, the best option would be breathable wallpaper that allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate. For these purposes, you can apply a standard paper wallpaper, options on non-woven base or containing elements of textiles. Cork, bamboo or straws can be used as natural materials.
Please note that a certain combination of wallpaper can help improve the proportions of a small area. For example, for a narrow room on one wall, glue on plain-colored wallpaper, and on the other - striped, circle (you can select other geometric elements). Such a trick will allow zoned space, and the bedroom will not be like a tunnel.
If you have very high ceilings, then put 1/3 of dark wallpaper on 1/3 of the wall from the floor, and on 2/3 apply a light finish with a small pattern in a small strip, dividing both parts with a beautiful border. This technique will visually reduce the height of the walls, and the room will not resemble a well.
For flooring, use laminate and carpet, perhaps a more expensive option - parquet. Various tones of natural wood will look beautiful. They can be specially bleached to blend in with a particular style - for example, high-tech or Provence.
The dark floor will look beautiful if you arrange the furniture of the same color.
Finishing for the ceiling is better to choose light. If during the repair you decide to use a stretch ceiling, which will have a glossy surface, then you can choose any colors. The fashion trend is the use of a caisson ceiling with mirror elements (to increase a small area).
Stylistic decisions
Ideas for repairing bedrooms in small apartments may consist in the use of a variety of stylistic solutions.The main thing - to avoid a large number of parts and elements that will clutter the space.
The most popular styles for a bedroom with a small area:
- Modern style involves the use of clear lines, discreet colors and a minimum of elements. For the arrangement of the bedroom used furniture sets, devoid of any decorations. Walls and ceiling can be made in white, gray or beige tones. Carpet, laminate or subdued parquet is used as a floor covering.
To expand the space and increase the amount of sunlight, chrome handles, mirror surfaces and polished wood are used. As additional elements can be hung exquisite paintings. Elegant floor lamps or ceramic figurines, various potted plants are used. Bed linen is better to choose silk or cotton, without large patterns. To create a soothing atmosphere can be used spotlights throughout the area and sconces, which are located on the bedside tables.
- Classic. It will be an ideal option for lovers and connoisseurs of luxury options. Delicate tones (white, pinkish, pale purple) are in perfect harmony with the silver-gold decor, stucco molding, columns and lamps made of crystal. Carved furniture set, painted in white color will help to create a chic atmosphere. On the windows you should hang massive brocade, satin or velvet curtains, corresponding to the color scheme of the room. From these fabrics it is also possible to sew a canopy for a bed. The presence of a large amount of light will help from a small room to make a real royal bedroom.
- Provence - will allow you to tune in to romance. All elements in the design of the room should be made in pastel colors - for example, in white and blue, light pink, pale purple, beige and not very bright green colors. Textiles should be decorated with a small floral pattern, small peas, diamonds or a cage. For the arrangement of the bedroom is better to use furniture of a simple form, made of light wood or painted white.
- Loft - elements of this style can also be involved in the interior of a small bedroom. For wall covering, you can use the imitation of brickwork. Put a bed that has no legs. No need to decorate the floor with carpets. There should be almost no decorative details in the design of this room. You can use a mirror in a thin frame, strict lamps, several black and white accents. The people in this room should get the impression that you are here temporarily and are not going to linger.
To visually enlarge the space, you can make a full-length panoramic window or put a wardrobe, whose doors will have a glossy metal surface. Curtains in this style are not used, replace them with blinds or simple curtains with vertical folds.
- Minimalism is the best option for a small square. The design of the room in this style suggests the absence of a variety of decorations. For decorative coating of walls, ceiling and floor, apply one or two colors. They may be similar or contrasted. Arrange a minimum of furniture with a glossy surface, hang strict lamps, different geometric shapes.Everything in the interior should be aimed at keeping precious meters free.
- Scandinavian style - fill the small bedroom with coolness and transparency. White is used for decoration, accents can be made in pale brown or blue-gray shades. The whole atmosphere should resemble mountains covered in snow and icy rivers.
Consider the stylistic direction in the design of your bedroom, so that it is not only beautiful, but also cozy, providing a relaxing atmosphere.
Small bedroom arrangement
When setting up a small bedroom, try to use only the most necessary furniture.without cluttering up the free space. The optimal version of the furniture set includes:
- bed;
- cupboard;
- two bedside tables.
Stop your choice on carved furnituremade of solid wood and has elegant lines, rounded corners or wrought iron elements.
To make the bed "air" and minimize its massiveness, you can equip the bottom of the diode lights. The berth should be in the most convenient place.Do not forget to leave room for side tables, approximately 40-60 centimeters.
If the room is long, put a closet in front of the bed. If it is square, then it must be placed on the side. Opposite the bed is also placed a bedside table with a TV, and in the legs - a banquette. It is better to use white furniture - or one that will blend in with the floor. Consider that the furniture of light shades will visually make the ceilings higher and darker below.
Decorative design
In a room that is small (and even tiny) in size, it is better not to use a large pattern as a decorative design. The best option is a small print that matches the tone of the main canvas and does not contrast with it.
As an exception You can decorate the wall with accent wallwhich is located at the head of the bed. You can choose a cityscape, an image of flowers, animals, an abstraction. The main thing - to abandon the very bright options.
Make out pictures, mirrors and photos, use simple frames., not weighted with additional elements. Do not make a gallery from the bedroom, one picture will be enough.If you do not think of an interior without photos, then arrange them horizontally, if there are high ceilings in the room, or in several vertical rows - for a room with low ceilings.
Curtains should be made of light natural materials. - This is, for example, silk or linen fabric. Choose a classic design, devoid of drapery. Light curtains of tulle or organza will look beautiful.
Bed covers, pillows and upholstery should match the color and texture of the curtains., as if uniting the interior, giving it a complete and complete appearance.
Doing repairs with your own hands and speaking the main decorator, do not forget about the basic rules that will help to visually expand the space.
Mirrors will help to remove borders in a room with a small area:
- Arrange them horizontally on the wall, you can visually expand the space.
- The cupboard mezzanine decorate the mirrored facades, it will remove the excess bulkiness.
- Place a large dressing table on the sides of the bed.This technique is also used for visual expansion of the room.
- Instead of a pier you can put cabinets-cases, having mirror doors and a large number of internal space - to accommodate the necessary things.
Visual effectswhich are used for the interior of small bedrooms:
- Use glossy surfaces for fronts of cupboards (adding perspective).
- To expand the space, use wide vertical stripes that alternate with white on the wall.
- Horizontal stripes better to leave for textile elements - for example, a bedspread or carpet.
- Decorate a massive closet to match the walls. This will allow it to fit into the space, reducing its significant size.
Choose an ergonomic and multifunctional furniture set:
- Furniture to individual sizes better suited for your room than the one that has the standard dimensions.
- If you use a wardrobe bed, then you will have a place for the living room.
- Narrow shelves will not stand on the wall, and you will have a place for the necessary details.
- Stop your selection on not very massive models of bedside tables, dressers and cabinets. Their optimal dimensions: height - 90-120 centimeters, depth - 30-40 centimeters.
- Choose a bed with vykatny boxes or a box for linen.
- Folding table can be used as a workplace.
Repair in a small bedroom requires imagination and imagination. If everything is properly planned, then the necessary elements of a furniture set will easily fit in a small area.
Do not be afraid to translate your ideas into life, the inspiration for which you will find in this video, and then even the tiny room in the "Khrushchev" will be cute and cozy, inviting to rest and relaxation.