Pompom blankets

Modern man loves to surround himself with beautiful and functional things. And the more unusual thing, so it is closer to the heart. Take at least a plaid: this cover today can be made from anything, even pom-poms.
Pompom blankets are a unique accessory of any sofa or bed. Such products stand out against the background of their classic counterparts and have several advantages.
Special features
Plaid of pompons - not just a decorative element of the interior room. This product is unique. Like the usual blankets, made of woven and non-woven method, it is a single base, but it is done very differently, according to a special technology. Externally, it is a solid canvas of multi-row elements of a round shape.
This is a voluminous thing that performs several functions:
- is a decorative element that gives the bed (sofa, armchair) home comfort;
- gives a neat look to a sleeping place, replacing a classic blanket;
- performs the function of a light blanket in the offseason (especially important for babies and toddlers of preschool age);
- replaces a voluminous sweater, overalls, creating a cozy atmosphere in a chair in front of the TV screen;
- despite the apparent lightness and airiness, it warms the body perfectly, keeping the user warm.
Such products are considered exclusive. As a rule, they are not found on sale, because these accessories are made by hand using special tools. In most cases, yarn or fiber is used to make pompom plaids, although the method of making each type of pompon blanket is different. Hooks, knitting needles, a sewing machine, scissors and accessories are commonly used as working tools.
Each product is unique in its own way and has a number of advantages. Plaid of pompons:
- has excellent breathability, due to which it does not overheat the body, eliminates the appearance of sweat;
- is an exclusive thing, does not have a duplicate;
- depending on the model, it can be of different shapes (square, oval, hexagonal, round and traditional rectangular);
- differs in the sizes, being made for a nursery, single, a double bed, a sofa or a chair;
- being an elegant product, does not need additional decor;
- It is made from natural, synthetic or mixed yarn that does not irritate the skin, therefore it is suitable even for allergies and people with particularly sensitive skin;
- has a rich color palette, varying the pattern or developing specifically in tone with curtains, wallpaper, pastel;
- is a stylish accessory of a berth, perfectly harmonizing with other interior items and refreshing the general background of the room;
- depending on the composition of the yarn, it can have not only warming, but also healing properties;
- in most cases, it is hygroscopic, able to give the absorbed moisture back into the air, due to which it is almost always dry and pleasant to the touch;
- is the result of the work of skilled craftswomen, as well as all those who are not alien to creativity in the presence of free time.
In addition to the usual geometric options in the form of monophonic or contrasting products, experienced craftswomen create unique blanket compositions for children in the form of funny animals (tiger, zebra, cat, ladybug, etc.). Such products are very popular with babies, becoming for a time a unique rug, albeit a small one or simply an envelope in which you can wrap the baby by going for a walk.
If such a blanket is made from wool and wool blend, it can have a beneficial effect on the human body. Due to the special structure of the fibers with a hollow structure and the presence of natural antiseptic lanolin in the composition, such products will be:
- improve immunity to colds and speed recovery from a cold;
- soothe the nervous system, increasing resistance to stressful situations;
- due to the "dry" heat to maintain the desired temperature inside, not allowing the body to freeze (regardless of the temperature in the room) and eliminate the appearance of sweat;
- promote muscle relaxation, normalizing blood flow;
- make sleep comfortable and useful.
Such bedspreads are a great theme for a gift to loved ones for a holiday. Depending on the color of the material, they can be presented for Christmas, Birthday, Valentine's Day, wedding, New Year and other significant events.
Moreover, such a gift will always be welcome, because a particle of the soul will be invested in it, and this is dear to everyone.
Along with the advantages, pompon blankets have some drawbacks. Such products:
- not performed quickly (you need to spend some time on manufacturing, and the work does not stand in a hurry, otherwise the result will suffer);
- in most cases require a considerable amount of high-quality yarn, resistant to washing and active use;
- need careful use (pompons cannot be pulled, pulled out by hair, pulled by the threads of the base - this will break the arrangement of the threads, which will affect the quality of the whole product);
- short-lived, if made of poor quality raw materials;
- unstable to dust, which can trigger the appearance of dust mites that cause allergies;
- do not knock, shake, dry clean (there is a risk of loss of the shape of the product);
- depending on the volume of raw materials used and its structure have different weight;
- need special delicate care (washing and airing).
Since rugs are made from pompons manually and made thoroughly, such products are expensive. In some cases, the cost is calculated based on the amount of material at a certain rate per meter of yarn. Other professionals are repelled by the amount of time spent on making a rug, with a certain price of labor per hour.
Types and subtleties of assembly
Since the name "Pompon Plaid" is not clear to everyone, it is worth knowing the nuances of the assembly. This is an important point, because in each case the product has its own degree of reliability and durability. A pompon is an element of a plaid, which is a ball of cut yarns of a certain size and density. This is a convex relief element that provides the cover volume and density. The uniqueness of the pom-pom is that it can be made in different ways.
Conventionally, the execution of such a product can be done in three different ways:
- similar to knitting a scarf;
- by machine;
- collecting a blanket from a mass of identical blanks;
- plain weave method.
Out of yarn
Knitted method is relevant for those who love the work of crochet and knitting.This is a monotonous and long work, in which a special thread participates with round-shaped or oval-shaped bulges in the form of balls located at the same distance from each other. The cloth is knitted with a uniform tension of the thread without the use of additional devices, constantly straightening the pompons on the front side, leaving the inside out flat.
On a typewriter
If the yarn is a braid with ready-made pompoms, it is even easier to make a pompom blanket. Armed with a sewing machine, the braid is tweaked alternately one after the other, putting the edge of the braid over the previous row. In order to complete the composition, the edge is decorated with a fringe or decorative edging.
By the way, in this method it is important to use pompons of different sizes. Such a rug is especially durable and reliable.
From individual fragments
The method of making a “ball”, familiar to all from childhood, with the help of cardboard blanks on which the yarn is wound, is then tied into the center and cut between the cardboard blanks and their subsequent removal. Quite a laborious way, requiring a lot of free time and patience, as well as a bunch of identical blanks.Such a blanket can not be called reliable, because it does not have a solid foundation. All fragments of the assembly are fixed between a double thread of yarn.
Given the overall weight of the blanket, this is not enough for daily use.
On the frame
The most interesting way to create a high-quality, practical and durable blanket is to build a pompon blanket on the frame. The main difficulty lies in the manufacture of the frame of the desired size (the unique development of the fictional needleworkers), because only the owner of the house or to order can do it. Such a device consists of 4 boards in the form of a frame, along the edges of which ordinary nails are nailed at the same distance.
Creating a plaid is based on winding a large number of layers of yarn up and down, clinging the thread to the nails. Upon reaching the desired number of layers of yarn, it is connected in the resulting cross hairs, firmly securing the central parts of the pompons. All that remains to turn the honeycomb into a plaid from pompons is to count the necessary number of threads and cut them together, and also to cut the edges of the loops. Great and durable! Unlike the two previous technicians performing,This method allows you to make high-quality and fluffy pompons, and they will be securely attached to a multilayer basis.
This product will withstand washing better than the variant of the individual fragments.
Color solutions
The choice of color blankets of pompons has no boundaries. It all depends on the preferences of masters or the wishes of the customer. Basically, these are gentle and pleasant shades of pastel group. Such covers are made for newborns and toddlers of preschool age. Pink, blue, white, lilac, light green, mint color and their mix in the form of melange pompon yarn are popular among the most popular shades. With regards to models for teenagers and adults, saturated colors are the priority: blue, orange, red, warm sandy and terracotta tones.
In some models, variegated colors make it easy to make a rug: using different colors of yarn, it is easier to separate the right amount and cut.
Blankets made of pompons - unique products according to their owners. Such covers are unique, - users consider, - after all these products are not “extras”, they are exclusive and colorful.Users who have left reviews of such plaids are so satisfied with the copies purchased to order that they often try to create them themselves, being fascinated by the process and creating such masterpieces on their own.
How to make a rug out of pompons with your own hands, see the next video.