Japanese style bedroom

A Japanese-style bedroom is a combination of sophistication and minimalism plus a philosophy inherent only in this small country. The Japanese believe that everything is perishable, therefore the most important thing is convenience and closeness to nature. In Japanese homes are used only natural materials. Therefore, it is the bedroom, decorated in this style, is becoming increasingly popular in Western countries, in Russia.
Interior features
Japanese interior is fundamentally different from other oriental designs. These are not Arab countries with their bright colors, carpets and fabrics. Japanese avoid many details, striving for practicality and freedom in space. The less things and furniture, the less fuss, says Japanese philosophy. Restraint and simplicity of interiors contributes to the development of spiritual harmony and will.
Japanese dwellings were formed under the influence of the rather harsh natural conditions of the country, where only a third of the territory is suitable for life. Regular natural disasters (typhoons, tsunamis) did not allow creating complex interiors. On the contrary - light collapsible houses saved lives of many people more than once.
From the above, it is possible to form three basic principles of the Japanese style:
- Minimalism, absence, oversaturation of space help to leave care outside the home or a particular room.
- Naturalness materials that help emphasize intimacy with nature.
- Rationality. The functionality of the space implies the convenience of simple-shaped furniture, sliding wardrobes that are built into the walls, and other items that are convenient to use.
The main stages of the design room
The first step is to choose the colors in which the room will be made. Basics are most often chosen from beige, white, cream, gray and black colors. They are complemented by various shades. Lots of bright, screaming colors should be avoided, but it is possible to emphasize.
Since in the Japanese tradition walls in the rooms are replaced by light partitions (shoji),made of light wood frame and paper, in the bedroom, decorated in this Asian style, you should use either light wallpaper or wood panels that will look like traditional screens. These materials can be replaced with a special paint, on which a stencil pattern can be applied. Another option may be natural fabric. The latter method is considered the most expensive, but also the most comfortable.
In Japanese tradition, it is believed that the ceiling should be rectangular. Ceilings are usually beamed. The beams divide the pre-painted surface into regular shape segments. Sometimes, after fixing the beams between them, they stretch the paper or fabric. You can make the ceiling stretch, but natural natural materials more harmoniously fit into the interior. It is advisable to make the ceiling in the color of the walls, but harmonious differences that fit into the overall color scheme are allowed.
It is believed that the larger the section into which the ceiling is divided, the more spacious the room seems. Beams must be made of materials that contrast with the ceiling itself.
A great deal of attention is paid to the flooring in Japanese homes, since it is customary to walk barefoot around the room. To the bedroom this applies to the greatest extent.Usually the wooden floor is covered with tatami. In modern life, such a coating can wear out. It can be replaced with a carpet: either monophonic, or with a pattern made in Asian style.
In a room decorated in an oriental style, there should not be a harsh light. It fills the entire room, its a lot, but it must be absent-minded. Paper shades or frosted glass are suitable for creating such an effect. The boundaries of light and shade with such lamps are not very clear, and the light itself fills the entire room. The Japanese practically do not use nightlights and table lamps to avoid harsh shadows. During the daytime the room is flooded with daylight, and at night they include ceiling chandeliers.
The light sources themselves are made from natural materials (wood, paper, less often glass) of black and white colors. Occasionally used materials of other shades. Chandeliers should be geometrically correct form - round or rectangular, as required by the minimalism of the interior.
To give the room a greater oriental flavor, instead of curtains on the windows, it is worth using special panel blinds made from natural fabrics - plain or with a thematic pattern.
The doors in the Japanese bedroom are made sliding, which significantly increases the living space of the room.
The main subject in any bedroom, whatever style it is, is the bed. If the bedroom is made in the Japanese style, then this piece of furniture should resemble as much as a futon - a rectangular mattress, which is preferred by the Japanese. The legs should either not be at all, or they should be low. There may be a special podium for the bed. It is not forbidden to use small bedside tables.
Instead of bulky and space-occupying wardrobes, the Japanese use wall niches that are covered with panels - in the style of a wardrobe. It is possible to use small shelves for storing souvenirs. A small table for the tea ceremony will also transform your room.
An indispensable attribute in the Japanese bedroom is a screen-screen. It can be depicted animals and plants, made in the national Japanese style.
Decor "Japanese" bedroom
Conciseness and expressiveness are the basis for decorating the eastern interior. The main task - using various accessories, do not overload the space.
Large fans or samurai swords will look good on the walls. Perhaps the use of paintings made in the Japanese style. Traditional sakura can also decorate the walls of your bedroom.
On the shelves you can put figures and dolls dressed in traditional kimono. The hieroglyphs applied to various objects will fit well. If you are going to decorate the bedroom with any symbol, you should find out its meaning.
A small fountain of natural materials will add to the bedroom balance and harmony. The same effect can be achieved using a bonsai plant or a vase with a beautifully composed flower arrangement.
Statues of Japanese gods netsuke will make the room more interesting. A small Buddha statue will always gladly wish you good dreams.
Scented candles with soothing smells will take your interior to a new level and add comfort.
There are a great many decorative elements for immersion into the atmosphere of such a mysterious place. The main thing is to focus on finding balance and not overload the room with too many things.
Trying to decorate a room in the apartment (and even more so a bedroom) in the Japanese style with your own hands, you plunge into the incredible world of a rather complicated Eastern culture, in which balance and minimalism are very important. The most important thing is to remember the following: the more modest such a bedroom is, the less distracting elements it has, the more it corresponds to the spirit of Japan. Such a bedroom will be a comfortable place not only for sleeping, but also for self-development, self-education.
It may be difficult to create a Japanese interior that meets all requirements. If it works out - such a room will become that very place where it will be pleasant to rest and relax after all the “storms” of the working day. If you are not sure that you can do everything yourself, contact the specialists.