Fashionable table lamps with lampshade

A desk lamp with a lamp shade is both functional and very fashionable. Its difference from other types of lamps is that it is intended only for local use: it illuminates only the surface of the working area. Such a lamp consists of fittings, a source of luminescence (light bulb) and a lampshade, which diffuses the light and protects the eyes from bright rays of light.
Special features
This type of instrument has a number of unique features. First, it is a stylish and fashionable appearance, as well as its diversity. To date, the furniture market has such a huge number of different table lamps with a lamp shade that every buyer will be able to pick up something even for the most unusual interiors.Such models are made in a variety of colors and forms.
The second distinctive feature is the lampshade itself. It would seem that such an insignificant detail, but it helps to keep eyesight and eyes healthy, even with a long time under the light of the lamp. In addition, the lampshade is a very creative piece that makes the lamp even more beautiful and stylish.
In addition, the desk lamp - this thing is very fashionable, compact, convenient to use. Without it is difficult to do in a house or apartment.
Table lamps with lampshade are divided into many different types. They are distinguished by design, functionality, type of light bulb and the type of power source.
By design, they are either classic or designer. Classic table lamps - these are the models that we all used to represent: fixtures, lampshade and a light bulb inside it. Designer is all sorts of specific and non-standard models, which today is not so difficult to find on store shelves.
As for the functionality of the lamps, there are two types of them: designed for desks and decorative.From the names themselves it is not difficult to guess that the first look can be actively used in work, the second ones are used in the interior purely as an object of decor.
Bulbs used in the manufacture of the design are also different. Firstly, it is most often traditional incandescent bulbs that emit warm light and heat up a lot. Secondly, it is a halogen model. They have a strong stream of diffuse luminescence and are harmless to the eyes. The third type is luminescent, they are energy saving and they heat up a little.
Finally, the last division of table lamps - this is the type of power source. The first type is the standard lamp with batteries, also this group includes models with battery. The second type - network, working when connected to the network. Finally, the last variety - touch table lamps, not so long ago went on sale.
Table lamps with lampshade come in a wide variety of shapes, colors, styles. They also vary in size. Today, in the furniture market, manufacturers offer consumers a huge number of different sizes of table lamps.This is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in choosing this thing, on which much depends.
There are as very small designs with a small shade, low, and large, tall, impressive models. The recommended size of a table lamp is approximately 35 to 40 centimeters high.
There is a huge variety of lamp sizes, but it is worth remembering that the main thing when choosing it is matching the size of the product with the space of the room, its style, the size of the table or nightstand on which the object will be installed. It is always necessary to take into account these factors.
The materials used in the manufacture of table lamps are also a very large number:
- The most popular is fabric. It is used for the manufacture of lampshades. Fabric can be used very different: it can be silk, flax, satin, taffeta and even leather. The main condition for the material is the ability to pass light well through oneself; fine cotton, for example, does an excellent job with it.
The huge advantage of fabric lamp shades is that it is easy to find the right material with any color and design.This greatly simplifies the selection of such a product that would fit well into the interior, especially if it is unusual.
Sometimes the lampshade can be decorated. For example, buy or make your own knitted cover for it. This will give things of comfort and homely warmth. Such a case is very easy to crochet or knit yourself. This fascinating and useful activity will not take much time, but will bring a lot of benefit to the interior.
Its base is also made from different materials.
There are several types of table lamps with a lamp shade: with a glass base, as well as with ceramic.
These table lamps are very durable and look stylish and fashionable. Products made of various types of ceramics (organic or inorganic) always give the interior of the room a special comfort, warmth. They look very soundly and at the same time in a design stylish.
- Concerning glass basesThis option is quite unusual, but it looks, nevertheless, insanely stylish. Best of all, a lamp with a glass base will fit into the interior in a modern, light style. She will never look boring and ordinary.
- Another non-standard material is bronze. Table lamps made of this material, of course, can be called an elite piece of furniture. They will perfectly fit into refined, magnificent, rich interiors. Bronze products are not cheap, but worth it.
- Timeless classic is wooden table lamps. This option is very standard and simple, but, nevertheless, such a product will help to give an indescribable harmony to the house or apartment and refresh the interior.
Materials used for the manufacture and decoration of table lamps with lampshade a huge amount. Choosing something for yourself and your home will never be a problem.
As is the case with any other decor items, table lamps are made in various shades. But the choice of colors of the product should be taken with a certain degree of responsibility, because the wrong color can instantly spoil the entire appearance of the room.
- Lamp with green shade suitable for bright interiors, interiors with pinkish hues and just calm and harmonious rooms. You should not choose a lamp with a really flashy ultra-green color, because it can distract attention, especially when working.
- Lamp in brown suitable for any classic interior, strict and conservative. The same situation with black. Also, a lamp with a black shade or base will fit well into a minimalist interior or a room dominated by white shades to give contrast. Models of white color are perfectly written almost everywhere: both in a classical interior, and in ultra-bright.
- Yellow and blue models suitable for rooms with wallpaper in soothing pastel colors. Also these colors are well combined together, even, for example, on one product. The model with a pink shade will fit well into the interior, for example, pastel yellow.
- Model with a bright red shade or the basis will be suitable for giving of contrast to the quiet light room. The lamp with a beige shade, on the contrary, will look favorably against the background of bright interior and bright wallpaper.
In various rooms
It is no secret that such a universal, functional object, like a desk lamp, will be useful in almost any room, in any room in the house. The two main “habitats” of table lamps are, of course, the living room and the bedroom.
- For the bedroom Classic versions of lamps with shade are perfect.It is worth paying attention to the model of soft, pastel colors and soothing shades. Bedroom furniture should not be too “screaming” in appearance; it should be pleasant to the eye and not annoy it.
- Living room - this is the "highlight" of any house, apartment or cottage, and in its interior you can express yourself one hundred percent. For a living room, both table lamps with a lampshade of classical designs, shapes and models, as well as the most unusual, fashionable and non-standard, are suitable. For example, a lamp made of glass will fit perfectly into a living room with an unusual interior. The colors should be selected in accordance with the color scheme of the whole room, and also based on your own preferences: whether you need to make the lamp an element that will attract the eye or, on the contrary, make it as little as possible visible.
- In the children's bedroom You can also buy something special, unusual. This may be a lamp in the form of a cute animal or, for example, a table lamp, on which the favorite character of the kid is drawn. Pink and purple looks great in the room of a little princess; for boys, they usually buy goods in such colors as blue, gray, green.The main thing for a lamp designed for the child's bedroom is a bright, even light and ease of use.
For different styles
The table lamp is an attribute not only very useful, but also fashionable. It would seem that such an insignificant detail for a room, but it can either transform the whole room and its interior, or spoil the whole look with its annoying color or an ugly form.
- For classic interiors Standard lamp shade designs will do. A classic is considered a lamp of the correct straight shape with a size of about 35 to 40 centimeters. The colors that are worth paying attention to in this case are beige, brown, pale green. This lamp will be well combined with the appearance of the room and will not attract unnecessary unnecessary attention to its artsy, distracting look.
- Unusual design is retro lamps. Such a product has its own unique charm and looks very aesthetically pleasing. For retro table lamps include designs and models, such as Edison lamps, as well as products with coarse designs and a touch of antiquity. Such a thing will fit into the house for people who love to donate, as well as to those who simply love things in retro style.
- For vintage lamps in the style of the USSR also applies to the Kremlin lamp, an unusual form. She has a strict, sustained design. It is perfect for a strict interior in soft colors.
From the same series - table lamps, made under the old. This may be, for example, designs with the effect of peeled paint.
- Lamp Pleated in light, beige, faded and pastel colors it will look very good against the background of the wallpaper of delicate color, as well as next to similar furniture. Of course, the desk lamp of this type will be combined with curtains, pleated. Together they will create a harmonious duet.
- Faded, not very interesting interiors are able to save the lamp with various bright decorations on them. These include items with multi-colored or one-colored fringe on the lampshade, as well as decorated with flowers. It will also look very original on the lampshade ornament of beads and beads. By the way, it can be easily made independently on an already-made desk lamp. Such an unusual designer item will be able to transform the interior of a room beyond recognition.
- Unusual plafonds A variety of bright colors will look very cute in the living room with a minimalist style or, for example, in a child’s room. They can be periodically changed after purchase, selecting new colors and even shapes.
Non-standard option - a lamp in the form of a vase. It can be made, for example, from glass, porcelain. Glass lamps come in a variety of forms: for example, flowers, like roses or violets. Insanely beautiful, they will look in the evenings, especially in complete darkness.
How to choose?
Choose the right, suitable lamp is usually not difficult. In the furniture market today, you can find models, ranging from the cheapest to the exclusive designer. In the production of desktop devices using a variety of different schemes, styles, materials.
In order to choose the right product, it is necessary to determine the room in which it will be located, with the quality of the emitted color, design, size of a desk lamp. Design should be chosen based on the interior of the house and your own preferences. Even if it would be impossible to find a shade that matches the color or pattern, you can always sew a case for it yourself by choosing the right shades, patterns, ornaments.
It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer of the product. Before buying, you should read the reviews of factories, manufacturers and carefully compare the prices of products.
How to upgrade?
Sometimes the desk lamp loses its original appearance, it becomes not so attractive in appearance and functional. Making a lamp yourself is problematic, but you should not immediately buy a new one.
Restoration of the lamp is not so difficult. You can fix broken frame parts or a torn lampshade with the help of scrap materials. If suddenly the appearance of the product completely bored the eye or just bored, you can use such techniques as decoupage or decorate the lamp shade and base.
This is a very interesting and creative process that does not take too much time and brings amazing results.
Another unusual way to decorate is to sew a case for a lampshade. It can also be linked. This process is not only useful, but also very pleasant and soothing.
You can find out how to sew a case for a lampshade from the video below.
Also the lamp can be painted. This can be done with its foundation. To do this, you need special paints, brushes and some artistic skills or just stencils. With the help of the latter, even a child can color the lamp in his own room.This will make the product unique and give individuality.
In more detail you can find out from the video below.
How to change?
From time to time it is required to replace the bulb in a desk lamp with a lamp shade, as it naturally has the property to burn out. In some cases, replacing the light bulb itself will not be any difficulty, but there are such constructions when it is not so easy to make a replacement.
First of all, regardless of the design of the model, it is necessary to disconnect the lamp from the power supply. Then, carefully unscrew the lampshade, if necessary, and grab the bulb with your hands. To remove the lamp, turn it counterclockwise. Clockwise, then you need to tighten the new bulb and check whether it is working.
It is important to choose the right light bulb of the right size and power. It is also strongly recommended to take precautions, in any case not to insert fingers into the cartridge, even if you are sure that it is disabled, as there is always a risk of getting an electric shock, which is very dangerous.
Options in the interior
There are many different options for the use of table lamps in the interior as a decor.The lamp with fabric shade is a great way to “dilute” the appearance of the room, make it fresher, more interesting, more harmonious and more unique.
One of the most unusual and non-standard models of table lamps are the above-mentioned Edison lamps. They look minimalist and very much in the spirit of "retro", but this makes them unique in their own way. Edison's lamp will look great in combination with many other similar devices, no matter if they are different designs or not. They can decorate the wall, creating a kind of Christmas lights, or set such a composition on the table.
An interesting and unconventional solution would be to decorate a long and wide black lamp shade with various stickers, clippings from fashion magazines, and hand-made inscriptions. This lamp is perfect in the room of a teenager. They just love to get involved in the decoration of things and giving them their unique style. Such a table lamp will always remind you of some pleasant events in life, attract the attention of guests and just please the eye and cheer up.
The large-format large lamp painted in bright monophonic color placed in the center of a long glass table will look gracefully and stylishly.She will be able to dilute the conservatism of the interior and the external appearance of the room, give it a stylish look and make it less trivial. However, it is necessary to experiment with such things with caution: there is a high probability to spoil the appearance of the room, since the lamp may look unnecessarily “screaming.”
Ecostyle is a trend that is gaining more and more popularity today. Those items that are made in the form of tree branches, animal horns, decorated with cones and artificial leaves are very unusual and beautiful. Ideally, this little thing will look in the country, as well as in a cozy living room with a fireplace, textile carpets, a lot of wooden furniture.
A device with long legs will be quite neutral and minimalistic. At the same time, it has a non-standard appearance and will add a certain “zest” to the room. A good place to place it will be a bedside table.