Bottle fixture

In order to arrange your room in an interesting way, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. If you like glass chandeliers, you can make one yourself from a regular bottle. You can find out what options for lamps from bottles exist and how to make them yourself, from this article.
Special features
Homemade lamps have many advantages over the purchase.
- First of allBy creating a decorative lamp, you are less harmful to nature by reusing objects that could be thrown away.
- SecondlyIt is much easier to make a luminaire out of plastic or glass bottles than it seems.
Even if you have never done needlework, you can make an interesting and unusual cover by following simple instructions.
- Another plus These lamps is that you can make them the way you want to see them. Use your imagination and design advice, and you can get a truly unusual decorative element for any of your rooms.
- Lamps made of glass or plastic will be a real decoration of any room.
What are the?
Beautiful lamps can be made from plastic and glass bottles. In addition, you can create a variety of chandelier options. Let's look at what you can do with your own hands out of ordinary bottles.
The easiest option that you can translate into reality, if you have an empty bottle - this is a table lamp. A simple solution is a wine bottle lamp. Choose a vessel of unusual shape, or one that remained out of expensive alcohol, so that it evokes more pleasant sensations and looks more effective.
Features of lighting completely depend on what color the glass from which the bottle is made. This is very good, because the room can create a more mysterious and cozy atmosphere. Most often the glass in bottles is dark green or clear.If the bottle is transparent, then it can be additionally painted or decorated with other interesting details.
The lamp, made from a simple bottle, perfectly fits into a romantic or pre-New Year atmosphere. It will add a special zest to the room.
To do this, simply decorate the lamp with an interesting color garland. Nowadays, bright solid-color lamps are popular, but you can also choose the classic color version.
It is also worth remembering that the choice of light depends on the type of lighting. To get a warm light in the room, choose yellow light bulbs. And in a dark blue bottle with white light bulbs, you can create a source of cold light.
Garlands can either simply be fixed on the surface of the bottle, or placed in several ways inside. The most beautiful thing happens if you drill the bottom and hold the garland inside the bottle, bringing the edges out. So get quite neat and beautiful lamp.
Experts advise to be as careful as possible when working with glass. To prevent the bottle from cracking, the bottom should be covered with masking tape,so it can be easily drilled with a drill at medium speed.
When you get a large enough opening for the withdrawal of the wiring, the tape can be removed.
See how to drill a bottle and make a beautiful New Year's lamp in the next video.
If desired, you can also decorate the walls of the bottle. For this purpose it is necessary to use special stained glass paints that adhere well to the glass surface. If you have a well-developed fantasy, you can try to create a picture yourself. Well, if there are no ideas, then it is worth repeating the already prepared idea or using a stencil. Another tricky way is to portray an abstraction on the walls with which almost every newcomer in the art world can cope.
However, even without additional decor, this original lamp already looks unusual and interesting. Table lamps from bottles set vertically, so that the neck looked up.
Often, a candle is placed inside the bottle. In this case, an improvised lamp turns out very romantic and spectacular. It can be safely installed in the bedroom. True, we must not forget about safety.
You can also make a central chandelier. Such a lamp is made, as a rule, from smaller bottles. It may be beer or brandy containers. They need to be fixed together, forming the desired structure.
The best option is to use the frame from the old chandelier to create your new design creation.
In this case, it will be enough just to fix the empty bottles as classical lampshades. The bottom of each bottle will need to be cut before use.
You can also make a lamp out of plastic bottles. This is a much cheaper option. In addition, such designs are very light and easy to mount. Plastic transmits light well, so the room will always be light. A cheap lamp from a bottle is a suitable option for a villa or a street where you do not want to fasten anything particularly exquisite.
The easiest way is to simply cut a plastic bottle in such a way as to make it look like a plafond. The edges should be as accurate as possible. The surface of a plastic bottle can be painted or painted with subtle patterns.
There is another interesting option. - issue a plastic bottle using plastic spoons. Cutting the handles, the base of the spoons needs to be attached to the plastic using hot melt glue. Each of the following layers should slightly go to the previous one. It will turn out an interesting design that will definitely attract attention.
You can also try to decorate the surface of the bottle using designs in the form of small flowers created from the same plastic spoons. In this case, they will serve as petals.
LED light
If you are looking for a good option for street lighting, you can make the LED flashlight yourself. Its main advantage is that it runs on solar cells and charges itself. You will not need to worry about the condition of the wiring, because they will not be at all.
Wall mounted
Making glasses or bottles of sconces is quite a challenge. Best of all, if you already have a finished frame, which can be supplemented with a new canopy from the simplest bottle. The original wall lamp of this type will be good for the bedroom, especially if you take a bottle of classic greenish glass.
Where to use?
Like simple glass lamps, products made by hand from bottles can be placed in almost any interior. It will look stylish and completely organic.
The glass luminaire made from the bottle will be the perfect complement to the bathroom. It will reliably protect the light source from high humidity and decorate the room.
- Organically, such a handmade product will look in the kitchen. The glass surface of the chandelier fits well with household appliances and other details of the kitchen interior. You can add a glass bottle forged items.
- On the street, a similar lighting option is also very profitable. It protects from rain and snow. In addition, unlike purchased glass products, such a lamp does not burn out in the sun and will always remain the same as in the first days of its existence. Professionals advise not to paint the product. But if you want to use paint, then choose a quality one that will no longer fade in the sun.
- In residential areas like bedrooms and living rooms lamps are used mostly as a decorative element.Decorate the bottle in original ways or leave it clean so that it looks good in a room decorated in minimalism style.
- As a beautiful night light You can also use a lamp from a dense dark glass. Inside the lamp you can place colored lights and a candle. The lamp itself can be positioned on shelves and on tables or bedside tables. Such a decoration will look good in every corner of the room.
Design Ideas
If the idea of creating lamps from wine bottles seems silly to you, then look at the creations of jerry cotta. This designer uses clear bottles to create stylish chandeliers that cost between $ 200 and $ 300.
Each new lamp it turns out special and individual. Sometimes these are simple table lamps with a single lamp, in other cases they are complete chandeliers consisting of three or four bottles. His lamps are extraordinary. Before making his creation, he polishes the surface of the glass, trying to make it as transparent as possible. Complete with each lamp is a set of colored lamps.
Luminaires from bottles is an interesting way to diversify your interior without spending too much money.
Embody your fantasies on a transparent glass, and you get a unique thing that will perfectly fit into any interior.
To learn how to make a lamp out of plaster and a plastic bottle, see the next video.