Night light in the outlet

With the onset of darkness, you want a feeling of comfort and security in the room, and if ordinary lamps are turned on for evening affairs, then such a bright light is useless for sleep. For this, most people use night light plugged into a regular outlet.
Features and benefits
A night lamp in the outlet is most often in demand in families where there are children. The muffled calm and warm type of light favorably affects the sleep of a child and an adult. The night lamp helps to easily navigate the twilight of the room, allows you to relax and calm down the nervous system, not annoying its glow. Man sleeps better.
This product has a number of features:
- Not beating;
- Does not break;
- It is made of refractory material;
- Emits a soft night light;
- Does not irritate the eyes;
- It is compact;
- Many models have a switch.
A separate category includes night lighting devices for the children's bedroom. Parents are especially demanding of them, since it must be certified.
A variety of models of nightlights allows you to use them for different rooms. Lamps can be chosen for almost any interior.
This lighting device is a small light bulb or LED, beautifully decorated with a shade or cap. Night lights are made of various materials. Each product has its own characteristics.
Lamps differ from each other by:
- The lamps used in them. It can be halogen, incandescent and energy-saving lamps. The LED nightlight is in special demand. Its advantage is that it practically does not heat up and does not spend a lot of energy.
- The place where they will be installed. For example, on the ceiling, on the table, directly in the outlet, singly and so on. The rosette nightlight does not have a wire, which makes it more convenient than a wall lamp.
- Ability to move from one power source to another.Rosette lights can also be connected and stationary.
- Used materials for the ceiling. Available in glass, plastic, etc.
- Style design. Models are offered, ranging from classic style to high-tech.
- The power of the emitted light.
- Special features. Actively purchased lighting devices with a switch. They are very convenient to use, there is no need every time to unplug the device to pull it out of the outlet, or you can just press a button.
Children like the nightlight with a motion sensor. Kids often forget to turn off the light behind them, and then the electricity is not economically consumed. When a child runs out of the room, such a night light turns itself off, which is very convenient.
There are also lighting toys, carousels, tape recorders and even night light with baby monitor function. Lamps with built-in photocells are in great demand. The light itself lights up when it gets dark in the room and goes out when the light appears.
In a separate row highlighted projectors. During work, they display drawings of the ceiling on the wall of the room, for example, in the form of a starry sky.
It has a very special and useful function. salt lamp. It has a beautiful appearance, as well as a property that is beneficial to health. The night light has a capacity that is filled with salt. While the product is in operation, the salt heats up, disinfects the air in the room and fills it with useful fumes. This model of the lamp is useful to parents whose children often suffer from colds, especially pharyngitis.
Children's night lights have a more interesting design and are made in the form of toys, flowers, stars and other original forms.
Forms and sizes
Lighting designers offer consumers a variety of shapes and sizes of products:
- For adults are offered models with simple shapes, in the form of geometric shapes or made in the form of simple colors.
- Children's nightlights amaze with the assortment. Products for kids are in the form of animals, birds, houses, carousels, flowers, bees, and so on.
The most important criterion in the selection of any lamp is its environmental friendliness, fire resistance and safety. Basically, buyers purchase small unobtrusive models. A night light in the outlet should not attract attention.
At the choice of the lamp its size matters.For a large instance, more energy is needed, more lamps, and not every consumer will be satisfied with it.
Color solutions
A huge role is played by the color of the lamp and lamp nightlight. Preferred pastel colors - blue, green, blue, yellow. Only in such a light do human eyes rest. But modern scientists have conducted a study and it turned out that each color affects the human body in different ways. Therefore, you need to choose the lighting very carefully.
For example, experiments conducted on hamsters revealed that red color has a positive effect on the body. Blue light causes aggression. White has less negative effect than blue.
As a result, scientists recommend for people who work at night, to use lamps with red light, so that the body gets the least stress. But the outlines of objects with a red glow are not very clearly visible.
Green the light of a night light, if it is not bright, will have a number of advantages in comparison with red. With a green glow, a person's eyesight acquires particular urgency, furniture and other objects, as well as their contours are easily visible indoors.You can even distinguish colors in the room. Whatever color the lamp burns, in any case, it should not be bright and diffuse. It would be nice if the lamp is equipped with a relay function.
Manufacturers Overview
Lamps are produced in the outlet quite a lot of companies. But among them there are several brands that have proven themselves in the market for services from the good side. They are famous for the volume of products and a wide range of goods.
The top five include:
- Firm Camelion. It was founded in Hong Kong and has been operating for over 50 years. It has subsidiaries in Germany, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Turkey and other countries. The company manufactures and sells batteries, batteries, lamps for the garden, cars, spotlights, flashlights, as well as various nightlights. All products find their customers worldwide. Products of this brand are easy to install and easy to use. Lamps meet all safety standards and have an interesting design. The Camelion brand always keeps abreast of modern technologies and does not stand still, constantly improving its products. Nightlights of this company create a special comfortable atmosphere in the room,consume a minimum of energy and connect to the outlet directly. The company is constantly growing and has already 16 plants.
Buyers appreciate the products of this brand for low cost and high quality.
- Lucia. An Italian company that manufactures products for room lighting. In Russia, it has been on the market for goods and services since 2013. Paolo Tucci founded it. The firm is named after his daughter. The manufacturer offers more than 300 models of various fixtures, night lamps, floor lamps. In the manufacture of devices used materials such as plaster, metal, leather, glass, crystal, acrylic. Products of romantic, classic and modern design are on sale. The product line includes 9 collections. Among them are such as Natura, Firenze, Pietra Isola, Pelle Nerre.
- Brennenstuhl. Appeared in 1958 in Germany thanks to its founder Hugo Brennenstool. At the moment is one of the leaders in the production of electrical products in Europe. Constantly in search of innovative models of lighting devices (and not only). The company complies with all standards in production. He tries to pay special attention to customer requests, for example, up to 10 years warranty is offered for some products.
- Svetozar. This is a Russian lighting manufacturing company.The range of this brand is very diverse and includes lighting devices for home use and for offices. The company tries to buy all consumables for devices in our country, because of which the cost of production decreases. The main material in the production is polycarbonate. The plant works with both retail and wholesale customers. All products have certificates. The products use LED lamps that serve up to 10 years.
- TDM Electric. The name is denoted as "National Electrotechnical Company Morozova". A young company that appeared ten years ago. Offers high-quality household and industrial lighting. Leads a competent pricing policy. It includes more than 12,000 models of electrical appliances. In the assortment there are both modest models and exclusive design options.
According to customer reviews of manufacturers considered in the article, the most demanded are night lamps and lamps produced by Lucia, Camelion, the German company Brennenstuhl and the Russian Svyatozar. They are chosen because of their beautiful design, durability, durability and safety in use. These manufacturers have a lot of interesting multi-functional models.
Not everyone likes the products of TDM Electric. Claims are made mainly to the design of products. Many complain of their fragility. Some parents are not satisfied with the meager range of lamps for children.
Lighting night devices in the form of lamps and night lamps have firmly entered our life. Such devices are in every family. They allow not to be afraid of the dark, and make our lives more comfortable at night. Despite the fact that many consider them as products only for a children's bedroom, many adults with great success get nightlights in the outlet for themselves.
The presentation of one of the models of night light, see the following video.