Blinds at the door

In the modern interior are increasingly used blinds on the door. The similar option of a decor gives to the room lightness, increases its space. This piece of furniture is in harmony with modern and classic design.
Special features
Doors-shutters are not so often found in the interior, but this does not prevent them from becoming an excellent option for the design of the door opening. If we talk about the design features, we can note the following characteristics:
- This option is not able to completely replace the door. Blinds only serve as partitions, so not all functions are available to them;
- to make the door louvers more similar in function to the doors, you can combine them with a simple canvas of a lighter structure.Many people dilute the design with glass inserts;
- furniture louvered doors have a type of frame in which horizontal type blinds are installed. They look original in the interior;
- different materials are possible, which allows the use of partitions in any interior.
Advantages and disadvantages
The use of door louvers implies the following advantages:
- A new solution in the interior. These designs belong to the category of new products that are not found in every home;
- use of blinds closes the room from prying eyes;
- the design controls the luminous flux. You can close your bedroom if the household is awake and the lights in the house are on;
- using the decoration of panoramic doors with woven horizontal slats, you can close the room from the curious glances of passersby;
- Blinds help in zoning rooms.
In addition to the positive qualities, blinds on the doorways have some drawbacks:
- poor sound insulation;
- the fragility of the structure;
- difficult care;
- Only solid metal shutters, which have a high cost, can protect your room.
There are several types of blinds that can be placed in the doorway:
- horizontal. Sliding design is often used as a replacement for sanitary doors and roller shutters;
- vertical. Such blinds can be made of fabric, plastic. This design refers to the most popular type, which is used instead of the door;
- harmonic. These are folding curtains that look like pleated blinds. If necessary, the product folds into a miniature harmonica;
- string This design is a decorative blinds, composed of threads with inserts. They perfectly let in light and are suitable for decoration.
- anti-vandal blinds help in protection against hacking, have a decorative function, control the flow of air and light.
Door blinds are made of various materials. Depending on your capabilities, preferences and goals, you can choose the most suitable option. On sale you can find the following products:
- aluminum. Such designs are able to darken the room due to the use of perforated aluminum lamella.Products are characterized by a long, almost eternal service life, increased level of rigidity. They can be used together with partitions that are complex in their shape, as well as indoors where there is a high level of humidity.
It is enough to follow the aluminum blinds, caring with a simple soap solution and a cloth;
- Plastic structures are made of opaque slats, which completely obscure the room. This type of products also has high rigidity, is not afraid of temperature changes, can be installed in rooms with a high level of humidity.
Door blinds made of plastic - it is an easy care and a wide choice of colors;
- wooden curtains for doors are an environmentally friendly piece of furniture. They are made from natural materials, allow you to create a luxurious and elegant interior. Glass inserts in the blinds help in giving the original look;
- iron structures for doors are considered the most common way to protect from the street. Metal blinds neat look, help to find the facade of individuality.Such products are made from a special material that is resistant to corrosion and is able to withstand any weather.
Increased strength and surface treatment with a special compound prevents rust;
- Silicone curtains are valued for their unique ability, which is to maintain the temperature. Due to the dense structure, low thermal conductivity and a decent mass of such blinds are the best option for car washes, workshops, hangars and industrial premises.
Door louvers have the dimensions of standard interior doors. If you carry out the order of blinds, carefully calculate the desired size. There are two options for mounting the structure: in the opening and in the opening. The first method provides for the width of the window with an increase of 3 centimeters from each edge. If you do not plan to install blinds close to the wall, add 15-25 cm.
It is possible to order door blinds according to the parameters of your doorway. Often, the variants of such structures include standard vertical or horizontal curtains, which are mounted along the entire height of the opening.
Color solutions
If your room is decorated in a restrained and minimalist design, pay attention to monochrome products. Blinds of white color, cream, beige, powdery, pistachio, pink and blue will be actual. For a modern interior fit brighter shades.
If you want to revive the decor of the room, choose the door blinds with a color pattern on the canvas of the same color. Two-color products will look attractive as well as classic versions.
Not bad combines peach color with white, shades of brown with apricot, green, blue and lemon. For the children's room and the room where young people live, a multi-colored version with a photo drawing will suit.
How to pick up?
If you plan to install blinds instead of a door, pay special attention to the design and location of the structure in relation to other interior items. Many people choose interior doors that are suitable for rooms that do not need permanent isolation. As a rule, the living room acts as such a room. Look for a similar option if your home has a kitchen combined with a dining room.
You can install blinds on the balcony door with a window. With this trick you can beat the transition from the room to the balcony. Raising the partition, you will increase the space and open an additional area in the room.
Many install door curtains in the pantry and in the dressing room. This option is popular because the products contribute to good ventilation, not allowing the time to spoil the food ahead of time. The use of curtains for wardrobe allows you to divide the room and fulfill the dream of many women about a personal room for storing clothes.
Blinds can be used as an extra boost. This option is installed on the front door and can often be found in stores. To install blinds in the toilet and bathroom, pay attention to the material that is resistant to high humidity.
When choosing blinds, pay attention to the interior of the room, its color scheme and the acceptability of materials.
Manufacturers Overview
Among the manufacturers of door blinds widespread company "Jalousie. RF ", which has been operating in the market for over 14 years.The brand is popular among consumers, as the manufacture of blinds is carried out on personal production facilities. Strict quality control ensures durability and compliance with established standards for each product.
«Rollet Market produces comfortable structures for the premises. The manufacturer offers products for any type of building. Blinds for doors, mechanisms for garages, arbors and summer houses are available to buyers. There are mechanical and automatic designs.
"Levin-Group" has been producing blinds since 1998. Products manufactured by this company are of high quality, wide range. Also worth noting the trademark "Stroy-Life", which is engaged in the release of vertical, horizontal, automatic, protective and other types of blinds. The manufacturer has shown itself as a reliable company that produces quality products.
How to install?
The installation of the louver may vary depending on the type of construction. For example, an accordion is relevant for a large wardrobe, dressing room, or can be installed in doorways. To ensure the opening and folding mechanism, you should consider some of the subtleties:
- choose narrow canvases of light weight. Pay attention to the options, the width of which does not exceed 30 cm, and the thickness is not more than 4 cm. The height can be any;
- door connection provided with hinges;
- the structure is attached to the wall or ceiling, on which there is an aluminum guide;
- make sure that the rollers move along the guide without difficulty. It is best to choose products from ceramic and polymer mixture. Such mechanism differs in long service life, low noise level when using;
- The installation itself consists in the sequential assembly of all components.
How to install blinds on the door, see the following video.
Despite the fact that the products are considered a novelty, many people have already been able to appreciate the convenience and quality of the design. Most users note the comfort of using door blinds. Buyers report that curtains can act as a space divider, which is convenient in one-bedroom apartments.
Lovers of reading before bed found convenience in door blinds.The designs help to protect other households from electric light, thereby protecting their peace. Not bad such partitions hide the space of the room from prying eyes. Also, blinds can help out in the event that guests have descended on you. You will be able to quickly delineate the space, and in the folded state, this design takes up minimal space.
Another category of customers reports that the blinds fit perfectly into the warehouse, providing air circulation. The room is never stuffy, which ensures long-term storage of food, eliminating unpleasant odors.
Some people use door curtains as a decorative element. A wide range and original design allows you to make any fantasy a reality and surprise guests.
Examples in the interior
Most apartment owners choose vertical blinds for the doorway. Such lamellae freely hang down and do not block the transition from one room to another. With this method, you can make a zoning of the space without weighting the interior. For such purposes, use lightweight models.Also help in solving this issue "accordion".
You can arrange the interior of the bathroom with blinds. They replaced the frosted glass, which for a long time was considered quite an optimal solution. Since there is high humidity in this room, temperature drops and other factors, not every material is able to withstand such loads. Vertical and horizontal blinds are made from raw materials, which perfectly copes with the described conditions.
Horizontal partitions made of wood look great in a pair with glass. This solution adds zest to the interior of the room and helps to make the image of the room complete. Bright and multi-colored blinds will be indispensable in the nursery.