Scandinavian style bedroom

Functionality and minimalism are two words that most accurately characterize the Scandinavian style. The rooms are decorated in Scandinavian style, look stylish and modern, but at the same time preserve the natural naturalness. The minimalist atmosphere, the abundance of white color and light give a feeling of peace and allow you to visually expand the space of a small bedroom. The bedroom in the Scandinavian style is a very popular option at the present time.
For the Scandinavian style, light shades are important, because in Scandinavia there is an acute lack of sunlight throughout the year. The main color used in the design of the Scandinavian style is white. Although it seems that the abundance of white color creates a feeling of the “winter kingdom”, in fact it reflects even scanty sunlight and disperses the winter mist. Instead of white (or simultaneously with it) can be used in blue, gray and beige. White color helps to visually enlarge the space, which is especially important for small rooms.However, the abundance of white color can make the bedroom unnecessarily "cold" or "sterile." Therefore, another important element of the Scandinavian style is playing with contrast.
Black color perfectly emphasizes the architectural features of the room. Black elements of decor will contrast with the overall whiteness.
Warm tones play an important role in the bedroom. Beige and honey shades, peach and pale pink will give the room a feeling of comfort and warmth. It should avoid cold shades. Combined with the basic white color, they will make the room uncomfortable. Another way to play on the contrast is to add bright textiles to the room. Pillows or a blanket with an unusual pattern will be the perfect final touch in the design of the room.
Do not neglect the woody tones. They will make a pleasant variety in the color palette of the bedroom.
When making the bedroom in the Scandinavian style is best to use natural materials: wood, stone, glass, fur. A variety of textures will help to dilute the austerity, which is created by a small amount of furniture and an abundance of white.It is better to pick wooden products that have not been processed. Furniture can be simply varnished. The tree is environmentally friendly, so this material is chosen quite often.
A pleasant detail will be the presence in the room of some ceramic products - animal figures or a vase.
This style is characterized by the abundance of elegant textiles. Fabrics should be natural - linen or cotton. Fur and leather products will fit well into the room. It is allowed that in the rooms decorated in this style one of the walls or part of it is lined with brick. A brick wall enlivens the environment, while at the same time it looks minimalist in the right degree. Valid in the design of the bedrooms metal and plastic. They will look very good in lamps, photo frames or small figures. Metal parts in combination with natural elements (wood and stone) - again allow you to create the necessary contrast for this style. However, you should not get involved in, so as not to violate the unity of style.
Walls, floor and ceiling
Simplicity is the main thing that distinguishes the Scandinavian style. In the bedrooms, made in this style, the walls are simply painted white (or very light shades of blue, mint, beige). Sometimes for decoration can be used stencilled inscriptions. What is important - the walls are rarely covered with wallpaper. More often they are simply plastered and painted. Scandinavian style often concentrates on the wall behind the head of the bed. The wall can be revetted with bricks, decorated with wooden panels, glued with bright wallpaper, painted with floral or other patterns.
In rooms decorated in Scandinavian style, the floor is the backdrop for furniture. The floor should be light and not attracting attention, a few shades darker than the walls and ceiling. The best fit wood flooring or laminate. Bleached planks, preserving the natural texture, fit well into such a room. In addition, they provide good thermal insulation.
The floor can be covered with carpet. It can be a plain light carpet (as smooth as possible, with a short nap) or a black and white cowhide, which is a traditional element in Scandinavian homes.
The ceiling in the Scandinavian bedroom is bright and smooth, without stucco or patterns.It is very good if it is covered with white plaster, although the use of other light shades is quite acceptable. Suspended and tensioned shelves in this style are not welcome.
Minimalism implies a minimum of interior and the presence of free space in the room. Furniture should not make it difficult to move around the bedroom. A bed, a wardrobe, a table and a chair are what the Scandinavian bedroom usually includes. Of course, other room options are possible. If the free space allows, then in the bedroom bedside tables or a bedside table are quite appropriate. If the space in the room is small, you can abandon the desk and chairs.
Very good, if all the furniture looks as simple as possible. Another important point - the items must be made of natural wood. It will be good if these are trees prevailing in northern countries - for example, birch or pine.
For the Scandinavian bedroom a wide bed with a high headboard is perfect. It fits well with the situation, if you put it against the wall. This is not the only possible option: the Scandinavian style implies the organic use of space.In small rooms, the bed can move from the center of the composition. It is not necessary to abuse a large number of lamps. Although the Scandinavian bedroom should be as light as possible, for its lighting will be enough 1-2 chandeliers with bright fluorescent lights. Lamps should give the most natural and natural light, the rest will make the white surface of the walls, ceiling and various objects.
In a classic Scandinavian bedroom, bedside tables with night lamps are located on the sides of the bed.
To allow sunlight to freely enter the bedroom, window curtains are rarely used. If you want to diversify the interior of the room with curtains, then keep in mind that they should be light (if possible - light). As an alternative, you can use blinds. Large mirrors can be considered another characteristic feature of this style. In combination with wooden frames, the silver surface of the mirrors will create an attractive contrast. It is best to look for the necessary furniture in IKEA. It offers a very wide range of similar products.This brand has northern roots, as well as the Scandinavian style in the interior.
Elements of decor
Given the overall minimalism, it is worth diluting it with a number of accessories. Ceramic figurines, colored rugs, live plants, bookshelves - options can be anything. Good will look accessories made by hand. On the walls you can hang pictures in wooden, black or dark (for example, brown) frames, pictures with images of the northern expanses and the sea.
Unusual lamps and stylish modern lamps will look great. The main thing - that they are well scattered light. Lamp shades and ceiling lamps that darken the room should not be used in the design of the room.
However, when decorating a bedroom you should not forget about the main thing: a large number of objects destroys minimalism. In an effort to diversify the decor of the room, it is important not to get carried away. The abundance of decorative elements can load a room and give it a cluttered look. The functionality of the furniture in the Scandinavian bedroom is combined with comfort, and this is the most important principle of this style. Light colors, simplicity of design and the rejection of unnecessary decorative elements allow you to effectivelyuse all the free space of the room and visually increase the room, which is especially important for small bedrooms. The use of natural elements in the design of the bedroom will make the room cozy, and the simplicity of the furniture (without carving and other patterns) will keep the very minimal Scandinavian style.
Design Ideas
The Scandinavian style is valued for its ability to use space rationally. In the attic rooms, where there is no extra space at all, because it is “eaten up” by ceiling beams and a sloped ceiling, the choice of a mansard bedroom in the Scandinavian style will be the most profitable solution. No less successful would be the choice of Scandinavian style for the design of the bedroom on the balcony. Large balcony windows, an abundance of white color will make the room really bright and compensate for the lack of space. It is on the balcony bedroom that various hand-made trivia will fall in handy - knitted rugs, embroidered pillows.
White color will visually expand the space and make the dark and dark room lighter. The minimalism inherent in this style will not allow littering the space.
Attic bedroom or bedroom on the balcony, made in the Scandinavian style, in any case will be truly original and comfortable. The Scandinavian style is ideal for people who value space, light and natural materials. The main thing - to remember that when you make a bed you do not need to limit yourself to strict limits. The bedroom should be comfortable and give a feeling of peace.
How to create a bedroom in the Scandinavian style, see the release of the TV program "Housing problem".