Bamboo shutters

Nowadays, many people install sunblinds on the windows for sun protection. Their range on the modern market is extremely diverse, in the creation of curtains used a variety of materials. For those who, in conditions of general pollution of the environment, are trying to surround themselves and their families with natural materials safe for health, manufacturers offer bamboo blinds as a substitute for plastics and synthetic fabrics.
Features and benefits
Bamboo is popular in interior design, primarily because of its naturalness, high strength and attractive appearance. Due to its rapid growth, bamboo is considered to be a fast-growing natural resource.Given this, bamboo does not absorb harmful substances from the external environment, unlike other trees. This makes it absolutely safe eco-material.
Bamboo blinds are distinguished by many unique qualities:
- hypoallergenic;
- do not fade in the sun;
- completely eco-friendly;
- strong;
- have antimicrobial properties, which is very important in the design of a children's room and for people with allergies;
- moisture resistant, which favorably distinguishes them from wood and allows you to install even in the bathroom and rooms with high humidity;
- thanks to special coatings resistant to rotting;
- lungs, can be fastened even on drywall;
- easy to clean;
- create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness in the room;
- pass air;
- they delay ultraviolet radiation;
- their special treatment prevents dust from settling.
With all these advantages, this product is quite expensive and can be attributed to the elite, but this does not make it less popular.
Varieties of models and designs
There are several types of bamboo blinds, they differ in features of appearance and specificity of the mechanism.
The main structure consists of narrow strips (lamellae), which are attached to a special frame in parallel and fastened with a strong thread, jute or fishing line, passed through holes in the slats. A plumb line is added to the canvas, which keeps its shape even. Then, a special protective coating is applied to the surface of the slats, which significantly extends the service life of the product and provides it with an attractive appearance.
Most of the work in the manufacture of blinds is done manually. There are different ways to produce bamboo slats:
- large adult trunks cut across, setting the required length;
- young shoots are cut lengthwise and excreted to the desired width;
- also use carpet weave very thin stalks, getting a semblance of woven cloth.
Thus, the designs are made with horizontal and vertical plates, as well as woven cloth - roller blinds (roleta, at which the opening is twisted into a roll) and Roman (are going to folds).
The most common variant of the location of the slats - horizontal. This type of curtains allows for maximum dimming.To fill the room with light, the canvas assemblies lift up, so it takes up the minimum amount of space.
Curtains with horizontal plates can be installed separately on each sash or one on the whole window, between the panes or inside the window opening.
Vertically located lamels possess simpler management, their rope mechanism is resistant to gusts of wind and other possible deformations. If necessary, the plates can move in different directions or from one edge to the other, turn around the axis.
Vertical blinds are the perfect choice for office space.
Rolled bamboo curtains of woven linen well suited for decoration of any interiors.
Light bamboo curtains are very popular - they simultaneously shade the sunlight and at the same time allow you to enjoy the view of the street. This technology produces fashionable blinds-pleated, where when you open the blinds, the canvas is wound up on a horizontal shaft.
The installation of the canvas can be done both on the window sashes and on the wall or ceiling. Rolettes completely harmoniously replace tulle, combine well with classic curtains made of natural cotton, flax or silk.
The density of the light transmittance of curtains is regulated by the method of weaving, color options and the width of the slats, which may be different and the same. The darker the color of the blinds, the less they let the sun's rays into the room. Light panels do not shade the indoor space so much.
The range of colors and shades is huge, although most often the preference is given to natural sand-brown restrained tones. In addition, bright models are painted with chemical compounds that may adversely affect the safety of the product surface with further use.
In the manufacture of lamella covers special varnishes and stains that protect them from damage and dust. Moreover, these compounds almost always have a completely natural composition.
What to look for when choosing?
When choosing bamboo blinds, it is very important to pay attention to the quality of the opening / closing mechanism, which primarily affects the durability of the product.
Including when buying should take into account such criteria as the frequency of weaving, since the main purpose of the curtains is to protect from the sun's rays.The tighter the bamboo sticks will be intertwined, the stronger the blackout will be.
You should also decide in advance the choice of fasteners: the curtain will be mounted above the window itself or to the ceiling. It is also necessary to clarify with the seller the presence in the assembly of fasteners, because they are not in all sets.
Correct window metering for installation
Before purchasing, it is necessary to make a thorough measurement from all sides, since not all windows have a standard form. When placing the curtains inside the window, the width of the structure is chosen a little bit by the opening. If the canvas is attached to the wall or ceiling, then the width, on the contrary, choose a large one. The size of the bracket on which the blinds are hung is also measured. The design of the Roman curtains assembled is much smaller than the roll.
How to hang?
When installing, the curtain must be hung at such a height that the doors can freely open / close.
With the help of the level, the markup for the installation is made; By marking the bracket is attached, then set the guide.On the brackets is put on the bar with the hanging canvas. With the help of the ropes of the control structure, the blind is unrolled. After that, the lifting and lowering mechanism is checked.
Most models have universal brackets that can be fixed both to the window opening and to the ceiling using self-tapping screws.
Installation on plastic windows is also possible with the use of double-sided tape, but at the same time reliability of fastening decreases, which can lead to breakage in the future.
In order to install them on a PVC frame, you can purchase special overlapping fasteners, in which you do not need to drill holes. Many manufacturers, in addition to the varieties of such mounts, offer to use mounted lambrequins to hide the curtain roll with their help.
In any case, you should follow the rules specified in the installation instructions attached to the product by the manufacturer.
Product care
Caring for bamboo blinds is very simple - it is enough if necessary to clean them with a slightly damp sponge or a washing vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. Bamboo may warp or crack due to excessive moisture.Household chemicals, all kinds of solvents with aggressive chemical components are not recommended to be used in order not to damage the surface.
In horizontal structures sometimes there is a need to replace the cord, which is subject to wear during operation. For this, the curtain is removed from the window, its parameters are measured. The old rope must be pulled out and threaded a new one instead. First, on the lifting mechanism between the shaft and the cylinder, then from the bottom the end is pulled through the basket near the ladder and at the same time between the plates into the area of the cornice. The rope is stretched, goes into the hole of the eaves, is fixed by a knot.
In vertical canvases, the rough edges of the slats can cling to clothing. From this can break the thread, which is easy to eliminate. Most of the models are assembled on a thin wire and a rope placed in the middle of the plate. You need to insert the rope back into the hole, if desired, secure with adhesive.
These products need careful handling, since repairing a serious breakdown is comparable to the cost of a new product. If all the rules are followed, they will please their owner for a long time.
Place in the interior
Most often, a similar variation of the design of windows can be seen among fans of eco-style.
But you should pay attention that natural bamboo blinds are easily and harmoniously used in the design of a wide variety of styles, creating a unique cozy atmosphere.
Modern production uses more than 200 types of bamboo, various processing technologies allow you to choose the right color range from trendy bright colors to restrained natural shades.
These curtains go well with wooden and wicker furniture, while the color of the curtains should be chosen the same shade or slightly lighter. In this case, it is permissible that the curtains were 2-3 shades lighter.
Very naturally, they will look in the following combinations:
- in the presence of a room with furniture with a natural structure and calico covers, it will emphasize the rustic style of Country;
- with a window frame in the kitchen of ebony;
- with other elements of eco-style - large or located near the window;
- on balconies and verandas filled with green live plants or rooms with a similar design;
- in the presence of oriental jewelry and souvenirs, for example, a large Chinese vase, porcelain,Japanese fan on the wall;
- together with long fabric curtains;
- with sea style in blue tones;
- with the official atmosphere of office space.
Separately, I would like to note that bamboo curtains are an ideal option for a nursery due to its naturalness and beneficial properties. In this case, in addition to the window curtain, bamboo cloth can be used as a background for children's drawings and paintings.
All this favorably emphasizes the impeccable taste of the owner.
Despite the relatively high cost, due to the complex process of processing and manufacturing, the purchase of bamboo curtains is a great way to update and decorate your home, to embody the wildest fantasies in your home, using notes of oriental calm and harmony.
Variants of bamboo curtains in the interior, see below.