Wool blankets

Every person needs warmth and care. And if there is someone nearby who surrounds them - great. Only sometimes I want to warm up not only with my soul, but also with my body. At such moments a soft woolen blanket helps out. When looking at it, associations with home and comfort always arise. I want to get comfortable in the chair, wrapped in a blanket and enjoy its warmth.
It is the wool blanket that is commonly called a blanket, since this word, translated from English, means a warm wool scarf.
The knitted product made of wool looks great in any interior, because it comes in different sizes and colors. Classic plaid plaids are still relevant, but manufacturers have long been producing models of various colors.
The popularity of this textile product that has not subsided for centuries lies in its multifunctional use.They willingly take him on the road, make beds for them, cover sofas, and distribute them to visitors on summer terraces of restaurants in cool evenings. Besides the fact that the blanket serves as a blanket and has a natural composition, it has many advantages:
- wool absorbs moisture well, but remains dry;
- mites do not start in a woolen thread product;
- warm tissue has a therapeutic effect (helps reduce pain in diseases of the back and joints);
- the blanket is light and breathable;
- does not require special care;
- always by the way as a gift;
- practical and durable;
- does not take up much space, but warms better than a blanket.
Little about the shortcomings
Despite the many obvious advantages, the wool blanket has several drawbacks. Over time, the surface of the product are formed pellets. You can delay their appearance by caring for the thing. The second drawback is more substantial and practically intractable. People who are prone to allergies to wool, it is better to abandon such a rug in favor of the analogue of artificial materials. But the fact that the blanket is considered a bit "prickly", rather, its feature, and not a disadvantage.
Wool products have their own quality differences. They consist in the type and thickness of the threads, the way they are processed and other individual properties. Depending on from which wool the product is made, it is possible to draw a conclusion about its quality indicators and choose the best product.
In such blankets 100% wool is used, cut from withers of fine-fleeced sheep. The fibers have a greater density and thickness, so that the products from them are made warm and quite bulky. Wash them carefully, in accordance with the instructions on the label. Such an attitude to things from sheep wool will extend its operation. But if the blanket has become unusable, the replacement will not be too expensive.
Goats, which act as “donors” of this type of wool, have a very thin section of hairs. But the threads of them are incredibly warm and light. The hair thickness of a Kashmir sheep is almost three times less than human hair. Cashmere blankets are characterized by excellent thermal insulation, special softness and silkiness. Their disadvantages are only in the high cost and the need to wash them by hand as they become dirty.
Goat down blankets are a costly acquisition, but it is worth every bill spent on it. Allergies, this type of wool does not cause.
In fact, the blanket from Peru is half wool. In its composition almost always there is some synthetic fibers that only benefit the product, which, thanks to synthetics, is durable and does not deform.
Such products are much easier than those that are made of sheep wool. The camel's hair is dense in structure, hollow inside, and the fluff is almost weightless. Therefore, blankets are very practical - durable, but light. Before you start using such a rug, it is recommended to straighten it on a bed and leave it in such a state in a warm room for several hours. This is to ensure that the fibers of the fabric are cracked down and show all their pomp.
Camel wool products are recommended to air in summer in dry weather.. It is not afraid of dry cleaning and rarely needs it, because this type of wool has the ability to “repel” dust.
The many advantages of this natural material made him a favorite among blankets, which are purchased for children.
According to its properties, this wool resembles a camel: hygroscopic, retaining heat, not losing shape in the product. But in structure, it resembles human hair. Therefore, wool products are soft, comfortable to use and do not cause skin irritation. There are few blankets for sale, since wild yak is an animal listed in the Red Book.
From alpaca or llama
Blankets made of llama wool (alpaca Peru) resemble camel wool products in their properties. But the pellet on the material is not formed even in the process of long-term operation. This type of wool is quite hard, so in the blankets it is always adjacent to the softer wool fibers. When storing such a rug, it is recommended to place a sprig of lavender or cedar nearby.
New Zealand sheep wool
Sunny New Zealand is known not only for its mild climate, but also for the development of sheep breeding. The country has many pastures and the production of wool from sheep wool is booming. It differs from other species in that it is unusually thin and soft, wavy, long and strong. At the same time she has a white color and absolute hypoallergenic.
How to choose?
Do not forget that a quality product is not sold in questionable outlets and can not cost too cheap. Before you go to the store for a blanket, you need to determine for yourself a number of criteria by which the choice will be made:
- Determine the size of the product based on where and by whom it is planned to use;
- the composition of the material;
- color range and pattern;
- quality of tailoring;
- individual requirements for plaid (allergy sufferers).
Selecting a product in size is easy, if you know exactly what it is intended for:
- If you need to make a chair or wrap your legs, 130x170 will be the optimal size. The same blanket is suitable for a cot. Often, this is the size parents choose for walking with a child. It fits well in a stroller and is not very voluminous in order to fit in a bag.
- The following parameters - 150x200 cm will be an excellent choice in order to cover a single bed. Such a blanket is convenient to take with you on trips. It does not take up much space, but you can already roll up in it in a cool evening or sit together for a picnic in nature.You can afford not to part with your favorite wool thing on business trips.
- For a wide double bed need a large woolen blanket size 200x220. Under it, two adults will comfortably sit. Although many couples prefer to buy two separate rugs for themselves to sleep. But for one large-bodied person, it is also the product that is better suited.
When buying it is important to pay attention not only to the length and width of the product, but also to the composition. Wool in the manufacture of rugs used is different. This is reflected in their quality indicators and cost.
Producers of Mongolia and Russia let out on sale the most different options of plaids at the price, a coloring and quality. A similar thing from New Zealand wool will be a worthy purchase for yourself and as a gift, but the price for it is much higher.
Belarusian products Also noteworthy, as they are natural, made in accordance with all quality standards and affordable. It remains only to choose them according to your own preferences: smoother or fluffy, monophonic or colored, soft and airy or with a hard pile.
Before making a purchase, carefully inspect the thing you have liked. If on the ground the fold pile fell or dried, the joy of such an acquisition will be short. It is unreasonable to spend money on a thing which, even before the start of operation, demonstrates its fragility.
Models with sleeves
Woolen blankets with sleeves - the choice of modern, active people who do not stay up long in place, but love warmth and comfort. With such a blanket does not need to part to go to the kitchen for a cup of tea. From under it there is no need to get out to switch the channel on the TV. It is convenient to even walk in cool evenings. It is worth buying it because it:
- warms well;
- does not restrict hand movements;
- provides freedom of movement;
- easily washable in a washing machine.
A blanket with sleeves will be an excellent gift for a person of any age and status. It is useful on a business trip, in the country, on a trip out of town, for working at a computer and for dinner in nature.
How to care?
Manufacturers produce products that involve a different type of cleaning, depending on the composition of the material from which the blanket is made.
- If the manufacturer recommends hand washing, then water temperature should not exceed 30C for the whole cycle, up to rinsing. It is necessary to use only special detergent intended for washing things from natural wool. The product must be thoroughly dissolved in water and then immersed in the product.
- It is unacceptable to bleach the blanket, squeeze and twist it..
- Dry it unfolded on a terry towel on a wide flat surface.and without additional heating and direct sunlight.
For details on the process of washing a wool plaid, see the following video.
Washing in the washing machine is carried out in a special mode for wool or delicate wash. Cannot use spin mode. Drying should also be spread out on a smooth surface. The water temperature is not higher than 30 degrees and detergent containing lanolin.
Products made of wool can not be ironed and dried on heating appliances. If you do not neglect all the recommendations for the care, the thing will last a long time and with benefit. The plaid will retain its softness, shape and color, delighting with its appearance and warming with warmth.