Children's lamps

Lighting in the child’s room plays a significant role, as it sets the mood and provides a feeling of comfort. In this case, all the details of the interior should be not only interesting, beautiful, but also safe. Children's lamps They are created taking into account the needs of children and teenagers: they perfectly illuminate the room, perfectly complement the interior with an original design, are made only from high-quality and safe materials.
Requirements for children's models
Requirements for children's products have always been more inflated, lamps - is no exception. In babies, vision is only beginning to form, and adolescents often have to strain it because of the lessons. There are the following requirements for children's lamps:
- Light must be soft, diffuse, bright at the same that the child’s eyes do not overwork, and his psycho-emotional state remains in balance.
- Materials for the manufacture of such products must be of high quality, withstand mechanical stresses and any shocks. They must be safe. They should not be toxic substances.
- Great option - a lamp with the possibility of self-regulating the intensity of illumination.
The design of the lighting device contributes to the development of the child's aesthetic taste, so the lamp should fit harmoniously into the style of the child's room. However, its appearance should be interesting.
Room lighting tips
The lighting of the child’s room should change with his age, because a softer light is recommended for babies in the first years of life, and bright ones are suitable for teenagers. It is better if the room will be several sources of light. Ceiling chandeliers are mounted to illuminate the entire area of the room or its play area.
A lamp is also needed on the desk: homework or handicraft requires eye strain, so an additional light source is needed. At nightfall, the nightlights come on.
It is worth paying attention to the choice of not only the lighting device, but also the most appropriate light bulbs. Halogen and LED types are better suited for children's vision, save energy. They are absolutely safe for health.
Varieties of lamps
Lamps for children can illuminate the entire room or its individual zones. Depending on this, they are divided into several types.
May give diffuse or directional light. Such devices are conventionally divided into:
- suspended;
- built in;
- mortise;
- rotary;
- point;
- invoices.
A variety of types allows you to choose the right option for the baby's room. In the bedroom, you can install suspended or built-in models that are mounted in a certain point of the ceiling, and for better lighting - are mounted in several zones at once. Recently, spots have become popular - ceiling lamps with several lamps, each of which can be directed in a certain direction. They are suitable for families with two or more children - then the bed or work zone of each child will be well lit.
Wall mounted
Such lighting devices are used as additional light sources while watching TV or reading in bed. Wall lights will not stop the child from falling asleep when one of the parents reads the bedtime story of the child’s favorite fairy tale.
Night Lights
This type of light is very popular with children. This product is a desk lamp of small size, which gives a muffled light. There are very different designs: in the form of airplanes and cars, fabulous castles or characters.
There are models that run on batteries - they can be located in any places, regardless of the placement of outlets. For the smallest, there is a mobile with a night light on a cot. For older children purchased bedside lamps, which are mounted on the bedside table. A variety of models allows you to choose the most suitable for age option.
They can perform a decorative function or illuminate the work area (for reading books, doing homework, and so on). These models can be equipped with any kinds of light bulbs and differ in different ways of fastening: installation on the surface, on a clothespin, on a clamp.
This product is a lighting device on a high stand. The ceiling light covers the light source and can be of any design - just like the stand itself. However, it is better to install such devices in a room with older children, because babies may accidentally catch them or knock them off with a toy.
Criteria for choosing a lamp for the student
It is important to create such conditions for the student that he was comfortable learning lessons. Therefore, his workplace must be properly organized. The lamp is the attribute on which the pupil’s vision depends, which means that the choice should be taken as seriously as possible. Lighting for the student should:
- To be made from environmentally friendly material.
- To have suitable sizes: not to be too bulky on a desk or very small.
- Be comfortable to use.
- To be created from shock-resistant materials so that as a result of an accidental fall, the child is not injured.
- Combine harmoniously with the interior of the working area - to create optimal conditions.
There are also requirements for the selection of the ceiling, lamp, base, method of attachment:
- The lampshade or lampshade should be made of durable plastic that will not break into fragments when dropped. Metal construction will heat up quickly. To avoid hand burns, the ceiling must be equipped with a special handle that allows you to adjust the angle of inclination.
- There are several types of light bulbs: incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, LED. Each of them gives a certain lighting. Saving energy is a condition for parents, and for a student it is important that the light bulb is not very bright, so as not to injure his eyes. However, it should be well illuminate the work area.
- The base of the lamp may be fixed, with a given height, but this is not very convenient for the student. It is much better if it is flexible or with a sliding mechanism - the child himself will be able to adjust the lighting area.
- The important point is the choice of the method of mounting the lamp: on a clothespin, on a clamp, installation on the surface. Here it is necessary to take into account the location of the lamp (at the edge of the table, in the center). The student should be comfortable learning lessons at the table. He should not be afraid to hook or throw off the lamp.
When choosing the color of the product, it should be remembered that it should correspond to the preferences of the student, but not irritate the eyes with bright shades and not depress too dark.
What kind of light bulbs to choose?
The brightness of the light is very important in the baby’s room. If this is the main lighting, then it should be soft and diffused. The light from the night light should be muffled. The ceiling light can regulate the luminous flux, but the choice of a light bulb - the source of this flux - plays an important role.
If you are going to give preference to a particular product, you need to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages. In total there are 4 types of light bulbs:
- Incandescent lamps. These models can heat up the ceiling, but there is no ionizing radiation from them, there is a high color rendition. They give diffused light and are pleasant for perception.
- LED. These are the most durable light bulbs, they are safe for health, as there are no harmful substances from them. They can differ in high luminous efficiency, be used as nightlights.
- Fluorescent. It is undesirable to install them in the nursery - because of the content of mercury. The emitted cold light will tire the eyes.
- Halogen. Forms and types are different. Such devices can produce stray light or a “beam”, illuminating a specific area. They also allow you to create different color effects, make the design of the room interesting and unusual.
Emphasis should be placed on how the light bulbs will be used: as a night light, main lighting, additional, work area lighting, and so on.
Reliable manufacturers
Practicality and safety of children's lamps are largely dependent on manufacturers, because each uses different materials in quality. In addition, the company of a particular country has its own look at the design. Among other companies specializing in the manufacture of lighting fixtures for children, the most popular and reliable ones can be identified:
- Italy supplies both classic and more modern products. Company Odeon light produces children's products with a unique design. You can choose a whole set of different lamps (chandelier, desk lamp, night light).
- The Chinese company LuceSolara produces designer models, so their cost can be quite high. But such lamps will have an unusual, interesting, attractive appearance.
- The Austrian manufacturer Globo constantly updates its range, producing quality products at reasonable prices. There is a large selection of products for the children's room: floor lamps, sconces, lamps. The company from the same country Eglo produces LED lamps, which are practical and functional. Thanks to a variety of unusual models, everyone can choose a product specifically for a girl’s or boy’s room.
Children's lighting equipment of Spanish companies Mantra and BrizziGerman Wertmarkpolish Alfa, Nowodvorsk and ZakladStolarski They are also distinguished by high quality, reliability and interesting design solutions.
You can stop the choice at any of the listed manufacturers, better in Italian or Austrian, since these companies perfectly combine excellent quality and affordable prices.
Modern ideas for a boy and a girl
Children's room is a place where a child spends a lot of time, so it is important for parents to create ideal conditions for play and sleep. The choice of design model of the lamp will depend on the "owner" of the room: a boy or a girl.
Lamps should be installed in the boy’s room according to his preferences.If the kid is fond of vehicles, technology, then models in the form of airplanes or ships will look great. For the room, decorated in a marine style, suitable lamp in the form of shells, fish. Girls will love the lighting in the form of fairy-tale characters, birds, butterflies or flowers. If the room has the appearance of a fairytale castle, a chandelier in the shape of clouds is perfect.
An excellent option would be a nightlight with a motion detector. During the day it is turned off, and at nightfall it begins to work when the baby moves. This option is convenient because at night the child can wake up at any time, he may be afraid of the dark. To prevent this from happening, parents purchase similar products.
From about two years old, the child begins to understand the importance of the lamp in his room, so you will need to choose not only practical, but also a fashionable device.
For more information about choosing a lamp in the nursery, you will find in this video.