Track lights

Every year, the lighting market is replenished with new models. This is facilitated by the rapidly advancing progress, as well as the increased demands of the buyers themselves. One of the latest developments in the field of lighting steel track lights. About what it is and why these lighting devices enjoy great success today we will talk in detail.
Design features
Modern lighting systems, called track, in fact, represent a complex of single lamps placed on the busbar. It turns out that several completely identical luminaires are located on the bus at once. All of them work on the principle of combining into a single electrical system.
Individual tracks in such a system are connected by tires,that is, special elements with power systems, as well as using special calipers.
They can be of the following types:
- Rectangular.
- Straight lines
- L-shaped.
- Cross shaped.
- U-shaped.
- Flexible.
It is thanks to calipers and tires that the lamps are not only securely interconnected, but also work synchronously and safely.
It is this design that is the main feature of such lighting devices. The second nuance of their design is the presence of a special plug, which is located on the side of the tire and performs exclusively decorative functions.
The third feature of the design lies in the fact that such lamps usually have the following components:
- The lamp itself, which can work on a particular type of lamp, usually uses LED models.
- The conductor of electric current, through which, in fact, the current goes to each lighting device located on the bus.
- Special transformer that adapts the voltage in the network for each type of lamp.
- Elements of the compound, which can be of a purely decorative and aesthetic nature, and practical.
- Devices for hanging such lamps.
It is worth noting that all the components included in the track lights have great practical benefits. Their use makes it possible to locate devices at any height, to include both all the lamps located on the bus at the same time, and separately. It is not surprising that such modern track lighting devices with truly unique structural properties have become the most popular.
Scope of application
Lighting the room today plays a big role. Initially, track lighting devices were created for industrial premises and large trading halls. Due to their unique design, they allowed to cover a large area when using a small number of devices. Today such lamps are widely used:
- In the shops. Often, designers place them in those places where it is necessary to attract a buyer, because it has been scientifically proven that a brighter light subconsciously attracts a person.
- In museums or art galleries. They are used not only in all halls, but also around specific objects that need special attention from visitors.
- In private houses and apartmentsespecially with a large area.Track lights are ideal for lighting all rooms in a household, but they are most actively used in the bathroom, in the kitchen or living room.
- In entertainment centers, cafes, bars and even pharmacies, such track lighting devices are used again to obtain high-quality lighting and to draw people's attention to certain things.
That is, such lighting devices are used not only to get enough light in the rooms, but also to get people's attention to something.
Many interior designers today are also actively using such devices in their work, because track lights help to quickly and easily divide the whole space of an apartment into several separate zones.
Not surprisingly, such a wide scope of application and functional features and capabilities immediately attracted the attention of buyers to this category of products.
Advantages and disadvantages
However, like many other lighting devices, the track also has its pros and cons, and you should definitely know about them if you decide to use them too.
Perhaps their most important advantage is universality, and universality not only in possible areas of application, but also in terms of use. By moving the devices themselves along the bus and suspensions, you can create a directional stream of lighting where you need it most at the moment. You do not have to spend extra money on creating focused or, alternatively, diffused light. All this can be done using only one track lamp.
No less important advantages of such devices is convenience and easy operating principle. With the right choice of such a device and its correct installation, you can visually change the dimensions of a room only with the help of its light illumination. This helps to save a decent amount on repairs or design techniques.
The tracks themselves and the tires are also quite versatile, because with their help you can use not only light bulbs of different lighting intensity, but also different fixtures, thereby playing in various ways with lighting.
Despite the complex design of this lighting device, it is easy to install and does not cause any inconvenience during its operation. And this is another big plus.Low electricity consumption also can not go unnoticed and favorably distinguishes track lights on the background of all the others.
In addition, track lights have a high level of fire safety and security, which, together with a robust and reliable design, provide the product with a long, almost unlimited service life.
Such a large number of advantages of track lighting devices in combination with a wide variety of models of various types and sizes make them one of the most popular today. After all, such models can be used not only as an additional source of light, but also as a decorative ornament.
If we talk about the significant disadvantages of such devices, then you can identify only one thing - the high cost. Indeed, the price of such tire lighting devices is quite high, but it is more than paying for the advantages of the device itself.
It has already been said that the track models of an additional light source are divided into several groups and are available for sale in various models. Now it is necessary to dwell on this in more detail.These devices are divided into several types depending on the lamps that are used directly for lighting.
According to this criterion, lighting devices can be:
- LED, that is, working with the LED lamp.
- Halogen.
- Working with a fluorescent lamp.
- With a halogen-metal light bulb.
Also, these devices are divided into two large groups depending on whether it is possible to change the number of simultaneously working lamps in a particular model or not. Models that have such a function are called dimmable track lights. The same lamps, which have no such possibility, belong to the category of ordinary.
Depending on the type of busbar itself, these devices are divided into the following groups:
- Single-phase track lamp.
- Two Phase.
- Three phase.
- Minitrack devices with a power not exceeding 12 watts.
The exact number of phases in this case shows exactly how many lamps can be used at the same time. At the same time, all of them can work both jointly and separately from each other.
There is one more criterion according to which track lighting devices are divided into two groups - this is how they are installed.
In this case, the lamp can be:
- Built-in, that is, installed in a niche or a permanent place. Embedded models are more often used at home or in museums.
- Portable. Such devices are widely used at concerts, in bars or shops. They can easily be moved around the entire area of the room.
Such a variety of types allows you to choose the perfect track lamp in accordance with the main selection criteria.
Connection and installation
Most of the track luminaires are implemented complete with the necessary blocks and sockets for connection, and a special diagram is attached to them, in which is illustrated in detail how the installation itself should be carried out. If the device was purchased without them, then the procedure will be as follows:
- Power outage throughout the room. This is necessary for the safe dismantling of existing lighting and proper installation of track devices.
- Now you need to install the lights themselves on the track building. This should be done in accordance with the instructions that are attached to each model.
- Contact tracks and devices themselves need to be connected through intermediate contacts. You should pay attention to the tips of the contacts went out on the busbar itself, otherwise the electric current will not reach the devices.
- Watch to wirecombined with each other matched in color.
Now it is necessary to consider in more detail the installation of lighting devices directly on the busbar.
This work is performed according to the following algorithm:
- The frame is installed and fastened either with brackets or with hanging elements, in some cases it is permissible to be fixed with suspension cables.
- Proper installation of electrical wiring. It consists in arranging the wiring of lamps in such a way that they coincide with the location of the tracks themselves.
- Postings that match in color are twisted together.
- Exposed wires should be carefully insulated.
- Now you need to install the previously fully assembled lighting device according to the diagram.The adapter should be inserted into a special sinus until a characteristic sound appears, which will be evidence of proper installation.
- At the final stage, it is necessary to adjust the angle of incidence of the light and the intensity of the light itself.
As you can see, in the installation of track lighting nothing complicated.
The main thing is to remember that during the assembly of the system, the adapters for the left and right sides have different sinuses, so it is important not to confuse them during the assembly process.
How to choose?
Having decided to purchase such a track lamp, every potential buyer is faced with the fact that he does not always understand how to choose it correctly. To facilitate this task, we bring to your attention a few useful tips that will help you more easily and quickly make the right choice.
Pay attention to the country of origin. It is better to give preference to domestic, German or American lamps. The same models, in which the country of origin is China, especially at low prices, it is better to get round. Track lamp is a purchase that you should not try to save.
It is necessary to pay attention to such an indicator as the luminous flux - the higher it is, the stronger the room will be lit.
And if you need to save on electricity consumption, you should choose low-power models. Power supply should also be taken into account when buying and be sure to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations on this issue.
The number of phases of the track lamp and the angle of dispersion of its light are two important indicators. The more luminaries in the track, the more illuminated the room will be, and the smaller the scattering angle, the less concentrated will be the luminous flux.
If you plan to regularly move the lamps on the bus and in the whole room, it is better to purchase models with a spring. They are more durable and flexible compared to static track models.
Guided by these simple recommendations when buying, you can easily choose a high-quality, reliable, durable and stylish lamp for home and work.
Stylish interior solutions
The fact that today track lights are actively used in places of mass gathering of people, and in private homes, said at the very beginning of this article.
Below are the most original and unusual examples of their use in the interior.
- A great design option for kitchen lighting for a small room with a bar. Black lamps stand out favorably against the light ceiling, while they immediately illuminate the three areas of the kitchen. Their color visually increases the height of the room itself, and the minimalistic style, on the one hand, attracts attention, and on the other hand, it does not distract from the general interior of the room.
- Another good example of the successful use of track lights on cables in a regular apartment. Thanks to the double decoration of the bus itself, these devices managed to create the perfect lighting in the room, and most importantly, also very stylish. With its help, it was possible here to pull out visually the space of the room upwards, to make the kitchen itself unusual, but at the same time cozy and restrained.
- The cozy living room in bright colors has become even more attractive and delicate due to such lighting. White track lamps of small size placed directly on the ceiling do not focus the light in one place, but distribute it evenly around the room.Their color fully corresponds to the general color scheme of the living room and gives it a special comfort and warmth.
- Fans of the popular loft style today will surely like this kitchen lighting design. In this case, the track lights are chosen very well, they simultaneously stand out in the general interior of the room, and emphasize its style. Their exquisite metallic color immediately attracts attention with its uniqueness, and due to the fact that the lamps have a turning mechanism, at any moment you can easily change the angle and intensity of light.
- A good example of how beautifully track lights in places of mass gatherings of people, in this case, in a restaurant. They allow for the most efficient and correct lighting of all parts of the room, while the light is carefully scattered and does not provide visitors with any amenities. At the same time, it is this kind of lighting that makes it possible to provide free tables for customers.
- Another vivid example of the successful use of track lighting in the bar. In this case, the lamps on the cables are located directly above the bar.They allow you to carefully examine the menu and immediately allocate free space behind the counter. But with all this they do not blind the eyes and do not distract attention from the most important thing.
It is not for nothing that track lamps are in high demand among buyers today, and these examples confirm this once again. With the right choice of such a lighting device and its correct installation, it can not only provide the right and proper lighting, but also become one of the main decorations of the room.
When buying, you should always remember the useful recommendations that were given at the beginning of this article, as well as choose the power and intensity of lighting the lamp correctly and remember that for home use you should buy models with a lower intensity of illumination than for public places.
In general, we can safely say that track lights are the lighting devices of the future, because they have a universal purpose, a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and a long and safe service life.
You will see even more interesting ideas of room lighting with the help of track lights in the next video.