Night light starry sky"

You can watch the night sky not only in the street or in a cottage with a transparent ceiling. Night Light "Starry Sky" will allow you to enjoy the cosmic magic anywhere in your home.
Special features
Billions of stars on the ceiling and walls of the room create a unique atmosphere. The original device with an amazing effect can give an unforgettable impression on both a child and an adult. Just turn on the nightlight in a dark room, and you will discover all the beauty of the cosmic expanses. You can put the projector in the nursery, and your baby will spend every evening with the stars on the ceiling, sweetly falling asleep under their soft light. Or you can place it in the living room and have a romantic dinner with your loved one, enjoying the beauty of the night sky.
A device with a projection of distant planets will surprise your friends if you decide to give them an unusual gift. And also you can please yourself and turn on this wonderful device according to your mood.
Luminaire device
- A device that simulates a starry sky, has a fairly simple design. The housing is usually made of translucent plastic. Numerous holes in its surface help create an optical illusion.
- The shape of the holes may be different. The light emanating from the lamps in the center of the device passes through them, forming purposeful light streams of a certain shape. This is a projection on the ceiling and walls.
- The body of some models rotates, providing "movement" of the stars. Also, many types of lamps allow you to change the color of lighting and include music.
- Lamps of this type are powered by AA batteries. They can also be plugged in or plugged into a USB cable.
- The light source uses LED bulbs. They belong to the class of energy-saving and completely safe. These bulbs do not heat the plastic case and allow you to get color lighting.
The advantages of the night sky "Starry sky" can not be overestimated.
- Beauty. The night light looks very nice, even when turned off, and in working condition it turns into an incredibly beautiful sparkling vessel. What can we say about the room, which is transformed by its magical projection.
- Atmosphere. With this lamp you can create any atmosphere. It can be a lulling relax, romance or a happy holiday - an imitation of the starry sky would be appropriate in any case.
- Versatility. You can turn on the device to create comfort in the evening or use it as an ordinary night light.
- If you are suffering from insomnia, just turn on the lamp, and you can easily fall asleep under the soft and mysterious starlight. In this case, you do not have to worry about turning off the device. It will turn off automatically after an hour from the start of work. This lamp is useful for families with babies who are afraid of the dark.
- Benefit. In addition to creating a fabulous atmosphere in the nursery, you can instill in your child a craving for knowledge. Judging by the reviews, even the simplest models of "star" lamps often fascinate kids who are beginning to be interested in the structure of the solar system.And projectors that are capable of reflecting whole constellations on the ceiling allow children to begin studying astronomy right in their own room.
- Ability to work anywhere. The compact size and the ability to work on batteries allows you to turn on the device not only in the room or in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, in the country and even in a tourist tent.
Modern manufacturers offer various options for "star" lamps. They differ not only in the shape of the body, but also in the effect produced.
Night lamps are produced for the little ones in the form of turtles, ladybirds, snails, elephants and other amusing toys. The upper part of the lamp is made of plastic. She is the source of light.
Such devices project onto the ceiling and walls of a nursery neat stars and month. The lighting is soft and unobtrusive, it creates a fabulous cozy atmosphere in the room and is very popular with children.
Most models are equipped with light and musical effects. Asterisks can change their color, and lulling sounds of nature and melodic lullabies contribute to a strong and peaceful sleep of the baby.Also, these models are equipped with a convenient timer and volume control.
Devices made in the form of a cylinder or a ball with the function of rotation give a different effect. The walls and ceiling lit by such a device more closely resemble photographs from space or the light-music of a nightclub.
Turning on such a lamp, you also will not see realistic constellations. A rotating nightlight will project numerous light spots on the walls that will move as its body rotates. Depending on the model, the outlines of the stars may be clear or blurred. Some lamps project not only the stars and the month, but also hearts and other images.
Such models are often provided with the function of switching colors and rotation modes. They can also be musical, have a built-in clock, an alarm clock and even an mp3 player.
This lamp is suitable for older children. Like these models and adults.
Home planetarium
If you want to recreate the real starry sky at home, you can choose a planetarium projector. Such models are much more expensivebut their functionality far exceeds the capabilities of conventional fixtures.
Such a night light is able to project realistic constellations that fully correspond to the present. You can customize the sky map according to specific months and enjoy learning astronomy with your child without leaving the room.
Some projectors can also reflect the Moon, and even our Earth from various points in space. Many models are equipped with the function of showing educational films about space. The package may also include a constellation map, a laser pointer and other useful additions.
Home planetarium is not necessary to use for educational purposes. As a night light, it is no less good.
If you prefer a flickering multicolored lights quiet and pacifying picture of this night sky, this option is ideal for you.
In addition, some planetariums reproduce the soothing sounds of nature. And some models, in addition to the starry sky, offer to admire the picturesque sunset or spectacular northern lights
You can get the effect of glittering stars on the ceiling not only with the help of a special lamp.Fluorescent stickers in the form of the Moon, the Moon, passing by comets, stars or entire constellations can create an equally magical atmosphere.
How to choose?
- When choosing a lamp, first of all it is necessary to focus on the age of the person to whom it is intended. For the little ones, the best choice would be a musical nightlight toy. For older children, you can purchase a rotating device or a real planetarium.
- If you want to make an original gift for an adult friend, an inexpensive nightlight of a laconic design with the function of changing colors will be the best choice. Well, if it will still have a built-in alarm clock or player.
- If you want to buy a lamp for your own bedroom, be guided by the price, the availability of additional options and personal preferences.
- Pay attention to the way the device works. For home use, the option of connecting to an electrical outlet. Batteries also allow you to use the device anywhere. In addition, for the children's model autonomous work is preferable.
- Also check if the warranty is issued for the device. This is especially true of expensive models.
- When ordering goods over the Internet, better read the reviews of people have already purchased the products of this manufacturer and see the photo / video nightlight in action.
How to do it yourself?
Using the available materials, you can save money and independently make an original lamp. There are 3 options for creating a starry sky projector.
From the can
This method is the easiest and fastest. Prepare an empty and clean tin can. It should be noted that the larger the room in which the lamp will stand, the larger the bank should be.
Be sure to remove the paper label to eliminate the risk of fire. Using a nail, awl, or other sharp object, make holes in the surface of the can. If you can give them the shape of a star, great. But arbitrarily arranged round holes or slits in the form of familiar constellations will also work.
Paint the can with heat-resistant paint. Cover it with a light source. This may be a desk lamp without a lampshade, but it is better to choose a device that does not require a network connection. A candle, a flashlight or something else will do.
Visually the manufacturing process can be viewed on the video below.
With foil
In this case, the holes are cut in foil. Then take a clean glass jar. A sheet of foil of the appropriate size is twisted into a tube and placed inside. Pre-applied glue on the foil secures it around the edges. Then a candle is placed inside, and the can is closed with a lid. The lamp is ready.
Using LEDs
This method is more complex and costly. Here, the LED strip can be used as a light source. The case of the lamp can serve as the same bank, pasted over with foil. To make the construction work, you need to drill a hole in the can for the wire.
How to turn on?
If you plan to use the projection night light autonomously, purchase the required number of AA batteries (2, 3, or 4 pieces, depending on the luminaire model). Insert them into the compartment located at the bottom of the base of the device.
You can also connect the projector to a power adapter of the appropriate power (if it is not attached to the device, you will also need to purchase it yourself).
To see the projection of the starry sky, press the power button (LED, STAR). Some models have several buttons.One can provide a projection of white stars. Another may include a change in shades.
Top models
Projector lamp "Turtle"
One of the most famous projectors in the form of a soft bug with hard shell is very popular.
The toy is available in several colors. The lamp reproduces the image of 8 constellations, plays 4 melodies. Automatic shutdown (after 45 minutes) allows you to fall asleep under the "starry sky", without worrying about turning off the device.
There are 4 color options for illumination, the ability to control modes. Work is carried out using batteries. USB charging is possible.
"Summer Infant"
A series of charming night lights for babies in the form of a butterfly, a ladybug, a bee or an elephant is a real find for young mothers.
The lamp not only projects stars of different colors. It is equipped with musical effects that fill the room with melodic modulations. Volume is adjustable. There is a timer for 15, 30, 45 minutes. The kit includes 2 batteries.
This famous model has the shape of a cylinder. The lamp can be ordinary or equipped with a rotation function.
The manufacturer claims that the night light will simply fill the entire room with stars of various colors. In fact, the projection on the walls and ceiling has no clear outlines.Neither bright stars, as from a children's lamp, nor realistic constellations, turning on this device, you will not see.
The device fills the room with a soft light and projects light spots on the surrounding surfaces, in which you can guess a month, several stars and a scattering of luminous points. The effect depends on the height of the ceilings and the size of the room. The smaller the room, the clearer and brighter the projection will turn out.
The device has 2 modes - white and color. It works from the network and from the batteries.
This home planetarium is a compact round device of small size.
Included are 2 removable projection discs. One allows you to display on the ceiling a realistic image of a starry sky. The second shows 31 constellations, allowing you to study the basics of astronomy. There is a function to adjust the star map to the exact date and time. Also, the device is complemented by an informative book.
Powerful LED backlighting provides a complete illusion of a realistic night sky. This effect is appropriate in a romantic setting, and in the children's room. The device has an auto-shutdown option, runs on AA batteries.