Night Light Projector"

The arrangement of the bedroom affects the quality of sleep and morning mood. That is what provokes people to pick up cute little things. One of them is a nightlight projector. Such a thing will delight both children and adults. Such an accessory is especially popular among young parents. The projection of the starry sky on the ceiling and walls fascinates and soothes the children.
What it is?
A nightlight projector is a desktop device that shines in different colors. Light falls on the surface of the ceiling and walls of a dark room and creates an imitation of the starry sky. Often, such devices have sound, which helps to fully immerse themselves in the mysterious atmosphere.
The most common projectors of the starry sky have become quite familiar and are not surprising. That is why many people turn their attention to nightlights with interchangeable slides.LED lamps shine on a reflecting surface, and from it light is projected on walls. There is another option - the scattered light passes through a slide or a darkened surface with a printed image.
Features and benefits
It is impossible to overestimate the importance of night light. Many parents know that the lamp is simply necessary for children, especially during the period when the baby moves to a separate room. Not only children will like the projection lamp, but also adults. In today's world, it is simply impossible to avoid constant nervous tension. The lamp projector will help to cope with insomnia.
A feature of this device is precisely the diffused light, which contributes to the projection of the image. In the dark room creates the effect of a starry sky or a beautiful picture. Many models are equipped with music modes. This combination helps to relax and fall asleep faster.
Pick up the lamp is based on the age of the child. Projectors can be divided into 3 large groups:
- For the smallest children make designs from plastic without small details and sharp edges. Such devices operate on batteries.LED night light can be attached to the bed with clamps. Also there are mobiles with a projector and a nightlight.
- More complex projectors are designed for children of preschool age. Some of them are equipped with electronics and can operate in several modes of illumination.
- Powerful LED lamps that design complex drawings, specific astronomical maps, and much more are characteristic of the most false devices. As a rule, they are purchased for children of school age.
For children under 3 years old, pay attention to the lamps with a soft light. Children's night light should design large drawings so that the child would be interested, it could be animals, stars, flowers, cartoon characters. Musical nightlight ensures quiet falling asleep baby. Prefer devices that are turned off by timer. So you do not disturb the sleep of the baby.
For children up to 6 years old a toy night light will do. The Magic Turtle is very popular among children and their parents. The modern market is teeming with similar products in the form of various animals. The turtle with music and beautiful designed drawings will become your child’s favorite toy. With this product you can spend time both day and night.
Children over 6 years old are perfect desktop models of night lamps. As a rule, they have a sleek design and design more complex images. This may be constellation maps or a detailed image of the surface of the moon. Such projectors are capable of causing schoolchildren a scientific interest in the study of space. It is safe to say that such a device is educational in nature.
Universal projectors are suitable for both boys and girls. Even the simplest projectors with network adapters or batteries will delight kids. Drawings on the walls or ceiling fascinate and calm both children and adults. Most modern lamps have many additional features. There are models with a clock, alarm clock, thermometer and other options.
Children's models have an intricate and colorful design. This helps to attract the attention of kids. Adult models, on the contrary, have a concise design and fits perfectly into any interior. The location of the device depends on the length of the light beam. Some of the projectors should be placed close to the surfaces, others can be installed on any surface.
Before you buy a lamp for a child, make sure it is safe. Remember that the projector for children should work exclusively on batteries, the AC adapter is a direct threat to life.
Projectors perfectly solve the problem of fear of the dark and restless sleep.
Manufacturers Overview
A wide range of LED projectors leads to confusion. Children's night light should be as safe as possible, so you should give preference to proven models. Consider the most popular manufacturers of night projectors:
The manufacturer offers you a lot of interesting projectors, nightlights. A distinctive feature of the products are pleasant melodies and interesting design.
The Magic Turtle with MP3 is very popular. Such a rush due to the fact that the device combines a toy and a projector, can play any recorded melody or tale. The shell itself is made of plastic, and the toy is made of soft, pleasant fabric. The turtle is powered by batteries or a network adapter. This type of star sky projector is great for kids.
You can choose the color of the glow or turn on the automatic transition from color to color. Automatic shutdown occurs after 1 hour of continuous operation. The turtle designs certain constellations that can be explored in game form.
The Tomy Be Baby "Musical Asterisk" is designed for young children. Such a device is mounted on the side of the bed and has musical accompaniment. Figures on the lamp also make interesting sounds when pressed. The model is powered by finger batteries. The function of automatic shutdown after 5 or 10 minutes will please the parents.
The projector is in the shape of an asterisk, with colorful pictures on it. The upper beam radiates light on the ceiling. The asterisk is able to design the stars, the moon and the beasts. Images smoothly move on a surface under the tumbling melody of a night lamp.
Mobile Tiny Love "Magic Lamp" has three modes that can be combined with each other. 9 magical melodies can lull a baby for 30 minutes. Parents can easily adjust the device volume or mute the sound completely. Interesting hanging toys will attract the attention of the child.
Roxy kids
Desktop night light with a projection of the starry sky “Olly” is equipped with a clock, a thermometer and an alarm clock. The model loses 10 lullabies and promotes fast and quiet falling asleep. Despite the higher cost, the projector is also very popular among young moms and dads. An owl toy has been added to the device, which can be placed in the baby’s crib.
The projector has 3 colors: green, amber and blue. You can fix a specific color or leave the automatic color change mode. You can also adjust the volume of lullabies. The music dies down after 15 minutes, this is quite enough to fall asleep. A toy owl can tell a child a bedtime story.
Sleep master
Night light for older children. The wearproof acrylic case is completely safe for kids. The lamp designs many stars and celestial bodies. Such a device is highly popular in both children and adults. The lamp is made in three color modes, which are regulated using two buttons:
- The first button will provide a white glow.
- The second button promotes smooth change of various soft colors.
- Simultaneous pressing of two buttons activates the third mode - the alternation of white stars with color effects.
The projector compares favorably with others in that it designs the pattern not only on the ceiling, but also on the walls. Place the lamp in the center of the room and provide a calm and fabulous atmosphere.
The only thing to remember is that the power adapter and the batteries can only be used alternately. Do not allow the simultaneous use of two power systems.
Lucky Rainbow
Lucky Rainbow, a very interesting night projector projector “rainbow” is a little different from the others. This product works in several modes: a smooth inclusion of the colors of the rainbow and the motionless soft glow of the entire rainbow. The projector works both from batteries, and from the network adapter. Battery operation provides automatic shutdown after 10 minutes.
The white arc has a mirror strip, from which the light is projected. The device is turned on using a button that is located under this bar. There is also a switch for changing modes of operation. The length of the projected beam reaches 2.5 meters.
You can arrange such a lamp anywhere in the room and at any height.
Chicco Suspension-Mobile “Magic Stars” is an interesting and convenient toy for the little ones. Additional convenience for parents guaranteed by the presence of a remote control. The melody lasts about 18 minutes. All functions are included in 3 clicks: the first one turns on the projection itself, then the night light goes on, the third one turns off the glow. The sound sensor is able to turn on the melody as a reaction to the baby’s cry and other extraneous sounds.
Young mothers respond kindly to Tiny nightlights. Even the cost of products does not scare them. Parents say she is more than justified. Night lights are equipped with music. Nice melodies like kids. Interesting product design pleases buyers.
Mommies say that the mob from Chicco is no worse than the previous ones. Their cost is lower, and the functionality is not less. The manufacturer uses in production only high quality and safe materials. Parents say that the mobile can be used after the child becomes older. In this case, the device is retrained in a normal nightlight with a projector.
Roxy Kids especially pleases its users.Both elements (lamp and toy) are of high quality. The toy entertains the child both day and night. It contributes to the development of fine motor skills due to embroidery and rustling elements. Plush toy stuffed with soft balls.
Musical accompaniment is important not only for falling asleep, but also for morning procedures. The device uses a high-quality sound chip. Mothers say that the presence of a display with a clock, an air temperature sensor and a humidity level in the device makes it possible to monitor the sleeping conditions of a child.
Sleep Master night light has quite a budget cost, which distinguishes it from others. Such a lamp is relevant for a small children's room, otherwise the image loses clarity. The compact size of the device makes it possible to install it anywhere in the room. Pleasant soft light really pleases kids.
"Rainbow" Lucky Rainbow does not leave indifferent not small, not adults. The light from the LEDs falls on the reflective surface and the rainbow is projected onto the wall. The device is lightweight and compact. A realistic rainbow is simply breathtaking. Buyers say it is best to project a rainbow on the wall opposite the bed.
Children and adults in one voice claim that using a nightlight projector solves many problems.
Choose a device within your budget and create a unique atmosphere in the room.
Many parents say that this is the best way to solve the problem with the fear of darkness in children. Adults can create a romantic atmosphere in their bedroom using a similar device.
On how to make a nightlight projector with their own hands, see the next video.