Polycarbonate greenhouses: advantages and disadvantages

Polycarbonate greenhouses today are considered one of the most optimal and popular facilities, which are distinguished by a huge number of advantages. A large variety of models allows each person to choose the most optimal option for his house or country house, which includes all the necessary parameters. Ready greenhouses from this material have an impressive service life, which makes them the preferred choice among similar ones.
Special features
Immediately after its appearance, polycarbonate sheets won the love and trust of many summer residents. However, despite this, not everyone understands what exactly this material is, what are its main advantages and disadvantages.Understand this issue can only carefully examining the structural features of polycarbonate and the advantages of building greenhouse structures from it.
A distinctive feature of polycarbonate is that it has a honeycomb structure. Each cell includes special cells filled with air. It is precisely because of this that the structures keep heat inside without problems. Initially, polycarbonate sheets could not boast of such high thermal insulation properties, but soon they began to be treated with special varnishes, as a result of which this material was able to provide reliable protection against harmful ultraviolet rays.
Another feature of polycarbonate is that it is fairly easy to handle. The unique properties of the material allow drilling, bonding or other procedures. In addition, it is quite easy to cut with an electric jigsaw, and in the absence of such tools, you can use ordinary reinforced scissors. It is also worth noting the main technical advantage of polycarbonate material, which lies in its small mass and ability to transmit sunlight.That is why they can be used for the production of greenhouse structures. The material is famous for its plasticity, which greatly simplifies the work with him. Thanks to this property, if necessary, a polycarbonate greenhouse can be equipped with small vents or partitions.
Advantages and disadvantages
The use of polycarbonate sheets for greenhouses has a huge number of advantages, the main of which lies in the small mass and durability of the future design. Even if compared with glass materials, polycarbonate withstands more than one season and is less prone to damage. Also, this material is significantly gains in comparison with the film, which is not able to withstand even the smallest mechanical pressure.
Polycarbonate sheets are distinguished by a unique structure, which allows them to keep heat inside without any problems, and it is much better than ordinary film or glass. And high plasticity and flexibility allow to process this material without problems, to lay it on a frame or other similar structures.Only from polycarbonate sheets it is possible to create greenhouses of any configuration, which is not the case with the use of glass.
Among the distinctive advantages of polycarbonate in the production of greenhouses are the following.
- Ease and ease of installation. Due to the fact that this material has a minimum weight, it is quite easy to transport and install.
- Unique thermal insulation properties that were made possible thanks to the innovative structure of the material and special processing.
- Impressive sound insulation performance, which can sometimes reach 25 decibels.
- The presence of a special coating that provides reliable protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
- Excellent strength characteristics. Despite its low mass, this material can withstand mechanical loads and shocks, as well as sudden changes in temperature. Recent studies show that modern polycarbonate sheets are 200 times stronger than glass.
- Large selection of sheet sizes, so that each person can choose the most optimal option for themselves.The huge choice allows you to more comfortably carry out the lining of the spans, as well as create partitions in greenhouse structures.
- Ability to use polycarbonate greenhouses throughout the year. Due to its strength, the material can withstand wind, snow load and other weather phenomena without any problems.
- High level of safety and the absence of any dangerous vapor in the combustion process. The main advantage of polycarbonate is that it begins to melt only at temperatures exceeding 550 degrees.
- The cladding is characterized by impressive resistance to aggressive substances, including chemical cleaning agents and acid precipitates.
Despite its many advantages, polycarbonate sheets have several disadvantages.
In order for these sheets to last as long as possible and maintain their attractiveness, it is necessary to strictly follow certain rules of operation.
- First of all, in no case should their ends be left open, as there can always get moisture or insects, which will cause damage to the material. Humid environment contributes to the active spread of fungi, which greatly affects the performance properties of the material and the entire polycarbonate greenhouse.
- Sheets must be cleaned in a timely manner from dirt and dust, using only soft tissue. In no case can you resort to the use of aggressive detergents that can harm the coating and negate its unique protective properties.
- It is also worth refusing to use any means that include alkalis or ethers, as they can also harm the coating of the polycarbonate sheet.
- Abrasive products and sharp objects can damage the protective layer, which is designed not to transmit harmful ultraviolet rays.
- In winter, with heavy snowfalls, it is necessary to constantly clean the upper part of the structure to prevent the formation of ice and the subsequent deformation of the greenhouse. The fact is that, under the pressure of snow, the structure is under tremendous pressure and can begin to change its shape, which threatens with the collapse of the entire greenhouse. That is why it is recommended to timely clean the snow from polycarbonate sheets.
As for the cost of building a polycarbonate coating, it is, of course, much lower than the cost of building a greenhouse made of glass, but slightly more expensive than a film coating.In any case, in the modern market it is quite difficult to find something more optimal in terms of price and quality.
Types and forms of construction
Today, the choice of greenhouses is quite large: you can find large and small, square and rectangular, duo-pitch and single-pitch, collapsible and welded, galvanized, sliding, monolithic collection or structures with a removable roof. Thanks to this, each person can choose the most optimal and suitable option for him, which is distinguished by all the necessary properties.
First of all, you should talk about the shape of the frame, which can be made in the form of a tent, house, arch, or have almost any other form. And this was achieved thanks to the flexibility and plasticity of polycarbonate, which allows you to give this material almost any shape.
It should be noted that each form of the frame has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account before choosing a specific option. Today, arched structures that are represented by a single or dual gable frame are very popular.Among the distinctive advantages of this form, it is possible to distinguish ease of assembly and minimal consumption of polymer plastic, which ultimately reduces the overall cost of the construction of greenhouse structures. In addition, arched forms require minimal time, which is especially important with a limited amount of this resource. However, this type of structure has certain drawbacks, among which one can highlight the difficulty of caring for plants near the side walls, which is caused by the unique design features of the greenhouse.
Another popular variety is the hip greenhouse, which resembles a tent in appearance. Such forms are most optimal in places where many types of vegetables will be grown. A distinctive feature of structures in the form of a tent is that they can be of almost any size, even the most non-standard.
It is worth noting that the hip-roofed greenhouse is highly undesirable for use in the winter season, as due to the large amount of snow, the structure can be seriously affected. If you want to build just this kind of greenhouse, then you need to use only reinforced polycarbonate sheets that can cope with such loads.Of course, such a decision would be much more expensive, so it would be more expedient to choose a different type of greenhouse. As for the shed greenhouses, their construction is much cheaper. A distinctive feature of this design is that it can be attached to a house or other structure. Its main advantage is that the building rests on a reliable wall of another building, which ensures durability and the ability to withstand enormous loads. Reviews say that such a greenhouse is a long time, if you constantly look after it.
It is best to install greenhouse facilities on the south side so that plants receive as much natural light as possible. And if desired, the shed construction can be installed separately from the main structure, however, it is necessary to ensure the maximum width so that several rows of shelving can be placed inside. The main advantage of this type is that inside you can put a huge amount of seedlings, which is of paramount importance for obtaining high-quality and abundant harvest.
In recent years, built on Mietlayder are very popular. These are unique structures that are slightly higher on the north side than on the south side. Unique design solutions allow you to create inside the optimal microclimate that provides plants with a high level of comfort.
If 10 years ago, polygonal types of greenhouse structures were quite rare, today they will not surprise anyone. Among their strengths are high aesthetic indicators. This greenhouse is characterized by an attractive appearance, which greatly improves the view of the entire summer cottage. In addition, in these designs it is possible to ensure maximum protection of plants from overheating in summer, when the air temperature can rise to extremely high rates. Polygonal polycarbonate greenhouses boast a huge amount of usable space, since there is no central passage, which allows you to install a lot of racks.
Such greenhouses are made exclusively of polycarbonate, as it is a fairly flexible material and it can be given any shape, which is extremely important when building a polygonal greenhouse.However, in the selection process, the focus should be not on the shape of the greenhouse, on the number of seedlings that will need to be grown in the structure. In addition, attention should be paid to the climatic features of the region and the cost of materials that will be used in the process of construction of the greenhouse.
To choose the right kind of greenhouse and its design, you must immediately decide for what purposes the future premises will be needed, at what times of the year it will be used and which sizes are suitable for your conditions. In addition, it is immediately necessary to deal with the automated system, because the more various innovative constructions it contains, the greater must be the size of the structure. Shed greenhouses today are considered one of the most popular and in demand in the modern market. Their distinctive feature is that they have small dimensions, so that they can be used in areas with a small area. That is why they are called designs with a high level of efficiency.
Despite the minimum dimensions, working in such a structure is quite convenient and you can put a huge amount of seedlings here. And the main advantage of a shed greenhouse is that it can be attached on either side of the house, however the extension on the south side is considered the best option, so that the plants can get enough natural light.
Among the shortcomings can be called the fact that such a design is extremely difficult to cover the film, as the wind will demolish it on a regular basis. Most summer residents in this case prefer glass or plastic. Gable greenhouses are ordinary houses that can be built independently. Such facilities have a huge number of advantages that make them stand out against the background of others.
First of all, you can not worry that the greenhouse will break under the weight of snow in the winter season. In addition, the unique shape of the roof allows you to pick up almost any material for construction, and not just polycarbonate sheets. Of course, the latter are the most optimal because of the unique ratio of price and quality. It should also be noted that the use of such a greenhouse allows for additional styling, which is very important for some summer residents.Of course, like other varieties, the gable construction has its drawbacks. Considering the fact that it is assembled with the help of a huge amount of fastening materials, the summer resident must constantly check the frame for tightness and make sure that no part is subject to corrosion.
In the future, it will not be possible to resize or expand these premises. And the roof at the gable greenhouses is large enough, so close attention will need to be paid to the construction of the foundation. In recent years, arched structures, which can boast a minimal reflective surface, are also very popular. It is because of this that they let in much more sunlight than single-pitch and double-gated options. The unique constructive advantages of this design enable cultures to grow to enormous heights, which cannot be achieved in ordinary buildings.
It should be understood that the care of plants that are located in an arched polycarbonate greenhouse is rather difficult. It should be noted that these types can not be used for growing seedlings for open ground, as in such conditions it will not be possible to harden the plants.Despite these shortcomings, such greenhouses are extremely easy to assemble and dismantle. Also, if necessary, you can easily add additional sections to increase the size of the room.
Another drawback of the arched structure is that in winter there are often deflections and breakage of the roof, since the snow cannot easily slide down from it. In other words, either it is necessary to carry out cleaning on an ongoing basis, or the summer resident risks losing the entire structure and plants. Such greenhouses can also not be installed in regions that are characterized by strong winds, as the frame mount is unstable and any gust of wind can demolish the structure.
A rather original form is different drip structures, which can boast a number of advantages. For example, the pointed lid allows the snow to remain stale, which has a positive effect on the reliability and durability of the whole structure. In addition, precisely because of this, the soil in the spring inside the greenhouse warms up as quickly as possible.
Such buildings are considered the most optimal solution for the northern regions, which are characterized by abundant snow in winter.Unique design features allow sunlight to easily penetrate all corners of the structure. The only significant disadvantage of the drop-shaped construction is the complexity of its installation, which is beyond the power of every person.
Another type is the Dutch type of premises, allowing plants to get as much sunlight as possible. It was possible to achieve this result due to the fact that special glass with a uniform structure is used as a coating. This design does not allow excess moisture to get inside the greenhouse, as it is equipped with a chute made of aluminum. He is responsible for collecting and draining rainwater.
The gutter design also provides for special seals to prevent condensation. A distinctive feature of the entire drainage system of the Dutch greenhouse is that it is mounted on the ridge of the roof. Because of this, it boasts wind resistance. If the greenhouse has a large size and is located in a region with severe weather conditions, then you will need to take care of the heating system.It is best to use fully automated systems that allow you to ensure an optimal microclimate on an ongoing basis.
Frame models are also quite popular. For example, you can choose a greenhouse, the base of which will be made on a metal frame. This will positively affect the strength and durability of the product.
In the process of choosing a place to install a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, you must be very careful, because it depends on the efficiency of the whole structure. Choosing a place, you should follow the following rules.
- The greenhouse should be as close as possible to the main house, especially if it is heated during the cold season. Then it will be possible to arrange a connection to the heating system at home and thereby save on the purchase of independent heating.
- It is best to abandon the idea of building buildings in a low-lying area, since the land here is very often frozen. In addition, you cannot choose open areas or slopes as locations. Such areas are characterized by frequent and strong winds that can disrupt the integrity of the greenhouse structure.
- Greenhouses cannot be erected on covered soil if the groundwater is too close.
- If the summer cottage can not boast of large dimensions, then pick a good place is quite difficult. Observation of the territory is considered the ideal way of selection, due to which one can determine the most sunny place.
After the selection of the optimal site, it is necessary to carry out all the preparatory work to start construction. The soil must be completely dried and loosened, otherwise it will not be possible to build a greenhouse. Some summer residents advise to leave a small bias only in cases when it is facing the south side. If the site is characterized by a large amount of moisture, then around it it is necessary to dig special grooves that will be used to drain excess water. And if we are talking about a room for long-term use, then it must first be built in such a way that it fits perfectly into the overall design of the local area and does not spoil the landscape. For example, you can install a special path to the greenhouse construction, along which certain materials and seedlings will be used.If during construction it is necessary to mark the perimeter of future development, then pegs can be used in this case. In addition, before the start of construction work, it is necessary to observe the territory without fail to make sure that the future greenhouse will be able to receive a sufficient amount of natural light and sunlight.
The location of the greenhouse may also have some influence on its design. If we are talking about lean-to options, then they are best located from west to east, but always direct the roof to the south side. As for the gable variants, they must pass from north to south, and the maximum deviation may not be more than 15 degrees. Do not forget that the rays are always most effective if they enter the room at a right angle. That is why tent greenhouses are considered more efficient. However, this requirement is important only for the room, which is used in the winter season. In summer, in domestic climatic conditions, there are no problems with the supply of natural light and sunlight, so you can select almost any version of the greenhouse structure.If you need to protect the object from strong winds and bad weather conditions, then the ideal solution is the location of a solid fence on the north side, which will take over the wind and also provide the greenhouse design with the necessary shade.
If the plant is grown in protected ground, then it should receive proper care and watering on an ongoing basis. That is why gardeners are advised to use a centralized water supply, which allows you to get rid of all the problems with the delivery of water to the greenhouse. With this, you can install an automatic irrigation system, which is considered the most efficient and allows watering without the participation of the gardener. If it is not possible to conduct a centralized water supply due to the design features of the greenhouse or problems with the soil, then a well or well will need to be installed close to the greenhouse structures. In the extreme case, in the absence of any of these options, you can limit yourself to a large barrel of water. In order to prevent the soil from shedding in the inner part of the perimeter, you can install special boards or sheets, which also showed themselves well in the process of fixing the inner edge of the beds.
While planning the construction of a polycarbonate greenhouse, it is imperative to take into account the distinctive features of the landscape in the region. At the same time one of the most important roles is played by the quality of the soil. And if the soil in the summer cottage area is characterized by softness, then the construction in the future may substantially subside, which represents a danger to its integrity and reliability. That is why experts advise to give preference to the area with a strong ground, and if the construction is done on a swampy area, then drain. Also, experts do not advise installing greenhouses on clay soils, as this often becomes the cause of stagnant moisture in the greenhouse itself. In this case, the ideal solution is the construction of a sand pillow.
Close attention during the construction of the greenhouse also needs to be paid and orientation to the cardinal points., which has a direct impact on the amount of sunlight received by plants. If the structure is initially located incorrectly, then vegetables and berry crops will not receive enough natural colors, therefore the quantity and quality of the crop will decrease.The ideal solution is the construction of a greenhouse on the site, which throughout the day receives a uniform amount of sunlight and natural light. It is best to give preference to the west-east direction, since in this case it is possible to maximize the use of natural light for the development of its own vegetable or berry crops.
And if several typical buildings are being erected at the same time, it is necessary to be very attentive and make sure that they do not obscure each other. A huge role in the process of creating an optimal microclimate is played by the direction of the wind, which must be taken into account before beginning construction. For example, if a polycarbonate greenhouse is located in a sunny but windy area, the indoor temperature will constantly decrease, which will result in the need to install additional heating systems, or this may lead to a complete deterioration of the crop.
That is why the part of the building that takes on more winds is best covered with a hedge or special reflective screens that provide reliable protection from cold winds.Recently, most summer residents prefer the screens, when they not only allow you to create a reliable barrier to protect against the wind, but also provide additional highlighting of the internal space. The fact is that such constructions perfectly reflect heat, due to which the maximum favorable climate is created in the room.
In the process of building protective devices it is also necessary to be very attentive in order not to harm the future plants in a random way. Remember that all such devices should provide protection from the wind and in no case do not obscure the interior of the room. That is why the hedge or artificial fence should be located at a certain distance that exceeds the triple height of the structure itself. In addition, the defenses are best done solid, as this may lead to the formation of turbulent air flow in the future.
The volume of the harvest depends on the amount of natural light that gets the greenhouse. This is especially important in winter when solar activity is minimal.If you are going to grow vegetables or berries in greenhouse conditions throughout the year, then it is best to orient the greenhouse structure to the south side, so that you do not have to spend too much money on a heating system or automatic artificial lighting. In addition, before starting construction, it is necessary to take into account the presence of large trees and buildings in the dacha area, because they can interfere with direct sunlight to enter the greenhouse.
On the modern market there is a huge amount of polycarbonate greenhouses, which are distinguished by their dimensions. The height and width of the product should be selected depending on the volume of landings and the size of the territory. If the suburban area can not boast of large dimensions, then a narrow and low greenhouse is suitable for such purposes. Garden options are usually not too large and are designed for a small amount of seedlings. In addition, you can purchase or order non-standard options, which can differ in almost any shape and size. Such products are mainly used by summer residents who grow products on a large scale.
Stamps and manufacturers
Carbonate greenhouse has long won the trust of consumers.On the modern market are many manufacturers. If you look at the rating, then the most popular today are domestic and Belarusian companies. Their products represent a unique value for money. Basically, they offer transparent polycarbonate, however, if desired, you can also find color options.
As for European brands, they are of high quality and reliability, but because of the high price, such varieties are not particularly profitable in domestic conditions. It is extremely undesirable to use Chinese polycarbonate, as it deteriorates quickly, it is small in thickness, so it often has to be replaced with a new one.
Among the most famous and sought after brands are the following.
- Polygal - Israeli company that offers products of excellent quality. A distinctive advantage of the manufacturer is a huge range of polycarbonate, which is available in almost any color. Models are able to cope with enormous loads and do not lose their characteristics even after a long time.
- "Poligal East" - analogue of the previous brand, which manufactures its products in Russia. Differs more affordable cost, and the quality at the same high level.
- Vizan - Chinese brand that boasts a huge color range and a thickness of polycarbonate from 2 to 10 mm.
Which is better?
In order for the greenhouse to fully fulfill its obligations, it is necessary to choose high-quality polycarbonate for its construction. The optimum thickness is 6-7 mm, since it is the one that shows the greatest efficiency in cold weather and is distinguished by impressive durability. If you choose options that are less thick, they will skip the cold, especially in the winter season.
In the process of buying polycarbonate for the construction of the greenhouse, it is necessary to clarify whether there are options with an innovative coating of condensate, which will not allow excessive accumulation of moisture on the surface. On the modern market there is a huge number of varieties, depending on the color solution of polycarbonate, however, transparent versions are considered the most effective and optimal.They provide reliable transmission of sunlight, which is extremely important for creating optimal greenhouse conditions.
In the process of choosing a frame for greenhouse structures or a greenhouse, it is best to give preference to steel strips and corners. A distinctive feature of this material is that it can resist corrosion, which is important enough to ensure the durability of the structure. If you use only high-quality and durable materials, then there is no doubt that the greenhouse can serve for about 20 years without problems. The frame copes with the load without any problems and does not sag under the pressure of snow, which favorably distinguishes it from plastic analogues that need to be changed almost every year.
If you want a polycarbonate greenhouse to serve as long as possible and delight you with a quality crop, then it is best to choose options that are distinguished by a large number of arcs located close to each other. The main advantage of this design is that it is able to withstand enormous loads and not bend over time.In the process of buying or building polycarbonate greenhouses, it is imperative to pay attention to the ventilation system. The fact is that if it is of poor quality and cannot cope with its tasks, then condensate will begin to collect inside the room, and excess moisture - the main cause of fungal diseases.
Experts advise as a ventilation system to use a couple of vents, which are located on different sides of the greenhouse. In addition, you can make several doors from opposite sides, so you can create a draft.
When choosing a greenhouse is important and its equipment. It is best to opt out of options that do not include seals. They are necessary in order to guarantee maximum tightness of the structure. The absence of such details suggests that the manufacturer decided to save, therefore the quality of such a structure is questionable. Without proper tightness, it will not be possible to create an optimal microclimate indoors, which is especially important for plant growth in the winter season.
Polycarbonate greenhouses make it possible to create a suitable level of humidity and temperature for high-quality plant growth. Despite the fact that cultures are in the most optimal conditions, they also need natural air. For this purpose, special ventilation ducts are made in greenhouses in order to provide plants with access to oxygen.
In the greenhouses installed automatic equipment that can be done in the home. The main advantage of modern greenhouses is that they can be built quite easily and quickly. The design as a result turns out strong and reliable. However, if you want the facility to fully perform the functions assigned to it, it is necessary to make small vents and windows for ventilation. They can be located in one part of the greenhouse, and along the entire length of the structure. The main function of such vents is to ensure constant air circulation.
This method of ventilation is manual, as it requires a person to bind and regular monitoring of weather conditions.If necessary, the system can be slightly improved and turned into a fully automatic one. Of course, it costs more, but it will no longer need to control the process independently.
Among the distinctive features and advantages of automation are the following.
- The automatic ventilation system can independently close and open the vents when it is needed.
- Window vents can independently rise to a certain height.
- To control the process does not need the presence of a person. You just need to set certain parameters, and the system will conduct the ventilation on its own.
- Depending on the variety of crops grown, a special microclimate can be created for each of them.
To build an autonomous ventilation system on your own is quite easy. To date, there are two types of it: electric and hydraulic. For the first option, you need to use a special thermal relay and fan. The advantage of the thermal relay is that it allows you to set a specific temperature in the room. If it is higher or lower, the ventilation system begins to work in automatic mode.The main disadvantage is the high cost of such a system, so it is used very rarely.
For hydraulic ventilation also requires special levers and fragments, as well as a hose. Already by the name of the system it can be understood that a liquid takes part in its work. If the room is too warm, the liquid expands and the equipment starts airing. Such a system cannot boast the same efficiency as an electric one, however its cost is much lower.
In the modern market you can also find bimetallic variants, which include two plates. A distinctive feature of such a system is that each plate is characterized by its particular expansion under the influence of heat. At first, one of them heats up and pushes the second, after which the vents open. The system is quite simple to install and boasts durability, but in the process of its selection should pay attention to the size of the vents.
Among the distinctive advantages of such a system in polycarbonate greenhouses are such.
- The ability to control temperature.The peculiarity of the greenhouse is that the greenhouse effect is regularly observed here, so it is extremely important to constantly maintain the set temperature. It can rise very quickly, especially if the sun's rays fall on the surface.
- Air exchange Plants can not grow and develop without the presence of carbon dioxide. That is why it is important to conduct airing, to thereby ensure the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air. This is especially important if the greenhouse is year-round.
- Airing makes it possible to get rid of pests, as well as guarantee natural pollination for crops.
- The ventilation system makes it possible to control the level of soil moisture and air in the greenhouse.
In order for a summer resident to get a high-quality and abundant harvest, it is necessary to correctly and effectively install a lighting system. The most important point is considered the right combination of artificial and natural light. Only in this case, you can get the desired result and achieve high yields. Of course, the amount of natural light in winter is less than in summer, so when installing a greenhouse, this fact should be taken into account.Every little thing should be thought out so that the plants receive the maximum amount of light.
The greenhouse cover material is extremely important in order to ensure an adequate level of light penetration. Most gardeners prefer plastic wrap, which can boast an affordable price, however, this material has many other disadvantages. Such coverage is difficult to provide the proper level of care. In addition, the film of polypropylene quickly loses its transparency, so it has to be replaced every season.
As for the glass, then this option well passes the sun's rays, but can not boast of strength and durability. In addition, it quickly gets dirty, and dirty glass will not let in light, as a result of which it is necessary to constantly carry out cleaning work. The cost of the material is high, so not every summer resident can afford to install it, and for small greenhouses it is generally not profitable.
Thus, to provide illumination, polycarbonate is the most optimal and effective solution.The main advantage is that it fully meets the requirements and boasts its own unique characteristics. Modern varieties of this material can boast the ability to transmit 90% of the light. In addition, the material is extremely easy to use and does not lose its properties over time. In the selection process, it is best to give preference to white material.
It is no secret that light waves have a direct impact on the quantity and quality of fruits, so this factor should be given close attention. Experts advise the use of lamps of at least two different types, so you can ensure a more harmonious development of plants. In the process of choosing a lamp is to take into account the properties of light energy, which is obtained from the lamp. A distinctive feature of an ordinary lamp is that it simply illuminates and gives no additional effect. That is why it is better not to use them in polycarbonate greenhouses, since there is no benefit from this.
It should be noted that the installation of lighting in the greenhouse has certain nuances.It is necessary to take into account the fact that they always have a humid microclimate, which means that the insulation of electrical wiring should be under attention. The ideal solution is to place the wires in special boxes, which will ensure their reliable protection from getting wet in the process of irrigation.
How to care?
Polycarbonate is a unique and modern material that boasts its strength characteristics. It is not as fragile as glass, and is characterized by simpler care. There is no need to put in too much effort or invest in this process. However, without ordinary care, even the most reliable and durable structures eventually become useless.
If the greenhouse is built on the glory of all the rules, in the summer you will not have to take care of it at all. In extreme cases, it will sometimes be necessary to wipe out individual elements in order to improve the light permeability.
Most of the work associated with the care of the greenhouse, begins in October, after harvest. It is at this point that it is worth carrying out a general cleaning, which should be done at least once a year.
The maintenance of such a structure can be divided into such component parts.
- Disposal of vegetable garbage. It is also necessary to remove from the greenhouse all the plants that remained there. After that, it will be necessary to clean the plant residues and burn them.
- Soil treatment - an extremely important process on which the quality of the future crop depends. It is best to treat the soil with antibacterial agents.
- The use of fertilizers. To improve the properties of the soil, it is extremely effective to use siderats, and before sowing itself, humus, compost and other complex mineral fertilizers can be used.
- Disinfection. Immediately after harvesting, all elements of the polycarbonate greenhouse should be cleaned of dirt. It is most convenient to use dishwashing substances for this procedure. It is better to refuse abrasive cleaners that can scratch the surface of polycarbonate.
Successful examples and options
Excellent sloping greenhouse, which will be the ideal solution for low plants. The gable version of a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, suitable for high crops. Ideal for placing greenhouses in an open area.Nothing obscures the structure, due to which it will receive maximum sunlight. Option with an extension to the house. The ideal solution for the winter, since the problems with the heating system disappear. Polycarbonate greenhouses are unique designs that allow owners to plant almost any crop year-round. If you carefully follow the advice on care, then such a structure will be able to serve for many years and perform all the functions assigned to it.
How to make a greenhouse from polycarbonate, see the following video.