Furniture fixtures

Modern interior is impossible to imagine without additional lighting. Furniture lamps have firmly entered the world of design and open up new and new possibilities. Now it is an indispensable attribute of almost any room, not only performing its main function (as a lighting device), but also an important design element.
Functions and Purpose
Lamps built into furniture are the main trend of modern interior design. Foreign furniture makers no longer think of new models without additional lighting. Russian designers are not yet ready for big expenses, but in domestic collections more and more often you can see cabinets and shelves with lighting.
Spot lighting is designed to highlight, highlight the beauty and illuminate the necessary places in your room. Furniture can be called not only those lighting devices that are in the interior, but also additional spotlights in the arches, niches and ceilings.
Spotlights can play the role of both primary and secondary lighting. If furniture lamps are used as additional, then they usually soften the harsh shadows that appear when the main chandelier works.
It should be understood that only furniture lamps should be used exclusively in small rooms. In large rooms, zoning can be provided with them - for example, to separate the work area from the resting place.
Installation Methods
It makes sense to choose a place to illuminate the furniture already at the time of creating the furniture design and the entire interior as a whole. It is necessary to determine in advance what you want to emphasize and highlight in the interior of a particular room. You can create a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom or additionally illuminate the working space of the kitchen or nursery.
By the method of installation, you can select such spotlights:
- Mortise or embedded. They are multifunctional and are used both for lighting facades and for lighting inside cabinets and drawers. Installed not as easy as overhead, but usually look more aesthetically pleasing. Most often, such lamps are initially built into the necessary furniture, and they are installed during assembly.
- Overhead. Such lamps are easily attached using double-sided tape or a few screws. Modern overhead lights can be very thin, in terms of beauty and ergonomics, such devices are not inferior to the built-in ones. In addition, fasten them easier and more convenient. Overhead lights have rotary mechanisms that allows you to more accurately adjust the direction of illumination.
- LED tape. They are often used for interior lighting of cabinets and lighting glass shelves.
It is better to entrust the installation of these electrical devices to professionals. If you are going to install by yourself, remember that installation is carried out only when the power supply is turned off.
What kind of light bulbs to choose?
In modern lighting fixtures use different types of lamps.It is necessary to clearly understand the difference between them in order to choose a suitable and safe type of lighting. To do this, consider the possible options in more detail.
Familiar to all incandescent lamps, which were previously used everywhere, have recently lost ground. The advantages of such devices can be distinguished by the fact that they give more natural light than other types of lamps. But there are obviously more minuses: such products are expensive, flammable and consume a large amount of electricity.
There are also fluorescent lamps. This type of luminaire is not recommended to be installed in residential premises - due to increased danger (due to the content of mercury vapor). Any damage to such a lamp can have dire consequences. In addition, special disposal conditions are required.
Xenon lamps They are distinguished by high light intensity, which can be both a plus and a minus. Not always so bright light is appropriate in the room.
Of the benefits halogen lights You can highlight a long service life, bright light output and low power consumption. Minus - very hot. The body of such lamps should be very heat-resistant, but it is still not recommended to install such lamps in a chipboard.When using such lamps, a transformer is necessary, which is important to consider.
LED or LED lights. Most often used as spot lighting. Such devices do not flicker, there are no harmful substances from them, they are durable and consume little electricity.
Based on the above, it is safe to say that LED lamps are more suitable for spot lighting.
Their only negative - they are quite expensive. Often they are replaced by cheaper halogen lamps.
However, if you think that the life of the LED-lamp is about ten years, and halogen sources burn out much more often, then it can be concluded that even in the financial perspective, diode lamps are much more economical. Fluorescent lamp is well suited for creating the luminous bottom of a sliding cabinet.
Management options
Modern light sources can be wired or dispense with this rather strongly interfering element, operate on battery power. Wireless lights are easier to install, but the lack of constant power makes its own adjustments to the use of the backlight.
Rechargeable batteries need recharging, and it is most convenient to carry it out when you do not have to remove the lighting device from its place. When choosing a wired or wireless type of connection, be guided primarily by the convenience and availability of a particular power mode.
In addition, there are options for lighting, implying the presence of the switch, which is located next to the source of illumination. The luminaires can be equipped with a motion sensor, or they can be triggered when the door is opened or the cabinet is pulled out, which is more economical than when the lamp is working all the time, and more convenient than the key switch. There is also such an option as a remote control through the console, which is very convenient when you want to turn on the light in another part of the room without moving there.
It is possible to make a point light with the ability to mute or enhance the backlight. This will help regulate the intensity of illumination, as well as save energy when bright light is not needed.
Design and style directions
Modern manufacturers offer a large number of different options for furniture lamps,which, with the right approach, will perfectly fit into any interior. An interesting device will emphasize the most daring design. Italian lamps are distinguished by a special variety (point light).
To create a unique interior, it is necessary to use light of different color spectra (warmer, colder).
For example, it will be more convenient to cook or clean the kitchen if the light is cold, but it is more pleasant to eat lunch in a “warm” place. The same is in the bedroom. It is more convenient to fold things or make a bed when the light is cold, and to read before bedtime when it is warm. If you are going to install lamps, think about the purposes for which you need light in a particular place.
In the high-tech style, cool-colored lamps emphasize chrome and steel-gray interior elements. A warm light is best for a loft style. You need to think in advance about what kind of lamps you need - based not only on the needs, but also on the basis of style.
With the help of lighting you can add accents in the interior. For example, you can highlight what you would like to highlight, which seems the most successful, and leave in the dark not the most successful solutions.
Overhead lights come in a variety of shapes and sizes: triangular, square or round. You can choose any options - depending on your needs and style. In addition, metal fittings can be made under silver, bronze or gold. Therefore, any (even the most demanding) consumer can select the appropriate fixtures.
Use in different furniture
Furniture lamps can be attached to any surface and any detail - whether it be a cabinet door or a working surface. For the closet, it is advisable to place the lamps on the inner walls of the cabinet or in its upper part, in order to illuminate the things hanging on hangers.
On the desk, the lamp is best placed above the work surface, so that the light does not create harsh shadows when writing, and the eyes are comfortable. You can also install the LED strip in the drawers of the desk, inside, so that if necessary you can easily find any necessary item, be it a pen, stapler or paper clips.
The most common spotlights used in the kitchen. They illuminate the working surface of the kitchen, illuminate the stove, usually being in the hood.It is very convenient to place a light bulb over the sink, setting it under the dishwasher dryer. With this lighting it will be convenient to wash dishes and vegetables. Kitchen cabinets are illuminated outside or in the area of the handles, but such appliances perform a decorative function more.
The uniqueness of furniture lamps is that you can install them on any surface. It all depends on your imagination, capabilities and needs.
Ideas for placement in the interior
Spotlights can be both primary and secondary lighting in the interior. To illuminate a room completely, it is necessary to understand that one lamp in a stretch ceiling cannot illuminate more than one square meter of a room. You can calculate how many points of light you need to light a single room. Such lighting perfectly divides the room into several parts - you can play on this by decorating the interior.
Spotlights perform not only the main, but also a decorative function. Correctly placing additional sources of light, you will be able to place accents so as to highlight all the advantages and hide the interior cons.For example, you can add light to a niche in which shelves with cute trinkets are placed.
Using colored light bulbs, you can “play” with space as you please. You can emphasize the color scheme available in the interior, or you can add colors to a single-color room by placing accents correctly.
The most profitable lighting looks in the interior of the kitchens. The backlight under the wall cabinets at the work surface itself is capable of providing high-quality cleaning tables without shadows, which makes cooking more convenient and enjoyable.
You can also highlight the work surface with LED strip. It is beautiful and comfortable. It is best to choose a white light for such a backlight. It creates the most working environment. Very well, you can separate the working area from the dining area with the help of light: above the dining area - warm light, above the working area - cold.
Illumination of the working surface of the possibility of placing furniture lamps in the kitchen does not end there. For example, lamps directed into the ceiling will create the illusion of high ceilings, and the tape attached to the bottom surface of the floor cabinets will create the illusion of floating furniture.If you have glossy furniture in the kitchen, the lighting of the facades will create the illusion of more space than it actually is.
These lamps require power, additional holes and wires. To these nuances do not spoil your interior, they should be thought out in advance.
It must be remembered: if you want to highlight the kitchen with the help of spotlights, the place for them should be found at the planning stage of the placement of kitchen furniture. However, this fact applies not only to the kitchen, but also to any other room where the installation of lighting is planned.
The bedroom looks very well illuminated the podium on which the bed. Furniture lights conveniently illuminate the mirror. Such a lamp should be located exactly in the middle of the mirror (above it).
Spot LED backlight shows itself well in children's rooms. With its help, you can draw the attention of the child to the various developing elements of the room, living corners, aquariums, and so on. At night, such lights can be used to ensure that the child’s fear of the darkness disappears.
If this is a teenager's room, then with the help of point illumination it is also possible to divide the room into zones - working, playing and sleeping.
Furniture fixtures can be used in any other room.For example, in the bathroom with their help, you can increase the illumination of the bath itself and enhance the light near the mirror. In the living room, you can create several zones where the light will turn on only where it is needed now.
Furniture fixtures are the perfect complement to your interior. They will help create the atmosphere in your home, what you want. With their help, you can create a unique interior in a completely ordinary apartment, the main thing is to competently approach their use. A large variety of models and features will help you choose the only light scheme that is right for your interior. She will make it unique, unique.
In this video you will see a quick and easy installation of LED strip on the kitchen cabinet.